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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Imbored.
Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 13:55 (1 Month ago)
Happy anniversary 🎉🎉
Here is a donation :)

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Posted: Tue, 04/06/2024 09:38 (1 Month ago)
Looking to make some quick money? You have come to the right place! Here, instead of mindlessly impulse buying shinies, summons, or just absolutely useless items that just look appealing, YOU will sell me your shinies, summons, and absolutely useless items that just look appealing! I'm not a hoarder I swear

I'm assuming every shop needs rules:

Quote from Rules 1. Offering items other than those in mentioned is completely fine. There is a higher chance I reject you though.
2. When you place an order, I will set-up the trade. Your order will also appear in the 'Orders' section.
3. Do not rush me unless your order has not been taken down in the 'Orders' section after 1 week. Every additional day after 1 week, I will give you 1k pd extra.
4. I have the right to reject orders - I may provide a reason sometimes
5. All prices are negotiable, price changes subject to stonks
6. Mixed payment are acceptable. This includes items and Pokémon!
7. Using the form is appreciated, but not compulsory!
Use the code 'Pear' in your order for 50% off! One time use

Quote from Anouncements Monthly goal: If we reach 250 000 PD spent (excluding tax) by the end of the month (orders placed during the month but fulfilled after count towards the goal), the player who spent the most will receive 30% of the amount of PD they made me spend on their orders. Every following 10 000 PD spent in total after the initial 250 000 PD increases the percentage gained by 5%.
Current PD Spent:

0 / 250 000

Items I'm looking for

Quote from PokéballsNone!

Quote from GemsNormal gems

Quote from ValuableStar Pieces

Quote from OtherUxie egg voucher
Mespirit egg voucher
Azelf egg voucher

Quote from Evolutionary StonesAll Solar Eevee Evolution items

Quote from Forme-change ItemsClover sweets

Quote from platesNone!

Quote from Berries, Basics, Finished MealsOran berries

Quote from Mystery Items

Quote from Summon Items, Rumble MapsEternal Rocks
Hard rocks
Lustrous Orbs
Enigma stones
Nebula stones
Hollow space (map)s

Quote from Vitmains, Held ItemsCalcium
Big root
Dire hit
Power bracer
Power lens

Pokémon I'm looking for

Quote from DEXAny Hoenn/Sinnoh pokémon I am missing! (except castforms)

Quote from ShiniesAnything I'm missing. SM may be accepted :)

Quote from OrdersNone for now :>

Quote from Form
Form(s) of payment:
Amount of each form of payment:
Anything else?:

That's all for now :), bye!

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Posted: Tue, 04/06/2024 09:07 (1 Month ago)
THe johto shadow radar upgrade is in the 'special' section if im not wrong

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Posted: Mon, 03/06/2024 02:04 (1 Month ago)
They are still useful tho, despite only being used in Leah
ofc you can sell them, but you can trade enough pearls for big perals, and enough big pearls and some other pokemon for mega stones

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Posted: Mon, 03/06/2024 00:45 (1 Month ago)
Hi! just a quick question - Is it possible to order shines under 'Slots'?

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Posted: Mon, 03/06/2024 00:40 (1 Month ago)
This may not seem like a smart question [size=6]maybe it isn't[/url] but what are the other ways of getting activity point that are not shown in the wiki?
I know there may be others because I get 5 activity points from spinning the wheel of fortune at the Game Center, and I seem to have gotten 1 or 2 activity points in 'Social' before, where is should only get 4-5.
Appreciate your help!

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Posted: Mon, 03/06/2024 00:35 (1 Month ago)
Another way is the game center, where you can get legendary eggs such as raiko, suicune, entei and manaphy. Raikou is worth the least, and manaphy the most. 100k gc (for the raikou) may seems daunting if you look at converting pd to gc, but getting gc from hangman by using hangman helper can get you loads of gc in a short time. Hope this helped!

Getting lake trio vouchers, lugia vouchers or magearna voucher are also possible, but it mainly depends on luck, so it isn't that easy

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Posted: Mon, 03/06/2024 00:32 (1 Month ago)
I would say AH, since legendaries in the form of pokemon (not the summons) are worth much less than the summons themselves unless they are shiny. For example, rayquaza is worth 30k pd, but its summons (emerald and sky pillar map) are worth 315k pd (no data for sky pillar map) in stonks.

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2024 12:57 (2 Months ago)
Ik red symbolises good luck but it has been guessed alr so darkred

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2024 11:36 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2024 11:26 (2 Months ago)
bump :>

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2024 11:25 (2 Months ago)


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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2024 09:04 (2 Months ago)
There's something in the wind
Professor Rowan: Oh hello Imbored! ... And hello Daycare Owner!

Daycare Owner: Hello Rowan! We are here to bring you the vase back that I lent from you!

Professor Rowan: ... Uhm. ... Oh, that one, yeah! I almost forgot about that.

Daycare Owner: ... ...

Professor Rowan: ... Well, thank you for bringing it back!

1. (Look towards Professor Rowan)
2. (Look towards the Daycare Owner)✅

There's something in the wind
Daycare Owner: *sighs* Oh well, I guess I have to explain!
To tell the truth, this is not the real vase that you lent me. ... I accidentally dropped the one that you gave me - and I was too scared to tell you, because I know how much it is worth. So I asked Imbored to help me find a new one.

Professor Rowan: ... ... ... ...

Daycare Owner: I am so sorry.

Professor Rowan: Ha... Ha... Hahaha! Are you serious!
Oh my god, and I was actually worried that you were mad at me! You should have told me right away. Thinking that you don't like me anymore probably felt much worse than knowing that my old vase is broken.

Daycare Owner: You are right, and I am really sorry! I did everything possible to get you back the exact same vase. I did all that because I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

1. Well, actually, I got the vase back...
2. Now hug! ✅

There's something in the wind
Daycare Owner: Funny as always, Imbored. ... Anyway, I gotta go now, I have to take care of my Daycare. But I promise I will visit you in the next few days, Rowan!
And I also promise to be honest with you from now on, my old friend.

Professor Rowan: Alright, see you then!

... ...
Well, now that this misunderstanding is resolved, I really need to thank you, Imbored! I knew I could trust you - thanks to you my friendship with the Daycare Owner was saved.

That reminds me: Last time you helped me I gave you one of the Golden Poké Balls that I'm working on, do you remember?
1. Yep I love them!
2. Let me guess: There's another one✅

There's something in the wind


I made another Golden Poké Ball - and not only that. I finally found a purpose for them!
In the past few weeks, I've been working on a special machine with the help of Bill, the Tech-Nerd. He helped me code this "portal" as he calls it.
The Golden Poké Balls are partly made out of Yellow Orthoclase, which is the last missing material that we need for this machine. Using all four Golden Poké Balls plus the one that I am giving you now should be enough to generate the necessary energy!

The machine should be ready in the next few days. Until then, please protect this last Golden Poké Ball with your life! This portal could be the next big invention that changes the world as we know it.

Golden Poké Ball obtained!
... Other than that, I don't have anything special for you today.
See you again soon!

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2024 08:59 (2 Months ago)
The Ancient Vase
Hey dude! You are starring weirdly at me. Is there something you need?

... ...
... ...

An old ancient vase? ... Yeah, I've got one which is pretty valuable. And you say that you need it for a friend?
Wow, that friend must mean a lot to you! Do you even know the value of this vase? It's worth billions - no - trillions of Dragon Gems!
Well maybe not that much.
So do you have anything to offer?
1. 100 Million Pokédollar ✅
2. 100 thousand dragon gems

The Ancient Vase
Oh, come on, you know me better than that!
I'm not interested in any currencies except for valuable gems.
1. 100 thousand dragon gems✅

Ancient Vase
Haha, kiddo! Very funny. Very funny indeed.
I don't think you have so many Dragon Gems! Or do you?
Don't sell me your soul just for an old vase like this. I was just testing you - you can obviously have the vase for free.

You know, when I was a little younger...
1. Thank you so much!
2.(Silently listen to story)

The Ancient Vase
... I had a very close friend which shared my love for gems. We travelled around the world together just to find the most precious gems no man had ever found before.
Of course it wasn't really about travelling or the gems. It was about sharing your life with a person that you could fully trust.

But time passed by and my friend and me became older and weaker. Travelling became more exhausting everyday, especially for him as he was much older than me. We decided to make one last trip - and landed here in Emera Town, the place where valuable treasures are said to be buried in every corner.
The Royal Tunnels were our favorite place. ... Until the day he got sick.

The ancient vase that you are looking for was one of the precious things that we found during our explorations. I know it's worth more money than you could even imagine, but I never wanted to sell it. It's connected to so much memories. It symbolizes friendship.

And the fact that I can help you save a friendship with this vase is almost ironic! Of course I will give it to you, my old friend would have done the same.

1. *sniff* ✅
2. That is a lovely story

The Ancient Vase
Well... *clears throat* Whatever.

Here, take the vase! I hope you can help your friend with it. He is very lucky to have a caring friend like you!
Old Ancient Vase obtained!

Trouble with Rowan
You really got the vase for me?!
Oh my god, I can't thank you enough!
Let's go to Rowan's Lab and bring him the vase back.

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2024 08:53 (2 Months ago)
Trouble with Rowan
Urgh, you really won't stop asking me about him, will you?
Anyway, what do you want to know exactly?

... ...
... ...
I'm ignoring him? *clears throat* ... And he thinks I'm mad at him? Oh my.

1. Your aren't mad at him? ✅
2. What keeps you so busy?

Trouble with Rowan
No, of course I'm not!

Well, alright, I'll tell you what the problem is...
About a month ago I was at Rowan's house, he invited me for dinner. I saw this beautiful ancient vase in his corridor and I asked him if I could borrow it. I was expecting a visit from an old friend and I wanted to impress her with a few nice decorations in my home. ... Well, that's not important.
When I wanted to return the vase to the Professor at the end of last week, it suddenly slipped out of my hands and broke into a thousand pieces. *sighs*

1. You are such a horrible friend!
2. You should tell him ✅

Trouble with Rowan
No, I can't! He would be so mad at me - this vase is worth more than a million PokéDollar!

Wait, I just had a brilliant idea! You love adventures and all that stuff, right?
1. Oh please no
2. Uhm...✅

Trouble with Rowan
Oh, yes, I can already see the excitement in your face!
Don't worry, of course I'm going to give you this order, hehe!

According to my researches on the internet, there are ten copies of this vase in the possession of people all around the world. ... Well, only nine now.
And we are lucky; one of the owners lives here in Emera Town! He seems to be an old guy who is collecting Gems, name's Greg. Do you know him?

1. Yeah I know him
2. This is getting better and better✅

Trouble with Rowan
So would you please visit Greg and ask him if he could sell us his vase? Offer him whatever it takes - my friendship with Rowan is worth more than all the money in the world!

1. Aw that's sweet
2. And you're gonna pay me back right?✅

Trouble with Rowan
Shush, we don't have more time to talk now!
What are you waiting for? Go on your adventure and pay Greg a visit!

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Posted: Fri, 10/05/2024 11:11 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Wed, 01/05/2024 08:56 (2 Months ago)
I feel this kind of makes it unfair for those who obtained shiny celebi in the past tho.

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Posted: Wed, 01/05/2024 00:57 (2 Months ago)
Sent a clamperl with a deepseascale :)

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2024 12:07 (2 Months ago)
SUpport :)

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2024 12:03 (2 Months ago)

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