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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 18:53 (9 Years ago)
Jensen Corvin

He sighed." Oh shut up." He spoke before he ran away frim her, at full speed. He snatched a human on his way and took it into an alley, where he began draining the blood from her veins, untill she was dead and could do nothing anymore. He had a small grin now on his face while his hoodie was covered in blood, but he didn't mind that.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 18:19 (9 Years ago)
Samuel Rickett

He looked toward Polly and damon an nodded for a bit." I hope so. " where the only words he got from his lips and lookrd towards Danielle." Or they had good reasons." He sighed and put his Inhaler in his pocket again before he took a look at the building." Its a beautiful building and it has a rich history but also a tragic ending. Did you know this building was planned for demolish 50 yeara ago but the workers all mystically vanished?" Yes it was a trick from him, to get arpumd his history facts., his favorite subject. And damn. He was good at it.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 18:08 (9 Years ago)

Ze looked around, and saw a man coming her way. Good, work is about to get started, she thought but she couldn't predict the thing thst happened after that and she looked towards Asura." Leave the poor man. I am sure he just wanted a drink or something." She spoke temptingly. She passed Asura for a moment, taking the man on his feet and stroke beneath his chin before she walked back to Asura." I thought you where dancig with some girl ? Why disturbing this lovely man?" Her voice was still tempting as she took the mans hand and laid it on her body , talking to him didn't mean she couldn't do her job.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 17:53 (9 Years ago)
Samuel Rickett

He look towards the rest that had joined them so far and sighed for an moment, while he tried to turn back his breathing. " No i am not alright. My asthma is getting worse . What if there are ghosts inside.. i don't think i can handle that." He took another puff and kept the puffer in his hand, ehile he looked at the others who where standing here. " and could you do me a favour, call me Sam. Samuel makes me feel so old." The word of Danielle didn't really calm him down, as he took yet another puff from the inhaler.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 17:33 (9 Years ago)
Samuel Rickett

He walked towards the asylum, he was quite nervous, and took out his medicine for his asthma. He took a puff en then he did it back in his pocket before he walked further and stopped in front. He nodded at the girl, and then he just stared, you saw that he was scared, only he was trying to mask it as best as he could. You could name him a walking time bomb, this feeling he had now couldn't be good for his Asthma. Again he took out the puffer and take it again, a sign that his breathing was rapidly increased.

Mary-Anne Swanson

She sat upstairs, in the room where she was dumped and died, while she floated above the ground. She sang a little song, that you could hear around the chamber, she sang London Bridge. She brushed her doll with her fingers, while not noticing any movement, nothing. She just sat there in a croner, next to the bed, what you didn't even could call a bed anymore, it was decade over time and was falling into disrepair, as was the chamber where she sat. She had been there a long time.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 17:21 (9 Years ago)

It had been a hunderd years, but finally she had the chance to roam again. She had a smile on her face and clothing that would attract any many with an weak heart. She past the crossroads before the village, normally her dealing ground, but this time she went into the village. Men stared at her, while she was poorly dressed, almost like a women of dispute, but she wasn't although like those women, she does like to make a man happy. Only with some extra's. She walked into the bar, noticing another demon was around here, although she couldn't point out who, but that didn't matter. She ordered a pint at the bar, and kept sitting there, trying to attract a guy, a guy that was needy. Deals where her life, her job, and her vision. And all those guys had to give in return was a soul, which she collects after ten years. She looked through the window, towards the moon, and looked at it's standings. In a moment she had an appointment. Some farmer that had his ten years.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 16:23 (9 Years ago)
Jensen Corvin

He walked a short distance, but then he got asked again by this girl. He turned around, put the hoodie down, an in front of her he transformed into the hybrid he was, althougj it was just a part of his body, his head totally looked like a wolf with vampire teeth. He was mad, and that was all that was running through his veins. " Which part do you not understand of go away? I don't want to hang out with a stupid missis sunshine like you." His voice was raised, and it was deeper to." You are a filthy human, i take your kind for breakfast. "

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 12:42 (9 Years ago)
Jensen Corvin

He looked up when she started talking again, and sighed." You aren't going to leave me alone, are you? Well Boohoo. This is life missis Sunshine, and if you don't like it, you should definitely look for your mommy and cry at her shoulder, cause mister mean guy insulted you." He stood up again and started walking this time, but turned around for a second. " Call me a jerk if you like, unfortunately i am not the girly type most gay people are." He wasn't ashamed of his sexuality that was something for sure. But it was also something why he pushed so many people away, cause he got pushed away because of it. He growled for a second, and his skin turned grey for a bit, but he turned around again, to control it, to control his hunger. He couldn't eat or attack a newbie, that would give huge problems.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 12:26 (9 Years ago)
Jensen corvin

He sighed and looked at her." I just call you missis Sunshine, yes missis Sunshine suits you best. No go cry with tour mommy about your being new thing and let me sit in peace here." He sat down on the bench again and looked up." That is off course if you don't want to end up being my breakfast. " he held up a grin all the time, but is surely wasn't a smile, he never showed one. THe grin dissappeared into thin air now to, while he looked around him, looking for some human he could make dinner of. Or he just took this girl if she didn't leave.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 12:16 (9 Years ago)
Jensen Corvin

He looked up when he heared a voice, only slight to pick up her scent. For a moment he said nothing, this was clearly a human and no other Supernatural being. He stood up and looked towards her while his eyes turned black for a decond before they got blue again. " wooptiedoo." He said Sarcastic. " Already ten minutes here and i got noticed as the newbie here. Well yes missis Sunshine i just got here. What is it to you? "

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 23:10 (9 Years ago)
Demon Form
Character Name: Hanoka
Age: unknown but it said she is over 300 years old. She marks herself before strangers as 18.
Gender: Woman
Type of demon: Crossroads Demon
Any special powers: making deals and controls Hell Hounds.
Weapons: all psychical

Evil or good: Evil
Crush: none yet.
Other: she loves to make deals and does everything for them. A soul for a deal, 10 years before you go to hell. She collects souls with her hell hounds.

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 22:59 (9 Years ago)
Human Form::
Character Name: Samuel Rickett
Age(15-18 ) : 18
Gender: Male


Are you scared of ghosts?: yes. And not just a little bit.
Crush: none yet, although he's not fond of woman.
Other: he is very asthmatic, and has epilepsy on a random base.

Ghost Forms::
Character Name: Mary-Anne Swanson
Age(15-18 ) : 15
Gender: Woman

Are you looking for revenge?: No
Crush: none yet.
Other: in her life she had autism. Her autism led for her to be younger than her age, she acted like a 8 year old girl, and that was something that wasn't normal in the days she officially lived in. They looked at her like she was some kind of imbecile while she was aleays she sweet girl that wanted to help everywhere, only the problem was with her doll, that she wears around every moment.

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 22:36 (9 Years ago)
Jensen Corvin

He looked at the boy that he saw earlier and who appeared to be going towards the building, but ignored it, while he heared a voice. He was about to raise his voice, but when the man walked straight towards a cat. He growled at the man, and walked his way towards the buikding and to his room where he unpacked his stuff before he got out again. He had a simple hoodie on, and the put on the hood now, since his eyes turned a little black, due to the many sunlight, and the hunger that he had been ignoring for a couple of hours now. He looked at the girl that seemed to float towards the gate he got through earlier. Great, it seemed no one here seemed to care about each other and that was a good thing maybe. At least they left him alone. He sat down on a bench, and turned his face towards the ground, while he thought about this place. What the hell did he started?

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 12:15 (9 Years ago)
Jensen Corvin

A new day had arrived and it was time for him to go to Unity high. He grabbed his bags and went out running to it. Yes, he didn't use a car, a bike or whatever, he was fast enough hinself so it wasn't a problem. He walked to the gates, only to see someone standing there while he had his bag over his shoulder. He watched him, and for a short time he showed a grin, that disappeared quite quick while he just walked past him, ignoring the fact he was standing there. He had much beter things to do than Chit chat with some unknown guy, who probably didn't even care about him, like everyone did. Slowly but surely he walked the streets and corners and looked for a smell of humans, which he needed to survive his torment. He was thirsty, and that made his eyes a bit bluer than they supposed to be.

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 17:43 (9 Years ago)
Name: Jensen Corvin

Age(15-18): 17

Gender: Male


Species: Hybrid. ( Half Vampire/Half lycan. But stronger than both. )

Personality: jensen is a jolly fellow but that is something he never shows. He is for the normal people that don't know him kind of moody, with many mood swings which is probably from the lycan side of his Hybrid form. If you do not know him, he will be sarcastic, moody and he will push you away if you don't know him or he knows you. Only true friends will see the light and a whole other side of him.

Hobbies: painting and Drawing.

History(optional): you will find out during the RP. Although you have to get very close to him.

Crush: none, although he isn't fond of women. Guess what, he is Gay.

Other: x

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