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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Guava_Gligar.
Posted: Sat, 17/08/2024 22:14 (5 Months ago)
Hi! I've recently heard about this website and wanted to give it a shot as I've played others similar to this. Lemme tell you about myself!

* Names I go by include Guava, Flapjack, Jack or Jackie. Whichever you prefer to call me :]

* My favorite color is Seafoam Green

* My favorite Pokemon is Gligar!

* My common activities include: Drawing (Preferrably digital, but I have done pencil and paper in the past), listening to music and playing video games (While I like Pokemon the most, I have played other games outside of that)

To anyone who's been active on this website, is there anything I need to know about this game that I need to be aware of before I truly dive into my experience? Would love to hear what ya'll have to share!

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