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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from DukeFlapple~.
Posted: Tue, 23/07/2024 14:05 (3 Days ago)
I have 2k fighting gems for sale.... @ 500 each pd

What items are u having in ur mind ?

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Posted: Tue, 23/07/2024 14:01 (3 Days ago)
Hey nat75

I got 190 nebula stones for sale @ 10k PD each and 37 Rare candies @ 12k each ...

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 13:32 (4 Days ago)
Announcement :

Ace~ has joined this to work with guys !!!! This is now a Joint Trade…. He is taking slots for his current hunts and if possible also custom hunts !!!!!

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 12:32 (4 Days ago)
Uhmm Those are not for sale… I have still sort that box out

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 09:24 (4 Days ago)
No ... After the shinies are ready only

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 09:16 (4 Days ago)
Recent News :

New hunt is Combee ... Price for each shiny 150k !!! Order if u want 1

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 09:15 (4 Days ago)
Sure added

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 05:24 (4 Days ago)

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Posted: Fri, 12/07/2024 05:17 (14 Days ago)
A Beautiful Gift from my friend ShatteredDiamond

This SM beauty is AWESOME... TY

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 16:03 (16 Days ago)
@AssassinKoen That shiny will be 66k PD ... and just to inform u , u have blocked me idk why, so i cant trade with u even u want this shiny lol... Plzz unblock me if u want this shiny
Thank You ^0^

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 11:19 (16 Days ago)
@~SpiritBeholder~ Sure I will hunt for it soon and send u ... that will be 40k PD [/b]

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 10:09 (16 Days ago)
@Agent_Sobble That will be 2.7 Million PD or 900-1000 nuggets …
@-ShiningRayquaza- That will be 77k PD according to stonks…
@aprixsnake That will be 140k PD according to stonks…

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 09:10 (16 Days ago)
Shop is now OPEN

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 07:41 (16 Days ago)
Ace’s Corner

Current Hunt

Price: 40000 PD / 290 Rock Gems / 109 Water Gems

Slots available
Show hidden content
3 open!
1) HenryAllain x3 shinies

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 06:27 (16 Days ago)

Here I sell the extra shinies from my SM/normal hunt mostly !!! Fell free to buy them if u like any one of them .
The prices can be discussed but will also check the stonks !!!

Easy Type Rarity Shinies :

Medium Type Rarity Shinies :
x13 x2


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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 04:39 (16 Days ago)

Hello everyone !!! This shop is divided in in 2 Posts !!!
- 1st Post contains selling of items and Shiny Custom Hunts
- 2nd Post contains selling of Shinies

Rules: must read it ...
Show hidden content
1.All PH Rules Apply
2.Please check the list for an open slot before posting
3.Use the Form
4.Be patient (since you won't be the only order I have to complete)
5.You have 5 days to claim the shiny

Main Items for sale :
Rare Candies x25- 12000 PD
Blue Orb x1- 9500 PD
Green Orb x1- 9500 PD
Red Orb x0- 9500 PD
Enigma Pearl x2- 10000 PD

Legendary Items :
Nebula Stone x272- 10000 PD each

I will keep on updating on the items... Feel free to ask if u want any other items and I will check and tell ya !!!


Easy = 60k PD
Medium = 90k PD
Hard = 120k PD
Rare = 135k PD
Starter = 190 PD
Special = 150k PD
Fossils = 150k PD

Other Accepted Items
Rock Gems = 250 PD
Grass Gems = 500 PD
Accepting PD for now

Current Hunt :

1. nat75 ( 3 MALE shinies )

Custom Hunt Shops :
1. HenryAllain - 4 shiny Honedge (Paid half)
2. ~SpiritBeHolder~ - Shiny Gastly (Paid)

Order Post
Username :
Shiny wanted :
Quantity :
Mode of payment :

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 04:13 (16 Days ago)
Hello Everyone !!! This shop is now Closed as I will be creating a Better one with new features in it !!!!
Thank You everyone !! See u in the new shop ^-^

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Posted: Sat, 06/07/2024 02:42 (20 Days ago)
Hey there
How much for 1 SM slot for galarian rapidash ?

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Posted: Mon, 27/05/2024 11:27 (1 Month ago)
Hey there !!!
Ur all Electric , Ice , Steel , Dragon , Fairy , Ground , Normal , Psychic , Ghost , Flying and Fighting Gems for my 2 Albino Nacli and 100k Cr and a Summon

EDIT: sry i mean Albino Tarountula

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Posted: Fri, 24/05/2024 05:56 (2 Months ago)
Hey shop still open ?

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