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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Fidget.
Posted: Sat, 03/09/2022 19:31 (2 Years ago)
Oh my! You are pumping them out 😍 I love Gengar so much!
Thank you for these beautiful profile icons 💜

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Posted: Thu, 25/08/2022 20:29 (2 Years ago)
BUT they are so cute! Nice work!

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Posted: Tue, 09/08/2022 04:57 (2 Years ago)

[ Post #003 ]
[ Post #005 ]

"Pokedex Entries"

Journey Started: August 9th, 2022
Hoenn Pokedex

[C]aught || [H]atched || [T]raded
[S]hiny || [M]ega || [E]volved

#001 - Treecko
#002 - Grovyle
#003 - Sceptile
#004 - Torchic [C] - 08/08/22
#005 - Combusken
#006 - Blaziken
#007 - Mudkip
#008 - Marshtomp
#009 - Swampert
#010 - Poochyena
#011 - Mightyena
#012 - Zigzagoon
#013 - Linoone
#014 - Wurple
#015 - Silcoon
#016 - Beautifly
#017 - Cascoon
#018 - Dustox
#019 - Lotad
#020 - Lombre
#021 - Ludicolo
#022 - Seedot
#023 - Nuzleaf
#024 - Shiftry
#025 - Tailow
#026 - Swellow
#027 - Wingull
#028 - Pelipper
#029 - Ralts
#030 - Kirlia
#031 - Gardevior
#032 - Gallade
#033 - Surkit
#034 - Masquerain
#035 - Shroomish
#036 - Breloom
#037 - Slakoth
#038 - Vigoroth
#039 - Slaking
#040 - Abra
#041 - Kadabra
#042 - Alkazam
#043 - Nincada
#044 - Ninjask
#045 - Shedinja
#046 - Whismur
#047 - Loudred
#048 - Exploud
#049 - Makuhita
#050 - Hariyama
#051 - Goldeen
#052 - Seaking
#053 - Magikarp
#054 - Gyarados
#055 - Azurill
#056 - Marill
#057 - Azumarill
#058 - Geodude
#059 - Graveler
#060 - Golem
#061 - Nosepass
#062 - Probopass
#063 - Skitty
#064 - Delcatty
#065 - Zubat
#066 - Golbat
#067 - Crobat
#068 - Tentacool
#069 - Tentacruel
#070 - Sableye
#071 - Mawile
#072 - Aron
#073 - Lairon
#074 - Aggron
#075 - Machop
#076 - Machoke
#077 - Machamp
#078 - Meditite
#079 - Medicham
#080 - Electrike
#081 - Manectric
#082 - Plusle
#083 - Minun
#084 - Magnemite
#085 - Magneton
#086 - Magnezone
#087 - Voltorb
#088 - Electrode
#089 - Volbeat
#090 - Illumise
#091 - Oddish
#092 - Gloom
#093 - Vileplume
#094 - Bellossom
#095 - Doduo
#096 - Dodrio
#097 - Budew
#098 - Roselia
#099 - Roserade
#100 - Gulpin
#101 - Swalot
#102 - Carvanha
#103 - Sharpedo
#104 - Wailmer
#105 - Wailord
#106 - Numel
#107 - Camerupt
#108 - Slugma
#109 - Magcargo
#110 - Torkoal
#111 - Grimer
#112 - Muk
#113 - Koffing
#114 - Weezing
#115 - Spoink
#116 - Grumpig
#117 - Sandshrew
#118 - Sandslash
#119 - Spinda
#120 - Skarmory
#121 - Trapinch
#122 - Vibrava
#123 - Flygon
#124 - Cacnea
#125 - Cacturne
#126 - Swablu
#127 - Altaria
#128 - Zangoose
#129 - Seviper
#130 - Lunatone
#131 - Solrock
#132 - Barboach
#133 - Whicash
#134 - Corphish
#135 - Crawdaunt
#136 - Baltoy
#137 - Claydol
#138 - Lileep
#139 - Cradily
#140 - Anorith
#141 - Armaldo
#142 - Igglybuff
#143 - Jigglypuff
#144 - Wigglytuff
#145 - Feebas
#146 - Milotic
#147 - Castform
#148 - Staryu
#149 - Starmie
#150 - Kecleon
#151 - Shuppet
#152 - Banette
#153 - Duskull
#154 - Dusclops
#155 - Dusknoir
#156 - Tropius
#157 - Chingling
#158 - Chimecho
#159 - Absol
#160 - Vulpix
#161 - Ninetales
#162 - Pichu
#163 - Pikachu
#164 - Raichu
#165 - Psyduck
#166 - Golduck
#167 - Wynaut
#168 - Wobbuffet
#169 - Natu
#170 - Xatu
#171 - Girafarig
#172 - Phanpy
#173 - Donphan
#174 - Pinsir
#175 - Heracross
#176 - Rhyhorn
#177 - Rhydon
#178 - Rhyperior
#179 - Snorunt
#180 - Glalie
#181 - Froslass
#182 - Spheal
#183 - Sealeo
#184 - Walrein
#185 - Clamperl
#186 - Huntail
#187 - Gorebyss
#188 - Relicanth
#189 - Carsola
#190 - Chinchou
#191 - Lanturn
#192 - Luvdisc
#193 - Horsea
#194 - Seadra
#195 - Kingdra
#196 - Bagon
#197 - Shelgon
#198 - Salamence
#199 - Beldum
#200 - Metang
#201 - Metagross
#202 - Regirock
#203 - Regice
#204 - Registeel
#205 - Latias
#206 - Latios
#207 - Kyogre
#208 - Groudon
#209 - Rayquaza
#210 - Jirachi
#211 - Deoxys

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Posted: Mon, 08/08/2022 05:21 (2 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 20:58 (2 Years ago)

[ Post #002 ]
[ Post #004 ]

"ISO Shiny or Naive
Female Starter"

I am in search of a shiny Torchic or a female with the naive nature via game resets. Both are just as difficult. 😅

Quote from August 4th, 2022
41 game resets

Show hidden content
My Physical Journal - I miss counted before bed, 41*

Quote from August 5th, 2022
77 game resets

Quote from August 6th, 2022
197 game resets

Quote from August 7th, 2022
255 game resets

Quote from August 8th, 2022
28 game resets

I got my naive female! ✨️

Current Game Reset Total: 598

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 03:03 (2 Years ago)

[ Post #001 ]
[ Post #003 ]

"New File"

Pokemon Game: Alpha Sapphire [ r. 2014 ]
Restart Date: August 4th, 2022
Nintendo Console: Pikachu 2DS 😍

Starter Pokemon: Torchic* [ Fire 🔥 ]
[ * I am currently game resetting to shiny
hunt until I find myself a naive female ]

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 01:08 (2 Years ago)

Oh wow, a vistor! 👋🏻 Welcome to my journal into Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire gameplay. This thread is available to see publicly. I only ask that you do not post within this thread. If you have questions or would like to chit-chat about Alpha Sapphire, please palpad or private message me. 😊 Thanks!

Table of Posts

[ Post #002 ] - "New File"
[ Post #003 ] - "ISO Shiny or Naive Female Starter"
[ Post #004 ] - "Pokedex Entries"
[ Post #005 ] - "Gym Badges"

More to come!

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2022 22:13 (2 Years ago)
One of my favorite forum threads. I had to return to see what you have created. Omg I love them all. *o *

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Posted: Fri, 10/09/2021 02:47 (3 Years ago)
ahhh. so freaking colorful. thank you for these ♡

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Posted: Tue, 07/09/2021 16:37 (3 Years ago)
thank you for the new icons! i love the driflooms!

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 18:21 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 22/08/2021 17:27 (3 Years ago)
wow *o * thank you!

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Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 20:51 (3 Years ago)
[url=urlgoeshere]whatever text you want here[/url]

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Posted: Wed, 18/08/2021 02:13 (3 Years ago)
youuu can do thisss. ;p

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Posted: Wed, 18/08/2021 02:06 (3 Years ago)
that is totally fine if you have to decline! ^_ ^

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 23:39 (3 Years ago)
Username: Diimplez
Is this a Gift for anyone?: no, myself :p
Type(Fusion, OC, ect): oc pokemon
Icon, Halfbody ect?: however you want to draw him
Ref?: poke-ified my cat, falcor
Other: falcor does the meerkat standing scout pose when he sees birds, if possible pose for this piece also darkred
Overall: i adore your art, 100k pd+tip

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 23:27 (3 Years ago)
♡Aero! Draw me something!♡
Username: Diimplez
Character you want drawn: my haunter, astrid
Type: Chibi Fullbody (30k+tip)
Password: Classic Birthday Cake
Other: can the background be transparent please

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Posted: Sun, 15/08/2021 18:40 (3 Years ago)
Draw something for me please~ ♥
Username: Diimplez
Reference: reference
Type of art: full-body
Any additional details?: any pose easiest for yous~
Payment: 250n+tip
Any other stuff you want to say? owo: i completely understand humans are a maybe. i am fine if you decline ^_ ^

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Posted: Wed, 11/08/2021 15:45 (3 Years ago)
they have already completed the alolan vulpix. as absbor mentioned, completed icons are on the first post, on the front page.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 21:48 (3 Years ago)
i enjoy to see progress as well!
thank you for sharing your lovely pokemon art! *u *

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