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Posted: Fri, 10/04/2020 12:19 (4 Years ago)
Username: HopefulHeartz
Pokemon's name: Sherb
Pokemon's Species: Quilava
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Crush: Melon
Shiny?: No
Apearance/Description: Sherb is a typical Quilava when it comes to appearance, though he has a big, flameproof bag he always wears that’s reminiscent of a Fire Stone.
Personality: Sherb has a nerd like personality to him, as he’s always drawing when out of classes. He’s the kind of person to correct a random argument as he passes by. Though he easily knows how to keep his ground in a rough situation.

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Posted: Fri, 10/04/2020 12:12 (4 Years ago)
Username- HopefulHeartz
Name- Flick
Pokemon- Buizel
Gender- Male
Personality- A true extrovert who’s a so called master of water manipulation. The thing is, he isn’t.
Appearance- Regular, but with a deep blue bandana.
Crush- N/A (For now)
Will it evolve?- Yes
Other- Not really.

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Posted: Tue, 07/04/2020 19:26 (4 Years ago)
It had been a short time since Eisuki was put into her coma like state. As she slowly came to her senses, she saw herself in a luxurious room, unlike anything she had seen. After seeing the place around her, she stepped out of the small cabin into the dark woods that unfolded upon her.
“Is this... really where I am now? Wait... didn’t they say if I thought of something, it would exist or something? Let’s try...”
As Eisuki slowly thought of a albino fox to come to her, she noticed it actually happened. A small, dainty, albino fox had came up to her, yapping contentedly. From awe, she thought of a way to reach a cloud paradise, with a never ending sunset, accessed by heading north from the cabin for 10 minutes then west for 5. After doing said things, she reached the place she imagined. A elegant cloud paradise, with a singular bench and sunset.
“This is beyond what I thought this would be... I hope i never leave here.”
She sits on the bench, staring into the cloud field illuminated by the sunset.

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Posted: Tue, 07/04/2020 15:57 (4 Years ago)
Username: Hopeful Heartz
Character Name: Eisuki Alemendra
Nickname: Eski, Aleki
Age: 14
Appearance: A girl with blonde, shoulder length hair, pale skin and deep green eyes. As for clothing, she has a pink blouse and grey skirt, white knee length socks and pink flats. She also has a bag which is white with a few pink diamonds on.
Personality: Eisuki is timid, yet can stand up for herself easily. Most people that meet her don’t know she has a fairly twisted sense of humour, but death doesn’t cross that. But she’d rather keep her friendlier side shown rather then that.
Occupation: Student
Backstory: TB RPED
Describe Character’s World (Optional): Eisuki’s world is a silent forest, surrounded by a field of darkness. There’s a small log cabin in the centre of the seemingly endless woods, that’s actually luxurious on the inside. Due to her timid nature, Eisuki has multiple wolves and foxes around the area to make sure it stays private, and one of the secret exits, only known by Eisuki, leads to a small clearing with a waterfall and a garden like area. This place is much more welcoming in comparison to the woods. And another secret exit leads to a small field of clouds, with nothing there but a bench. It’s always a sunset up there. But a third exit leads to a basic theme park, proving Eisuki is still a playful and timid person.
Password: James Bond
Other: This actually seems like a interesting concept, although I’ve never seen Avatar before. Plus, Eisuki shapeshifts to be a fox very often.

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Posted: Mon, 06/04/2020 16:17 (4 Years ago)
Name: Briar Hearthorn
Nickname: N/A
Description: Brown shoulder length hair, cyan eyes, lilac shirt, red skirt and shoes, lilac bag.
Personality: Briar is a timid, helpful girl who is overly protective of Thorn. Easy to trust and wants to be a famous Performer.
Year: Senior
Age: 16
Pokemon: Thorn (Chikorita), Jay (Staravia), Glacia (Alolan Vulpix), Chomps (Mawile), Aqua (Maril), Tex (Breloom).
Other: Lifelight, Smash Ultimate.

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Posted: Mon, 06/04/2020 12:02 (4 Years ago)

I would prefer a Johto plushie!

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