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Posted: Sat, 02/12/2023 20:40 (1 Year ago)
Oh. Thanks.

Is there a lvl requirement because its not showing up.

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Posted: Sat, 02/12/2023 19:47 (1 Year ago)
Ok. Thanks!

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Posted: Sat, 02/12/2023 07:53 (1 Year ago)
I managed to get my hands on a old vinyl but i cant summon him the ancient cave.What am i suposed to do?

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2023 20:41 (1 Year ago)
Whats the average price for ultra necrozma

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Posted: Sat, 14/10/2023 14:23 (1 Year ago)
I maxed it at 50k interactions

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Posted: Sat, 14/10/2023 07:29 (1 Year ago)
I realised a big part of the game is locked behind mystery boxes. Does anybody know of a way toget boxes and keys withount having to grind rumble misions.

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Posted: Sat, 14/10/2023 07:21 (1 Year ago)
Garchomp is my favorite, but i also like the design for hisuian goodra.

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Posted: Sat, 14/10/2023 07:18 (1 Year ago)
I never name my pokemon because if i do, I usually forget which pokemon the are so i just stick to their original pokemon name.

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Posted: Sat, 14/10/2023 07:10 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Fri, 13/10/2023 05:32 (1 Year ago)
Sylveons cool i guess.

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Posted: Fri, 13/10/2023 05:30 (1 Year ago)
I am curently at level 23.

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 18:55 (1 Year ago)
Ok. Thanks!

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Posted: Wed, 11/10/2023 18:28 (1 Year ago)
I am trying to get the "New community" badge but i dont know how to get it...

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