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Searching for: Posts from GoldAether.
Posted: Tue, 27/01/2015 02:03 (10 Years ago)
good idea Squirtle. I like the suggestion. but that doenst change anything because is... 4 People that dont agree with the suggest and one person that agrees (Thats me) so... :|

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Posted: Sun, 18/01/2015 17:42 (10 Years ago)
10/10 Kawwwai!!!!!!!!!! ( O,O)

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Posted: Sun, 18/01/2015 16:56 (10 Years ago)

Diary of a never giving up goldather
18/01/2015: Pokemon... Pokemon... Pokemon... I Dint do much today recently so... Poem Time. This time is a plantera poem...Plantera has a hasty and tasty nature, my extra pokemon are going on a rumble adventure, the mega able pokemons are awesome. sadly, plantera may have no mega-evolution, but some is better than nothing... i can get a nugget in five days and i may get honey from a beehive. interact to get a handsome kyurem. i seen a weird bug today in pokeheroes... Riako is so smart so he pushared a smartphone yesterday. end of the poem. Note: the smartphone is just a jk because i dint find something else. also. interact?

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Posted: Sun, 18/01/2015 15:18 (10 Years ago)
My pkmn was rumbling. i was watching them since they start his missions. then they done the missions. but the timer was going in this way (last 10 secs) 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0... then they started again counting down the 24 hours. like this: 24:00:00... 23:59:59... and so on. then i reloaded the page and it look like: the following pkmn returned from a rumble mission... and they were ready to retrieve. so... this was my react: :O <mother of arceus!!!) can riako solve this bug? :|

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Posted: Sun, 18/01/2015 03:15 (10 Years ago)

Other:Good Luck For Every1 in the raffle!

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Posted: Thu, 15/01/2015 01:35 (10 Years ago)
Yuki-chan, I want to buy
Items:Shiny Stone X1
Price:3000 Pokedollar
Password: Persian

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Posted: Tue, 06/01/2015 19:01 (10 Years ago)
Interesing. On 18/3/2013 I got a dream about i was a Eevee in a forest, then i see my parents. they where a Sliveon (mom) And a Umbreon (Dad). I asked to them: how do i move? (because i dint know how to walk in 4 Paws) Then they teached me how to. and then i asked: how do i survive? (because i dint know how to reach the oran berries) then they teached me how to. then i asked many more stuff (around 8) then. after learning all that. i eated berries... drink water from rivers... learned how to fight (pokemon battle) And. After all that. I Sleeped on an leaf(sleeping on the dream). on the next day. i learned how to jump. then a Zoroark appeared. my reaction was ''oh no. cant hold that tought guy'' As I Were Hurted And Over And Over. Then I Got An Idea. Making a custom move (Hard Upperhead) And I Knocked it to the tree. after that. i feeled weird... then i asked to parents: parents. i weel weird. wtats happening? Then They Replied. Eveelution. son. as i wondered: to who eevelution i will evolve? vapereon. joleon, flareon, sliveon, umbreon, glaceon. leafeon, or espeon? then... end.. i waked up. and the dream gone.

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Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 17:48 (10 Years ago)

Title: Whos Better?

I Want To Know Whos Better (Of the spriting programs)

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Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 02:24 (10 Years ago)
Nightmare Munna? (I Wanna Know The Price Of... Male Nightmare Munna. Female Nightmare Munna. Shiny male nightmare munna. and shiny female nightmare munna)

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Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 02:17 (10 Years ago)
An Epic Lag :S

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Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 02:09 (10 Years ago)
Username:Goldaether (It May Change To Tenguman Later)
Nickname:GoldMudkip (If I Change Username To Tenguman. My Nick Will Change To TenguMudkip)
Favorite Mudkip Evolution:Marshtomp

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Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 01:26 (10 Years ago)
Cool Dream. Theres My Dream: Once A Long Tine Ago I Dreamed About The Pokemon World And The Real World Mixed Into One World. Then I Seen Lots Of Pokemon Interacting With People. (Example: An Fennekin Was Helping A Guy To Make Hot Dogs So The Guy Can Sell It On The Whole Town) Then I Touched My Pockets And I Noticed I Had Pokeballs. So I Used My Pokemon So I Can... Cut The Grass Of My Home (Too Much Grass, Ferrothorn) Break Some Rocks Of My House So I Can Have Space To Plant A Tree (Lucario) I Recovered My Fossil (Huntail) Find Some Usefull Items Underwater (sharkpedo) My Dog Finally Sleeped (he was very active, munna) How About Persian? He Just... Was Like My Pet. And After All That. I Feeded Them Because Of That Hard Work (I Feeded Persian Too)

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Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 04:20 (10 Years ago)
''RTEDTDRER'' (Cant Know Wtats Thinking)

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Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 02:39 (10 Years ago)
Banned Because I Got Mangled On The Moon (see my nightmare munna)

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Posted: Tue, 23/12/2014 18:11 (10 Years ago)
''Merry Xmas Every1''

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Posted: Tue, 23/12/2014 18:06 (10 Years ago)
''Im Electric/Ghost Type!!!''

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Posted: Tue, 23/12/2014 02:44 (10 Years ago)
7/10 Cool But Simple

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Posted: Mon, 22/12/2014 22:24 (10 Years ago)
Please evolve my Pokémon!
Pokémon ID
Comment (additional):Is A Level 27 Clamperl + Deepsea Tooth

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Posted: Sun, 21/12/2014 23:04 (10 Years ago)
7/10 Just Good. My Avatar Is Supossed To Be A Bunny Using A Santa Suit

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Posted: Sun, 21/12/2014 22:56 (10 Years ago)
6/10 Cool Avatar

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