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Posted: Sat, 13/11/2021 12:56 (3 Years ago)
The Noibat looked shocked, as the beedrill started to surround all of them.

“Eek!! I really am sorry!”

They noticed one of the Beedrill was holding their drill up, delaying the attack on the group
could this be the leader of the swarm?

“Hey! Y-You want to fight this out on one instead..?”

That was what most Pokémon did right? After all, Ruby wanted to attack them as well. Perhaps Dust could just save them again?

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Posted: Sat, 13/11/2021 12:40 (3 Years ago)

eep! I-I really didn't mean to! We'll be quiet from now on! Forever! Never disturb your peace again! Ever!”

While the Noibat tried to keep their tough and friendly appearance, they couldn't help but visibly shake at the sight of the beedrill Infront of her, scared they might attack her. They didn't look too happy with her, after all.

“S-So we'll just be on our way and not cross paths again!”

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Posted: Sat, 13/11/2021 09:03 (3 Years ago)

“H-Hey guys..? I think there's more Pokémon that want to see us now...”

She held her wings together, shaking slightly at the sound of all the buzzing alone. The buzz was everywhere, this swarm was huge! Gigantic, even! She noticed the stingers lurking in the darkness, like sharp swords pointed towards the group from all around.

“I-I'm really sorry for making so much noise everyone! W-We'll be quiet and on our way!”

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Posted: Fri, 12/11/2021 17:03 (3 Years ago)


They.. yet again yelled out. If you studied noibat, you might know that their ears work a lot like speakers; they strengthen the Noibat's screeches, so the others were more than right to be annoyed by the sound. The Noibat, who hadn't studied anything at all, did not yet know of this fact.
They were kind of scared of Beedrills. While fuzzy, she remembered a memory of being attacked by one, with their sharp drill hands.. the thought of it made her shake.

“A-Ah! Sorry for that.. but I'm sure it's fine to have a little fun! We can be careful and still have fun, right?”

They looked over to the Cubone for confirmation, only to find them curled up. She noticed how the small creature was clenching their eyes shut, hard.
This changed her expression, realising that her carefulness might actually bring them into trouble now.

“I-It's alright! I promised you that you wouldn't be in trouble, remember?”

They tried to smile at the Cubone, but it was a lot more shaky and nervous than usual.

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Posted: Fri, 12/11/2021 16:02 (3 Years ago)

“I'm sure it's fine, Dust didn't want it after all. I promise you won't get in trouble!”

Without hesitation, or any idea of what personal space is, she put the crown on top of the skull.

“It looks good on you! Hey Dust, check it out!!

The Noibat yelled out to Dust, interrupting their peace. While bat always did have good intentions, she can definitely be a bit obnoxious to everyone around her.

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Posted: Fri, 12/11/2021 15:19 (3 Years ago)

“Alright, if you say so!”

As they all walked on, the Noibat would often offer to help the Cubone get back up. Honestly, her own legs were tiring as well. Being so tiny, and walking for a while would often get her leg hurting. She was turned into a Pokémon, she wasn't even a human anymore! So why in the world did her leg still hurt?!

She let out a sigh, it's not like she could do anything about it. Maybe once they learned how to fly..
They looked at their wings. Right, the crown! They looked over at the skull on the dino, and got an idea.

“Hey! Do you maybe want to try on this crown instead of that skull?”

Yet again, The bat's voice remained as loud and full of energy as ever.

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Posted: Fri, 12/11/2021 14:21 (3 Years ago)

“I see.. Well, I can't wait to meet him!”

In reality the Noibat had no clue what a Toarkoal was. But if he could help them, that'd be great!
She looked over to the side, noticing the creature wearing a skull was constantly falling over.

They quickly walked over to the creature, feeling a bit bad for them. It wasn't like they could carry the creature in their arms either, however.

“Are you doing alright?”

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Posted: Thu, 11/11/2021 14:21 (3 Years ago)
Looking at Dust, they noticed something peculiar. They were flying. Without wings, even.
The bat, with wings, was walking on the forest ground. They were rather slow on these tiny legs, and they knew that flying would be a lot faster but.. if only they knew how to.

Looking at the others, she couldn't help but wonder why they were all brought here. None of them, except for Dust and Ruby had seemed to be familiar with any of this after all, and Ruby did mention they were all humans. But what for were they Pokémon now?

Pokémon.. the word seemed so familiar. She looked over at the tabby dog.
The sassy girl.. wasn't that an Eevee? Eevee.. that did sound familiar. But what were they? Bat.. bat.. zoobat? They couldn't seem to remember.

“Who is this elder anyway? And how would they know why we're here? They don't even know who we are..”

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 21:38 (3 Years ago)
As the bat wanted to crown the rock Infront of them, they noticed the disgusted glance that Dust gave upon seeing the crown.

“A-Actually, I'll just.. hold on to this instead, haha.”

The noibat felt a bit embarrassed, but quickly shook it off. This wasn't the time for that, they couldn't have known that Dust didn't like it. Right now, they did need to get out of the forest.

“Right! Take us to your older people! Who is this Ruby anyway? How did you know she was trying to hurt us?”

While the creature had a lot more questions, such as like how the rock was flying, while a bat with wings could not, they kept those questions to themselves. She did however shoot a glance at the dinosaur and the dog. They didn't trust Ruby, and they were right to do so in the end. Did they want to trust Dust and go to whoever these.. olders are

“Do you guys wanna follow Dust as well? She did save us, after all!”

The noibat reassured them. She trusted Dust. But she trusts everyone who does something nice, so that doesn't say much.

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 19:15 (3 Years ago)
The noibat gave a slight laugh at the eevee's comment, trying to hide it. While they honestly wanted to trust the zoroark too, she turned out to not be helpful at all. Maybe the tabby dog was right to doubt this creature as well after all.

Despite this however, holding the crown, the bat went over to Dust.

“It's nice to meet you Dust! Thank you for saving us back there, I believe you dropped this!”

They held up the crown towards dust, with a smile on their face. While she heard the part about not wanting to be a princess, it still belonged to Dust after all, and the noibat wanted to return it to it's rightful owner.

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Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 21:53 (3 Years ago)
As the Noibat was about to grab the crown, the smokescreen came in, making the noibat cough. They couldn't see anything. Although they tried to reach for the crown in the thick smoke, they weren't able to grab anything. Coughing, the noibat decided to remain in place.
While the thick smell of fog made their head spin, they tried their best to resist the urge to fall over.

Once the fog had cleared up, they slowly looked around again. Ruby was gone!!

“Hey, we're not done yet Ruby person!!”
The noibat yelled out, with no avail. Ruby seemed to have dissapeared within the smoke.

She let out a sigh, looking to the ground. Right, the crown! Seemed it was still nice and intact. The Noibat tried to pick it up with one wing. that... Didn't really work. Using the other wing to assist and pick it up, she felt at ease holding the crown in her wings. It really was pretty, even up close.

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Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 20:43 (3 Years ago)


She looked at the rock bunny. Seeing how the dark creature, seemingly called Ruby, had responded, the noibat assumed that maybe this Ruby was from around here after all. They knew of this majesty after all.

Hearing the crown drop on the ground immediately gained their attention, their ears facing toward it. It's shiny. It was really pretty as well, shining in the sunlight. If the two ended up fighting and the crown would break..

The noibat figured the rock would eventually need it back after all, so they slowly tried to make their way over to the crown.

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Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 20:14 (3 Years ago)
The Noibat took a step back in surprise, seeing what the shadowy figure was doing. This was exactly what they had hoped to prevent! What even was that.. was that magic?
The noibat didn't stare for too long, as they immediately covered their eyes with their wings in attempt to defend themselves. Was this how quickly the journey would end? But.. this can't be it!!

“S-Stop!! You don't have to-!!”

Their worries were soon interrupted by a loud sound. They carefully let one of their wings down, looking at what happened, only to see someone else.. a bunny? No, was that a talking rock?!

Why did the rock want to protect them..?

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Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 17:31 (3 Years ago)
The Noibat's ears pricked up. There was something in the distance. They couldn't quite recognise what it was, or what it is, but it felt almost as if they could see with their ears. As strange as it was to her, it wouldn't be strange for any normal noibat that. Wasn't a human before.

They scrambled up from the ground back onto their tiny legs, which was surprisingly hard to do with fragile bat arms. Flying was going to take a lot more practice, but so was getting used to this body in the first place.
What the others had said made a lot of sense to her as well, however. how did the zoroark know? Listening to the tabby next to her made her realize something else, however.

“If you knew we were humans, that might mean you know why we are poke..thingies now, considering you seem to know more about this..”

The noibat tried to keep the situation calm. While they doubted what the zoroark was saying as well, They figured this meant the creature would know more about what happened as well because of how much they knew.

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Posted: Sun, 07/11/2021 21:51 (3 Years ago)
The noibat was startled at the scream they let out, but covering their ears to lessen the sound they noticed what was happening.
Their ears were not there. Instead, it felt like two huge tires were stuck on top of their head.
Nevermind that however,

“W-W-WHERE ARE MY HANDS??” not a question they ever expected to ask. Instead of hands, with five fingers, only two remained. in fact, not even her hand remained. The only two things that remained were two tiny claws, at the top of two..

The noibat turned around, looking at their body. Wings? Did they have wings?
The noibat was immediately distracted by this.

“I CAN FLY!?” They were overjoyed, as they spread their wings out, flailed them up and down, and let herself fall face-first into the ground. Great flying.

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Posted: Sun, 07/11/2021 21:36 (3 Years ago)
The noibat took one more look around. Wherever this was, this forest was beautiful. The rich blue sky, and the blooming green leaves just made you calm by looking at it. Their moment of peace however was soon interrupted by everyone bickering.

“Well, I'm not from here at least! Have never seen a forest this beautiful befo-”
They stopped. What did the creature just say?

“T-Turned into Pokémon..?” they laughed awkwardly, tilting their head.

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Posted: Sun, 07/11/2021 21:09 (3 Years ago)

“Oh!! Yes, hello, we were wondering where that loud sound just now came from..”
the noibat promptly replied.

This, of course, was not what the HUGE, Shadowy, and honestly kind of scary-looking creature Infront of her had meant. They, despite everything that had happened, had still not realized that they were a noibat now.

After all, the pain in her leg remained, and sure, the winter coat had gained a bit more fluff, But they assumed they were still human in this dream.

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Posted: Sun, 07/11/2021 19:13 (3 Years ago)
The Noibat was surprised by the reaction of the fox-like creature Infront of them, but even moreso by the dinosaur like creature. Both seemed scared, she knew that for sure.

“H-Hey, look, I'm sure we can figure something out! Let's just... take it eas-" the noibat was soon interrupted by a loud thud from behind her as she instinctively turned around, into a guarding pose.

"W-What was that?!"

Even though they hadn't yet solved the situations with the creatures behind her first, they slowly approached the place where the noise had came from. After all, it could have been anything.

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Posted: Sun, 07/11/2021 17:19 (3 Years ago)
Suddenly, the Noibat began to stretch. Or, well, as best they could. Their tiny legs and arms didn't really move or reach that much.

Suddenly, the Noibat jolted up and jumped onto their legs, looking around. Seems she wasn't the only one doing so.. Noticing the awkward silence happening, the Noibat did a small wave at the other two creatures, they looked as if they'd seen a ghost.

"Are.. you guys alright?"

Sure, the strange creatures infront of the tiny bat would shock any reasonable person, but the Noibat had just assumed this was another dream they'd been having. She had been having strange dreams as of late, after all.

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Posted: Sun, 07/11/2021 11:59 (3 Years ago)
Within the group there was a Noibat, Who seemingly began to open their eyes. There was a blue sky staring back at them, with rays of sunlight trying to break through the leaves of the trees surrounding her.

The Noibat began to smile, before they immediately closed their eyes yet again to bask in the sun. It was a very nice day after all. Hearing the trees rustle, blown away by a light breeze brought her at ease.

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