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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from DarkRyderLegend.
Posted: Tue, 09/12/2014 07:59 (10 Years ago)
mostly my life is not all that great i have to live with pokemon because i never saw what my real family was so i live with a delphox and a braxien and a fennekin
i love them so much they are more like pets to me delphox is female and her name is devil braxien is male and his name is fire and fennekin is female and her name is flame my name is jack i am 19 my family are fire starters and male my family abused me when i was 8 like bad abuse

team light: *looks at absol* that one is a wimp pokemon just leave it *throws rock at absol*

HEY! *grabs staff* *points at team light* leave him alone

team light: why its weak it need to die and so do you kid


team light: *grabs his staff* *points at jack* fine if it will make you happy *snaps his staff apart*

thank you *looks at absol* *wipes his mouth*

absol: *tilts head* *looks at jack* *whimpers*

*kisses his head* *tears drop onto his head* dont worry nothing will hurt you

absol: *wipes his tears* *looks at jack* *yawns*

*looks at absol* *smiles a little* im gonna call you light *carries absol*

absol: *looks at jack* *tilts head*

*tears drop into his head* dont worry no one will hurt you because im with you now

absol: *sleeps in jacks arms* Zzz...

*pets him while he sleeps* dont worry *kisses his head*

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Posted: Mon, 03/11/2014 09:13 (10 Years ago)

Title: new comber (jcswimmer123)

hello im jcswimmer but everyone calls me swimmer or jcs nice to meet you all ^_^ look at this photo if you have anytimehttp://th09.deviantart.net/fs46/PRE/i/2009/180/f/8/Sir_Aaron_and_Lucario_by_alexiakhodanian.jpg

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