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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from JackDAlexander.
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2016 16:04 (9 Years ago)
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[2015/12/25] POST - 3

You obtained a new badge (Plushie Hoarder)!

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Posted: Tue, 19/01/2016 15:12 (9 Years ago)
I am interested in buying all poison gems n ice gems
The total price is 11.5k /I want to trade no Normal gems.
Thank you.

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 11:19 (9 Years ago)
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[2016/01/10] POST - 2

Congratulations! A shiny Charmander hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #133)!

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 11:13 (9 Years ago)
-Hi, I would like to buy: Flying Gems
-Quantity: 11
- Offer: 4.4k

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 11:29 (9 Years ago)


Pokédex: 004

Pokédex: 005

EHP: 5,355
Egg Rarity: Starter
Shiny Chain: 2/195 [123M][133M]
Evoline: InComplete

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 11:24 (9 Years ago)
Shiny Hunt III

JackDAlexander is currently hunting Charmander.
Hunt started: 31/12/2015

Chain: 195

(2 Shinies hatched so far.)

Congratulations! A shiny Charmander hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #123)!
Congratulations! A shiny Charmander hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #133)!

My Goal:
{X} Get a Shiny Charmander
{X} Get a Shiny Charmeleon
{ } Get a Shiny Charizard
{ } Get a Shiny Mega Charizard X
{ } Get a Shiny Mega Charizard Y

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 11:19 (9 Years ago)
My Shiny

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 11:13 (9 Years ago)
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[2016/01/09] POST - 1

Congratulations! A shiny Charmander hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #123)!

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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2015 18:56 (9 Years ago)
I am interested in buying All Flying Gems
The total price is 1.8k /I want to trade No Normal gems.
Thank you.

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 13:17 (9 Years ago)
Shinies Dex:

Kanto Dex {001-151}

Show hidden content

001 > 002 > 003

004 > 005 > 006

007 > 008 > 009
Coming Soon
010 > 011 > 012
Coming Soon
013 > 014 > 015
Coming Soon
016 > 017 > 018
Coming Soon
019 > 020
Coming Soon
021 > 022
Coming Soon
023 > 024
Coming Soon
025 > 026
Coming Soon

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Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 22:12 (9 Years ago)
Hey Karos!
I'd like to buy: A Poison Gems
I'll pay with (28k): Pd
I want: All
Is that okay for you?

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Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 20:35 (9 Years ago)
Let me hear the Mewsic!
Name: Black_Jack
Items wanted: Poison Gems
Offer: 2.8k

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Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 19:27 (9 Years ago)
I am interested in buying all flying & ice gems
The total price is 3500 /I want to trade No Normal gems.
Thank you.

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 20:22 (9 Years ago)
[] Recent happenings []


[2015/12/25] POST - 2

You obtained a new badge (Hoarder)!

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Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 11:50 (9 Years ago)
[] Recent happenings []


[2015/12/24] POST - 1

Congratulations! A shiny Minccino hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #57)!

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Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 11:24 (9 Years ago)


Pokédex: 572

EHP: 4,080
Egg Rarity: Medium
Shiny Chain: 1/127 [57F]
Evoline: InComplete

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 11:07 (9 Years ago)
Shiny Hunt II

JackDAlexander is currently hunting Minccino.
Hunt started: 21/12/2015

Chain: 127

(1 Shinies hatched so far.)

Congratulations! A shiny Minccino hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #57)!

My Goal:
{X} Get a 1 Shiny Minccino
{ } Get a 1 Shiny Cinccino

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 17:05 (9 Years ago)


Pokedex: 001

Pokedex: 002

Pokedex: 003

EHP: 5,355
Egg Rarity: Starter
Shiny Chain: 5/186 [83M][91M][139F][149M][153M]
Evoline: Complete

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 15:58 (9 Years ago)
Shiny Hunt I

JackDAlexander is currently hunting Bulbasaur.
Hunt started: 27/11/2015

Chain: 186

(5 Shinies hatched so far.)

Show hidden content
My First Shiny:
Congratulations! A shiny Bulbasaur hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #83)!

Congratulations! A shiny Bulbasaur hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #83)!
Congratulations! A shiny Bulbasaur hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #91)!
Congratulations! A shiny Bulbasaur hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #139)!
Congratulations! A shiny Bulbasaur hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #149)!
Congratulations! A shiny Bulbasaur hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #153)!

My Goal:
{X} Get a Shiny Bulbasaur
{X} Get a Mega-Bulbasaur
{ } Get a Shiny Mega-Venusaur

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 15:32 (9 Years ago)

This Is My Personal Shiny Collection,You can Read It. But Please Don't Post Here



~~>Nickname: Jack

~~>Age: 16

~~>Birthday: 31st January

~~>Gender: Male

~~>Personality: Calm, Patient, Friendly, Rarely Talk

~~>Hobbies: Programming, Drawing, Playing Games, Reading Books

~~>Favorite Region: Kalos & Sinnoh

~~>Favorite Starter: Froakie

~~>Favorite Pokemon: Charizard, Totodile, Zoroark, Goodra

~~>Favorite Types: Flying & Dragon

~~>Country: U.K


Collect 5 Shinies

Collect 10 Shinies

Collect 50 Shinies

Collect 100 Shinies

Collect 150 Shinies

Reach Trainer Level 20

Reach Trainer Level 50

Reach Trainer Level 100

Have a Mega Pokemon

Have 10 Mega Pokemon

Complete 2 Badges Set

Complete all the Badges' Set

Complete Kanto Dex

Complete All Dex

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