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DJSonicBurstBeats OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 9 |
Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 05:21 (9 Years ago) |
Dear diary, It's been a while here at Pokeheroes. I have just won a totodile at the auction house. Good thing I made it on time, the highest bidder was 1,002 PD and comes from a millionare trainer and I outbid him, luckily I place it at the RIGHT time of depletion hehehe. Good thing I have a totodile because they were so cute! I just want to have a REAL plushie of it and start hugging it right now. Next I should start to find a chikorita or sometimes a treecko since I have less grass types on my box and pokedex. Wish me luck on it 'kay? Better keep on track for my money and keep auctioning like a billionare hehehe. Oh, I have somehing to tell you that was weird. Whenever I go to the daycare to get the eggs and I hatch them, the weird thing is that those eggs were the same pokemons that I place at the daycare! Let me see… I hatch atleast 5 eggs of total with the same of pokemon, weird right! I almost think to ready attack the daycare owner with Chael and Kuroko, but all of the PH trainers might get worried *sweatdropped* well I have something to do else 'kay? So I have to go no ba-bye! Sincerely, Aisheru [Read more] |
DJSonicBurstBeats OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 9 |
Posted: Fri, 21/08/2015 10:59 (9 Years ago) |
Dear diary, Since I made this first diary at PH, I have nothing to say but keeping myself smile. All these days that I spend this game was so good. Nothing much, but I really want to attack the daycare owner because of his weirdness plus… the fast depletion of my money that I gave him for more eggs. Hahaha, those days were kindda rough though, ignoring them would be stressful, so better find ways of keeping them safe wisely. Oh by the way… I'm very happy today that I have a Greninja and a Delphox already… all I need lastly is a Chesnaught and I can now finish the whole starters of the Kalos region. Good conplishment to myself right? Well better get going and we should see each other soon much. Bye. Sincerely, Aisheru [Read more] |
DJSonicBurstBeats OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 9 |
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 15:33 (10 Years ago) |
Age:16 Gender:Female Appearance: A regular Lucario but with a golden armband at the right hand with red,blue,green and yellow small gems. Human or Pokemon: Of course pokemon XD Species:Lucario Good or Evil: Good Other:She could be a great helper at heart. She wants to find the mysteries about Lugia and master her skills. But she is with a clumsy attitude and a high temper one. [Read more] |
DJSonicBurstBeats OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 9 |
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 09:14 (10 Years ago) |
Title: Hey there![
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