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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 16:15 (9 Years ago)
"Well, having dealt with them a few times, chances are these ones are the weakest of them all, mainly used as scouts and the like. They shouldn't be too difficult to handle." Levex said while picking up a few rocks from the ground. "In any case, they usually travel in groups of about 20-25, only in rare cases do they travel with more or less than that."

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 16:06 (9 Years ago)
No problem so will i.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 14:28 (9 Years ago)
@Snouzering edit out the password and fix the creatures picture when you can, other than that accepted. Welcome to Eldemore. c:

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 14:22 (9 Years ago)
"Whoa there Collin, rest some more, by my calculations you will need about a half day to fully recover, that's why i said we can leave tomorrow." Erebus said, then after a pause he added, "unless you want to rush to the train station, i mean we can always use my new travel method haha." He said while laughing at the glare Collin gave him.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 06:00 (9 Years ago)
ok, alright well I'm off to bed for real this time, Finally starting to get sleepy tired. I chat and rp with you ladies later.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:55 (9 Years ago)
so that's whats going on, cool, one question though was the bone important?

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:51 (9 Years ago)
Opening the door and seeing Collin up and conversing helped Erebus be a bit more at ease, "Yo glad to see you up 'Frosty'" he said in his usual joking manner. Upon closely inspecting Collin, Erebus guessed that for a full recovery would take about half a day. "It's good your alright, but master Virginia has another assignment or us, but we can leave tomorrow after you have fully rested."

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:43 (9 Years ago)
@Serena ok i see, next time be a bit more detailed since you didn't put a name i didn't know which one that was.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:32 (9 Years ago)
@Serena: ummm. I don't think your breaking any rules so no warning issued but follow along with the rp story please, your last location was in a tree near Silar and Kayoko, so please stick with following on that please. I don't think you can be in two different places at once.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:22 (9 Years ago)
Inside his training room, Erebus sat crossed legged after unleashing a few new techniques, I need to get stronger, but i also need to keep my anger in check, calm mind silent and serene heart, he reminded himself he was not an orphan anymore he had people that trusted him and that he trusted, he must not act like he used to being brash and out of control. Several minutes passed and after calming down, he left his training room only to find Kuro there, "if your here does that mean Collin is awake?" Kuro started running towards the upper stairs in response to the question, running quickly following him Erebus and Kuro reached the top floor in just a short while.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 04:13 (9 Years ago)
Seeing there were, still two Ligers, he thought to himself, damn my senses must be a bit dull, rushing towards the first Liger that was thrown off the Sleiphner, while it was still somewhat dazed he drew close, unsheathing his blade right next to the Liger he struck it twice in an x pattern. After it fell down motionless, Silar moved to the last one trying to climb the tree Paws was in, getting close enough he jumped over top of it while stabbing it, he rolled away as they landed on the ground hard. Looking up at Paws, "It's ok now Paws that was the last of them."

Nyx keeping patrol heard the sounds of two Ligers cry our as the fell and figured that there were probably a few more that were just taken care of, so she continued her patrol.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 03:02 (9 Years ago)
Simply turning around, Erebus handed the paper to Aurora saying "I'll read the mission when Collin wakes up, Until then I'll be in my personal training room." Everyone that knew Erebus well understood that when he went to his personal training room he was truly enraged, because of his normal nature even though he would get mad he only went to his training room in rare cases.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 02:43 (9 Years ago)
"No problem Kayoko, I'm sure you would have done the same." Closing his eyes and concentrating Silar was feeling the surrounding area for any other presence's, only feeling one other presence that wasn't hostile, he opened his eyes. "Kayoko i don't think we have to worry, I'm not feeling any other hostile creatures in the area, the real question is which camp should we go to?" Putting his blade away, he turned to Kayoko, then examined her arms, "We should take some time to rest here though, i need to treat these wounds before we move anywhere." Looking at Nyx and Dakota, "Nyx could you patrol the area for awhile and if anything gets close, scare it off with a few warning shots. Dakota or Paws could one of you go get some water for me?" Looking back at Kayoko he said, "well this has been quite the day hasn't it?"

Nyx seeing that things calmed down, looked around what should we do now, that human doesn't look to be in good shape. While thinking this she heard Silar's suggestion and request, well he makes a good point, but he will owe me for this. She left quickly traveling the tree's in the area 50 meters out from Silar and the rest in a circle, watching for any movement.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 01:36 (9 Years ago)
Seeing the quick strings of events, Silar darted forward towards Kayoko noticing another pair of eyes near her in her blind spot, he yelled out "Nyx cannon shot." Silar , just reached Kayoko in time as he pulled her to the side with one hand and drew his blade with the other, as another Liger jumped out. Having his blade drawn he used it to block the claws aimed at him and Kayoko as the were knocked a little off to the side they dodged, as the Liger landed on the ground it suddenly was blown away into a tree and then fell limp and lifeless. Seeing this "good now help Dakota with timed rifle shots" he said towards Nyx.

Getting ready to jump into the fray of things Nyx stopped as she heard Silar's command, she then took a few moments to charge a shadowball. Finished charging it during Silar's exchange with the second Liger, she fired it in the calculated landing area so as to be sure to hit. After firing and seeing it fall limp, Nyx focused on supporting Dakota like Silar asked, making small shots near it's feet from time to time throwing it's balance off.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 01:14 (9 Years ago)
"No Trickster is locked up in the special are of the guilds cells." Erebus said in response to Aurora's question, then had an expression of sheer rage. He then added, "master Virginia i would like to go investigate that place once more, i may find a clue to the whereabout's of Hidy, because aside from her there was no one there that could have caught Collin."

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 00:26 (9 Years ago)
Being nudged by Kuro, Erebus took it as a good sign and petted Kuro a bit, Listening to Aurora translate Erebus smiled. "I was doing well too, maybe just a bit more tired than you today." Hearing master Virginia Erebus stood up following behind Aurora, Well things got quite heated today, but hopefully it wasn't a planned strike at us, otherwise things may get lively quick.

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 22:45 (9 Years ago)
"Well since master Virginia said she will fill you in I'll let her do so, but from the look in your eyes I'll say this, your guess is probably right on the money." Erebus said while walking over to Aurora, stopping in front of Kuro he knelt down and reached out his hand slowly, remembering that last time he got bit, he stopped short and waited for Kuro to make a move. "Hey Kuro, long time no see, have you been well?"

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 22:20 (9 Years ago)
Don't worry You'll do fine. @Serena sorry been busy lately with work.

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 22:00 (9 Years ago)
Returning from the upper floors of the guild, Erebus noticed a new figure at the main hall, stopping for a moment, he couldn't help let out a grin. "Hey if it isn't 'Twin Element' did you just get back from your last mission? Great timing, you missed alot here."

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 21:53 (9 Years ago)
"haha well i wouldn't say I'm strong per say just my magic is very useful if applied properly, that and I'm also constantly testing various ways to use my ability." Levex smiled as he said so, "you should have more faith in yourself, I'm sure your strong you just have to find a good way to use your power that works for you. I don't mind if you watch, but wouldn't you rather join me instead?"

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