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Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 11:12 (9 Days ago)

Hej, Vsauce Michael Alec here! Just a casual player. I keep losing my notes on paper and I don't want to put lists on my profile soo here I am, making a journal I can use to keep track of future Shiny Hunts and other goals. Firstly, I want to complete my dexes slowly. Let's start with the original 151 Pokémon from Kanto.

Quote from Kanto Dex: 112/151
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Bulbasaur ✅

Ivysaur ✅

Venusaur ✅

Charmander ✅

Charmeleon ✅

Charizard ✅

Squirtle ✅

Wartortle ✅

Blastoise ✅

Caterpie ✅

Metapod ✅

Butterfree ✅

Weedle ✅

Kakuna ✅

Beedrill ✅

Pidgey ✅

Pidgeotto ✅


Rattata ✅

Raticate ✅

Spearow ✅

Fearow ✅

Ekans ✅

Arbok ✅

Pikachu ✅

Raichu ✅

Sandshrew ❌

Sandslash ✅

Nidoran (f) ✅

Nidorina ✅

Nidoqueen ✅

Nidoran (m) ✅

Nidorino ✅

Nidoking ✅

Clefairy ✅

Clefable ✅

Vulpix ✅

Ninetales ✅

Jigglypuff ✅

Wigglytuff ✅

Zubat ✅

Golbat ✅

Oddish ✅

Gloom ✅

Vileplume ✅

Paras ✅

Parasect ✅

Venonat ✅

Venomoth ❌

Diglett ✅

Dugtrio ✅

Meowth ✅

Persian ❌

Psyduck ✅

Golduck ✅

Mankey ✅

Primeape ❌

Growlithe ✅

Arcanine ✅

Poliwag ✅

Poliwhirl ✅

Poliwrath ✅

Abra ❌

Kadabra ✅

Alakazam ❌

Machop ✅

Machoke ✅

Machamp ✅

Bellsprout ✅

Weepinbell ✅

Victreebel ✅

Tentacool ✅

Tentacruel ✅

Geodude ✅

Graveler ✅

Golem ✅

Ponyta ✅

Rapidash ✅

Slowpoke ✅

Slowbro ✅

Magnemite ✅

Magneton ✅

Farfetch’d ✅

Doduo ❌

Dodrio ✅

Seel ✅

Dewgong ❌

Grimer ✅

Muk ✅

Shellder ❌

Cloyster ❌

Gastly ✅

Haunter ✅

Gengar ✅

Onix ✅

Drowzee ✅

Hypno ✅

Krabby ✅

Kingler ✅

Voltorb ✅

Electrode ✅

Exeggcute ✅

Exeggutor ✅

Cubone ✅

Marowak ✅

Hitmonlee ✅

Hitmonchan ✅

Lickitung ✅

Koffing ✅

Weezing ✅

Rhyhorn ✅

Rhydon ✅

Chansey ❌

Tangela ✅

Kangaskhan ✅

Horsea ❌

Seadra ✅

Goldeen ✅

Seaking ✅

Staryu ✅

Starmie ✅

Mr. Mime ❌

Scyther ✅

Jynx ✅

Electabuzz ❌

Magmar ❌

Pinsir ✅

Tauros ✅

Magikarp ✅

Gyarados ✅

Lapras ✅

Ditto ❌

Eevee ✅

Vaporeon ❌

Jolteon ❌

Flareon ✅

Porygon ✅

Omanyte ❌

Omastar ❌

Kabuto ❌

Kabutops ❌

Aerodactyl ❌

Snorlax ❌

Articuno ✅

Zapdos ✅

Moltres ✅

Dratini ✅


Dragonite ✅

Mewtwo ❌

Mew ✅

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 17/04/2024 09:01 (3 Months ago)
cuz it sounds cool

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Posted: Thu, 04/04/2024 21:52 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 02/04/2024 12:05 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 19/03/2024 10:23 (4 Months ago)

I miss chicken smoothie

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 22:25 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 22:21 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 22:13 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 22:12 (4 Months ago)
Could use more stuff. Mewtwo is cool though.

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 22:11 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 22:09 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 17:42 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 15:58 (4 Months ago)

I don't get it either but your PFP cracks me up. Love it!

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 15:22 (4 Months ago)

Quality of pic is a little on the lower end but pretty!

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 15:19 (4 Months ago)
Ouch. 10/10 annoying and painful

Your cereal are soggy and no longer crunchy.

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Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 20:11 (4 Months ago)
I agree! Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and their DLC were genuinely great story wise. Pokemon Legends Arceus was amazing too. What is your favorite mainline Pokemon game?

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Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 19:50 (4 Months ago)
I remember playing GD in middle school. What other games do you guys play aside GD and PH?

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Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 14:01 (4 Months ago)
Mega Blaziken, use Blast Burn!

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 12:10 (5 Months ago)
So there is no limit for the multiple entries, right?

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 11:58 (5 Months ago)
How many ideas are we allowed to submit? I am aware only one entry can win if multiple are submitted.

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