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Posted: Fri, 15/12/2023 23:52 (1 Year ago)

Title: M & G


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Posted: Fri, 15/12/2023 11:43 (1 Year ago)


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Posted: Sun, 10/12/2023 22:18 (1 Year ago)

Title: Paldea Dex (Ndex 906 - ) Gen IX

#0906. Sprigatito

#0907. Floragato

#0908. Meowscarada

#0909. Fuecoco

#0910. Crocalor

#0911. Skeledirge

#0912. Quaxly

#0913. Quaxwell

#0914. Quaquaval

#0915. Lechonk

#0916. Oinkologne

#0917. ???

#0918. ???

#0919. ???

#0920. ???

#0921. Pawmi

#0922. Pawmo

#0923. Pawmot

#0924. Tandemaus

#0925. Maushold (Three)

#0925. Maushold (Four)

#0926. Fidough

#0927. Daschbun

#0928. ???

#0929. ???

#0930. ???

#0931. ???

#0932. ???

#0933. ???

#0934. ???

#0935. ???

#0936. ???

#0937. ???

#0938. ???

#0939. ???

#0940. ???

#0941. ???

#0942. Maschiff

#0943. Mabosstiff

#0944. ???

#0945. ???

#0946. ???

#0947. ???

#0948. ???

#0949. ???

#0950. ???

#0951. ???

#0952. ???

#0953. ???

#0954. ???

#0955. ???

#0956. ???

#0957. ???

#0958. ???

#0959. ???

#0960. ???

#0961. ???

#0962. Bombirdier

#0963. ???

#0964. ???

#0965. ???

#0966. ???

#0967. Cyclizar

#0968. ???

#0969. ???

#0979. Annihilape

#0980. ???

#0981. Farigiraf

#0982. Dudunsparce

#0982. Dududunsparce

#0983. Kingambit

#1007. Koraidon

#1008. Miraidon

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 10/12/2023 15:16 (1 Year ago)

Title: Galar Dex (Ndex 0810 - 0905) Gen VIII


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Posted: Sun, 10/12/2023 10:17 (1 Year ago)

Title: Alola Dex (Ndex 0722 - 0809) Gen VII


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Posted: Sat, 09/12/2023 08:08 (1 Year ago)

Title: Kalos Dex (Ndex 0650 - 0721) Gen VI


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Posted: Sat, 09/12/2023 01:21 (1 Year ago)

Title: Unova Dex (Ndex 0494 - 0649) Gen V


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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 12:23 (1 Year ago)

Title: Sinnoh Dex (Ndex 0387 - 0493) Gen IV


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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 06:10 (1 Year ago)

Title: Hoenn Dex (Ndex 0252 - 0386) Gen III

#0252. Treecko

#0253. Grovyle

#0254. Sceptile

#0255. Torchic

#0256. Combusken

0257. Blaziken

#0258. Mudkip

#0259. Marshtomp

#0260. Swampert

#0261. Poochyena

#0262. Mightyena

#0263. Zigzagoon

0263. Zigzagoon (Galarian)

#0264. Linoone

0264. Linoone (Galarian)

#0265. Wurmple

#0266. Silcoon

0267. Beautifly

#0268. Cascoon

#0269. Dustox

#0270. Lotad

#0271. Lombre

#0272. Ludicolo

#0273. Seedot

#0274. Nuzleaf

#0275. Shiftry

#0276. Taillow

#0277. Swellow

#0278. Wingull

#0279. Pelipper

#0280. Raltz

#0281. Kirlia

#0282. Gardevoir

#0283. Surskit

#0284. Masquerain

#0285. Shroomish

#0286. Breloom

#0287. Slakoth

#0288. Vigoroth

#0289. Slaking

#0290. Nincada

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 00:01 (1 Year ago)
I need some pokemons for dex: fuecoco m&f, quaxly m&f, and sprigatito m&f
Equip with everyone?: no
Tip: 1500

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Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 22:48 (1 Year ago)

Title: Johto Dex (Ndex 0152 - 0251) Gen II

#0152. Chikorita

#0153. Bayleef

#0154. Meganium

#0155. Cyndaquil

#0156. Quilava

#0157. Typhlosion

0157. Typhlosion (Hisuian)

#0158. Totodile

#0159. Croconaw

#0160. Feraligatr

#0161. Sentret

#0162. Furret

#0163. Hoothoot

#0164. Noctowl

#0165. Ledyba

#0166. Ledian

#0167. Spinarak

#0168. Ariados

#0169. Crobat

#0170. Chinchou

#0171. Lanturn

#0172. Pichu

#0173. Cleffa

#0174. Igglybuff

#0175. Togepi

#0176. Togetic

#0177. Natu

#0178. Xatu

#0179. Mareep

#0180. Flaaffy

#0181. Ampharos

#0182. Bellossom

#0183. Marill

#0184. Azumarill

#0185. Sudowoodo

#0186. Politoed

#0187. Hoppip

#0188. Skiploom

#0189. Jumpluff

#0190. Aipom

#0191. Sunkern

#0192. Sunflora

#0193. Yanma

#0194. Wooper

#0195. Quagsire

#0196. Espeon

#0197. Umbreon

#0198. Murkrow

#0199. Slowking

0199. Slowking (Galarian)

#0200. Misdreavus

#0201. Unown A

#0201. Unown B

#0201. Unown C

#0201. Unown D

#0201. Unown E

#0201. Unown F

#0201. Unown G

#0201. Unown H

#0201. Unown I

#0201. Unown J

#0201. Unown K

#0201. Unown L

#0201. Unown M

#0201. Unown N

#0201. Unown O

#0201. Unown P

#0201. Unown Q

#0201. Unown R

#0201. Unown S

#0201. Unown T

#0201. Unown U

#0201. Unown V

#0201. Unown W

#0201. Unown X

#0201. Unown Y

#0201. Unown Z

#0201. Unown !

#0201. Unown ?

#0202. Wobbuffet

#0203. Girafarig

#0204. Pineco

#0205. Forretress

#0206. Dunsparce

#0207. Gligar

#0208. Steelix

#0209. Snubbull

#0210. Granbull

#0211. Qwilfish

#0211. Qwilfish (Hisuian)

#0212. Scizor

#0213. Shuckle

#0214. Heracross

#0215. Sneasel

0215. Sneasel (Hisuian)

#0216. Teddiursa

#0217. Ursaring

#0218. Slugma

#0219. Magcargo

#0220. Swinub

#0221. Piloswine

#0222. Corsola

0222. Corsola (Galarian)

#0223. Remoraid

#0224. Octillery

#0225. Delibird

#0226. Mantine

#0227. Skarmory

#0228. Houndour

#0229. Houndoom

#0230. Kingdra

#0231. Phanpy

#0232. Donphan

#0233. Porygon2

#0234. Stantler

#0235. Smeargle

#0236. Tyrogue

#0237. Hitmontop

#0238. Smoochum

#0239. Elekid

#0240. Magby

#0241. Miltank

#0242. Blissey

#0243. Raikou

#0244. Entei

#0245. Suicune

#0246. Larvitar

#0247. Pupitar

#0248. Tyranitar

#0249. Lugia

#0250. Ho-Oh

#0251. Celebi

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 18:09 (1 Year ago)

Title: Kanto Dex (Ndex 0001 - 0151) Gen I

#0001. Bulbasaur

#0002. Ivysaur

#0003. Venusaur

#0004. Charmander

#0005. Charmeleon

#0006. Charizard

#0007. Squirtle

#0008. Wartortle

#0009. Blastoise

#0010. Caterpie

#0011. Metapod

#0012. Butterfree

#0013. Weedle

#0014. Kakuna

#0015. Beedrill

#0016. Pidgey

#0017. Pidgeotto

#0018. Pidgeot

#0019. Rattata

0019. Rattata (Alolan)

#0020. Raticate

0020. Raticate (Alolan)

#0021. Spearow

#0022. Fearow

#0023. Ekan

#0024. Arbok

#0025. Pikachu

#0026. Raichu

0026. Raichu (Alolan)

#0027. Sandshrew

0027. Sandshrew (Alolan)

#0028. Sandslash

0028. Sandslash (Alolan)

#0029. Nidoran (f)

#0030. Nidorina

#0031. Nidoqueen

#0032. Nidoran (m)

#0033. Nidorino

#0034. Nidoking

#0035. Clefairy

#0036. Clefable

#0037. Vulpix

0037. Vulpix (Alolan)

#0038. Ninetales

0038. Ninetales (Alolan)

#0039. Jigglypuff

#0040. Wigglytuff

#0041. Zubat

#0042. Golbat

#0043. Oddish

#0044. Gloom

#0045. Vileplume

#0046. Paras

#0047. Parasect

#0048. Venonat

#0049. Venomoth

#0050. Diglett

0050. Diglett (Alolan)

#0051. Dugtrio

0051. Dugtrio (Alolan)

#0052. Meowth

0052. Meowth (Alolan)

0052. Meowth (Galarian)

#0053. Persian

0053. Persian (Alolan)

#0054. Psyduck

#0055. Golduck

#0056. Mankey

#0057. Primeape

#0058. Growlithe

0058. Growlithe (Hisuian)

#0059. Arcanine

0059. Arcanine (Hisuian)

#0060. Poliwag

#0061. Poliwhirl

#0062. Poliwrath

#0063. Abra

#0064. Kadabra

#0065. Alakazam

#0066. Machop

#0067. Machoke

#0068. Machamp

#0069. Bellsprout

#0070. Weepinbell

#0071. Victreebel

#0072. Tentacool

#0073. Tentacruel

#0074. Geodude

0074. Geodude (Alolan)

#0075. Graveler

0075. Graveler (Alolan)

#0076. Golem

0076. Golem (Alolan)

#0077. Ponyta

0077. Ponyta (Galarian)

#0078. Rapidash

0078. Rapidash (Galarian)

#0079. Slowpoke

0079. Slowpoke (Galarian)

#0080. Slowbro

0080. Slowbro (Galarian)

#0081. Magnemite

#0082. Magneton

#0083. Farfetch'd

0083. Farfetch'd (Galarian)

#0084. Doduo

#0085. Dodrio

#0086. Seel

#0087. Dewgong

#0088. Grimer

0088. Grimer (Alolan)

#0089. Muk

0089. Muk (Alolan)

#0090. Shellder

#0091. Cloyster

#0092. Gastly

#0093. Haunter

#0094. Gengar

#0095. Onix

#0096. Drowzee

#0097. Hypno

#0098. Krabby

#0099. Kingler

#0100. Voltorb

0100. Voltorb (Hisuian)

#0101. Electrode

0101. Electrode (Hisuian)

#0102. Exeggcute

#0103. Exeggutor

0103. Exeggutor (Alolan)

#0104. Cubone

#0105. Marowak

0105. Marowak (Alolan)

#0106. Hitmonlee

#0107. Hitmonchan

#0108. Lickitung

#0109. Koffing

#0110. Weezing

0110. Weezing (Galarian)

#0111. Rhyhorn

#0112. Rhydon

#0113. Chansey

#0114. Tangela

#0115. Kangaskhan

#0116. Horsea

#0117. Seadra

#0118. Goldeen

#0119. Seaking

#0120. Staryu

#0121. Starmine

#0122. Mr. Mime

0122. Mr. Mime (Galarian)

#0123. Scyther

#0124. Jynx

#0125. Electabuzz

#0126. Magmar

#0127. Pinsir

#0128. Tauros

#0129. Magikarp

#0130. Gyarados

#0131. Lapras

#0132. Ditto

#0133. Eevee

#0134. Vaporeon

#0135. Jolteon

#0136. Flareon

#0137. Porygon

#0138. Omanyte

#0139. Omaster

#0140. Kabuto

#0141. Kabutops

#0142. Aerodactyl

#0143. Snorlax

#0144. Articuno

0144. Articuno (Galarian)

#0145. Zapdos

0145. Zapdos (Galarian)

#0146. Moltres

0146. Moltres (Galarian)

#0147. Dratini

#0148. Dragonair

#0149. Dragonite

#0150. Mewtwo

#0151. Mew

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 15:24 (1 Year ago)
Pokedex Progress:














* Include Special Form & Gender Differences

(+)Inspired by loketoke

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Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 12:44 (1 Year ago)

Don't Post Here

This is Personal Post

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✨ Shiny 🌠

Shiny Lechonk

My First Shiny:
By PokéRadar - 46 Minutes and 32 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Lechonk hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #35)!

By PokéRadar - 1 Minute and 50 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Lechonk hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #70)!

By PokéRadar - 3 Hours and 27 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Lechonk hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #92)!

Shiny Bombirdier

By PokéRadar - 2 Minutes and 12 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Bombirdier hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #84)

Shiny Vulpix (Alolan)

By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 27 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Vulpix (Alolan) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #73)!

By PokéRadar - 5 Hours ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Vulpix (Alolan) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #109)!

By PokéRadar - 1 Minute and 52 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Vulpix (Alolan) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #126)!

Shiny Ponyta

By PokéRadar - 16 Minutes and 14 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #121)!

By PokéRadar - 4 Minutes and 18 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #137)!

By PokéRadar - 5 Hours and 41 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #152)!

By PokéRadar - 33 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #185)!

By PokéRadar - 3 Hours and 51 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #191)!

Shiny Cyclizar

By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 44 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Cyclizar hatched out of one of your eggs

By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 41 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Cyclizar hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #56)!

Joined Pokeheroes

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Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 09:29 (1 Year ago)
Can I get a Bombirdier (box 2)

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Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 23:27 (1 Year ago)
Heya Froakie, I’d like to place an order :)
the items I want:
the Pokémon I want: mabosstiff m&f and oinkologne
Everstone needed: no
Paying in: pd

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Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 16:01 (1 Year ago)
Boxes Pokémon are in: booth
Pokemon species: farigiraf (f)
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one): -
Any extra notes: -

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Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 11:32 (1 Year ago)
Hey Inteleon Sir I would like to buy a...
Pokemon: pairs of cyclizar, pairs of Bombirdie, pairs of Skeledirge, pairs of koffing, and pairs of Meowscarada
From Box:1,3, and 5
With Everstones: n
Tips: 200

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Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 10:31 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 10:00 (1 Year ago)
Can I have pairs of mightyena and rattata alolan

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