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Searching for: Posts from DiamondSSSR.
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2025 01:10 (6 Hours ago)
Sending, missing pls

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 13:17 (18 Hours ago)
Sending, I have literally 1 plushie only so it's literally imposibble to get a same plushie.

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 12:47 (19 Hours ago)
Me be like:
1. Go to game centre
2. Concentration
3. Treasure hunt if can
4. Hangman
5. Bought more 50 lottery tickets if want
6. Repeat the above until I don't want to
7. Golden slot, legend mode!

Fav game: Concentration game
Reason: Lots of GC

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 12:26 (19 Hours ago)
Started playing about 4 days ago and get to level 18, and it's almost level 19.

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 10:23 (21 Hours ago)
If the first options is picked, I have literally no pokemon, not even a normal one. So i think I had no choice but picking the second option.

Would you rather

Watching a 3 hours excellent movie.


Watching a 10 minutes explanation of the same movie.

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 03:47 (1 Day ago)
911, why is there FBI outside my house?

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 03:37 (1 Day ago)

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 03:34 (1 Day ago)
Eating H2O using a bowl and a fork and be sent to backroom and dies bc attempted to drink a monster in the backroom.

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 03:26 (1 Day ago)

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 03:15 (1 Day ago)
You are banned because you post too many forum in this thread

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Posted: Wed, 01/01/2025 16:09 (3 Days ago)

Title: 1 year

Today is the first day of 2025 in my time.
Even though I joined on the last day of the whole 2024.
So I played since 2024.... Which is a year I guess?

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Posted: Wed, 01/01/2025 15:41 (3 Days ago)

Title: DiamondSSSR


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