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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 18/09/2014 15:37 (10 Years ago)
Literacy// Semi-lit. I would love to be literate, but I'm not quite there yet :)
Length and Style// I find it very hard to go under 2 paragraphs. I like to spend timing imagining and writing out my responses, which means I usually only answer once a day. But quality over quantity, eh? I write in 3rd person, past tense, and I prefer my partner to do the same. But it's not a requirement. English is not my main language, so I may have some grammar mistakes. But it shouldn't be too much of a problem :) Don't be fooled by my excessive use of smileys! I'm like a reverse mullet. Party up front, but business in the back!
Sample writing:
Andromache, the Centaur Warrior.
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The best part of battle, Andromache mused, was not the victory. The taste of victory was sweet yes, but it was the silence during the battle that left her almost ecstatic. It would always come after a storm of sensory impressions. The thundering of her hooves as she charges. Muscles burning beneath her skin. The taste of blood in her mouth. Metallic. Red. Someone’s screaming. Her throat burns. Is she screaming? She must be screaming. Her head is pounding. Light-headed. The adrenaline kicks in. The eyes in the holes of helmet are nearing. The shield comes up. Too weak. Her mouth lifts into a grin. Her back-hooves find steady ground. Her front legs leave the ground. She leaps.

Zing. Zing. The silence is white. It’s deafening. It drowns out everything except her heart. Thud. Thud. It’s been beating rapidly in anticipation, but it’s so slow. It’s almost still. Nothing moves except her hair in the wind. The bones bang against her face, her back. It’s thundering. It’s glorifying. It’s amazing. Her blades are suddenly in her hands, the motion fluid, flowing, it’s a river. It’s steel, a small voice disagrees, it’s water, another joins, it’s red, the first voice is back, not yet, the new voice is low, it’s dark and sinister and should be frightening. But it’s not. It’s a dear friend.

She stretches out her front legs, watch them hammer into the shield of the enemy. Protect your legs, a voice with a face faded long ago advises, never let your enemy get to your legs, the voice brings back smells, sounds of a time long ago. But her legs are strong. They’re dark and veined and dependable. They’re long and slender and right now they’re pushing the shield back, they’re slamming into the human, except it’s slow, slow as the widening of his eyes, of his sword being raised. Her swords are quick. They’re water. They’re a river flowing strong. They’re red. They are laughing with voices like eagles.

The swords are dripping. That’s the first thing she hears. Around her the field is strewn with bodies. Armor-clad, some facing downwards, some on their back. She reaches down, wipes off her swords on the grass before putting them away. She grabs a smaller knife in her belt. Bends down and grabs the hand of the nearest enemy. He’s already missing a finger. She takes another, turns around and follows the trail left behind her. The air is sweet like after a storm. Filled with the smell of victory. It's a smell that leaves a metallic taste in your mouth long after the battle is over and the ache in your bones have dulled. As the sun dips over the hills Andromache dons her new necklace, and watches as the last rays reflects back from the silver-clad figure lying in front of her. Today's been a good day.

Interests/Genre// I'm definitely up for a Pokemon-based roleplay! Be it trainer-focused or pokemon-focused I can do it! Other genres I'm interested in are fantasy, adventure and fandom-based. I prefer roleplaying OCs over canon characters! As for fantasy I'm all for that dark, gloomy vibe. Think the middle ages with a slice of magic and otherworldly beasts. Scifi and apocalyptic worlds are good too!
Maturity and Romance// I can do mature roleplays. I'm not much for gore, but I can write it. I'm not comfortable writing real mature romance >.< . As for romance, I'd rather play a female character, but I don't care if the pairing is MxF or FxF. Either one works for me. I'd prefer, however, that the roleplay didn't completely revolve around the romance, but it'd be more of a sub-plot. Pure romance is a little bit boring for me :)
Contact// PM. I prefer to roleplay in a private forum, but for planning PM's the best!

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Posted: Thu, 18/09/2014 09:40 (10 Years ago)
Hello :) Just introducing myself I guess. Have fun everybody!

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