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Posted: Sat, 30/05/2015 20:27 (9 Years ago)
Sorry sorry been busy!

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Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 01:06 (9 Years ago)
Oh also, if it's needed to progress, I have no problem with someone making Stein do stuff. Like movements or talk. Just nothing introspective. Just remember he's smart but shy.

I understand what the rules said but if there's a chance I can't get on them it's not an issue. I'll be sure to post saying you guys can do that. Don't want to hold of story for no reason.

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Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 01:04 (9 Years ago)
Stein shook his head in agreement. It would have cost a pretty penny to develop such a machine. He kept pondering to himself about who might have placed the device.

Before moving he carefully took one arm from around Sun and grabbed Croix's Pokeball. After Pressing the center button, which released his partner in a shower of red light, he placed it back on his belt. " I figure it's better to have you out this time bud, I'd have Zeke out too, but I feel he needs a bit more training. Just play nice with all the cats. he noted how his Houndour cocked his head to the side slightly at the sight of Sun in his arms, and with a small huff fell into his owners stride. Stein went back to rubbing Sun after making sure to give Croix some attention as well.
maybe I'll carry you a bit later, you are lighter of i remember correctly. that seemed to satisfy his partner more.

Where are we headed now?

As he asked he continued his thought on the device. Was Team Rocket still around in the shadows? Or another group he'd heard tale of ,from other regions, starting to make their way here? He new groups like the ones he'd been with didn't have the resources for something like this.

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Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 21:21 (9 Years ago)
It's all good I waited a few days just incase people had stuff going on.

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Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 21:17 (9 Years ago)
I'm so lonely, mr. Lonely, I have noboooodddyyyy to write an RP with.

Wait that doesn't sound right

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Posted: Mon, 11/05/2015 02:40 (9 Years ago)
Stein nodded silently as he listened to his mentor's wise words. At that point he heard the thunderous hooves of Basava coming toward them. Stein was still a bit skidding around this creature based off of previous encounters, but he was trying to let go of his feelings.

He saw the two Eveelutions coming with the device in Moon's mouth. It looked strange, but he's seen similar devices before but all had different uses. He watched as Sun came over to him. "Alright, I guess I'll give you you're attention" he bent down and picked up Sun tentatively not expecting it to go easy despite what Dimitrious said. He began rubbing on the Pokemons neck and listening to the group.

"I wonder who placed it here, poachers maybe? I mean it seemed to only affect the shiny. Maybe there is a link there, or maybe not, it could have been upset about something else"

He continued to rub on Sun who lounged in his arms.

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 16:27 (9 Years ago)
Same here I tend to forget after working all day haha. And I'm usually ever on when I get on my phone.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 21:16 (9 Years ago)
Any idea on how catch rates and stuff will be calculated, like will you decide if we catch it or can we decide on our own.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 21:15 (9 Years ago)
Stein was glad to know he would be able to add more to his team. He hadn't been so sure what would happen, he'd seen many Rangers who didn't have a full team. He was also glad to know that his Houndour was more special than he seemed, he was afraid Croix was lazy, bu he liked his Houndour. He still wasn't so sure on the Pidgey his brother gave him, he was kind of bad, but he hadn't have him any commands so wasn't even sure if he'd listen to him or not. He continued thinking about that as they walked away from the town.

He felt a strange sensation and also took note of Keiran and Neto, and Dimitrious and Hope. He kind of wished he had his Houndour out. I've never seen a shiny before he was close enough to hear Keiran say something about how this isn't normally how they should act. He had to agree that it was strange to see a group fighting amongst itself like this.

He did as Dimitrous commanded, but he wished again that he had his own partner out, though he felt safe at the moment amongst his mentor's Pokemon and Nero. He let his hand fall idly onto his belt, landing on one of his Pokeballs. I can't risk letting either of them out, could cause too much trouble

He was surprised the Tauros could hear the whistle, he paused to look at the group of Pokemon and then followed the group. He wished he could own a shiny, it was strange to see a pokemon of a different color and knew it be very hard for him to ever find one.

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Posted: Sat, 02/05/2015 21:54 (9 Years ago)
Well that works for me. I'm ready to go now
He'd heard enough for now, and was ready to get going. Can't stand around here all day, he'll never ever to see all these things his mentor talks about. Well, it'll be strange also to see them from this side as well. Stein may have never been into some of the terrible stuff Dimitrious deals with, but he still feels strange being in the right side of the handcuffs.
Stein grabbed his the two Pokeballs for each of his teammates.
Alright you two time to go back in, I'll see about taking you out later. Zeke looked disappointed, he wanted to stay out and fly freely, Croiz was all to happy to nap again. He pressed the center button of both containers and light enveloped both Pokemon. Both Pokeballs clicked shut, both Pokemon safely inside, and replaced them on his belt.

Stein cinched his bag shut and swung it up onto his back. Staring at his classmate and mentor,'Whelp, what about you Keiran?

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Posted: Fri, 01/05/2015 01:49 (9 Years ago)
Working on everyone pictures had issue with computer (posting from phone now) will post them ASAP

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Posted: Wed, 29/04/2015 21:37 (9 Years ago)
Stein thought to himself I guess I was a little unprepared compared to him, bah, so be it he stared at the Trapinch as it was released, they were very strange looking, he never did like the big jaws.
So we were chosen to go with you due to our age? Or were there other factors in the decision?

He was glad that he didn't get chosen for a boring job, would make this whole thing harder. He may have gotten so bored and reverted to what he was before the academy. He shuddered, at that time Russo alsmost took him out. The Luxio seemed slightly kiddish around him, he's smart, I guess he has the right to I was a bad person. I must still give off that vibe, I'll never be rid of it I suppose

Stein was surprised at the comment about the being able to tell Dimitrious' Pokemon around. He wasn't sure if he ever would, seemed kinda odd to order another persons team around. He just assumed he would have to try it sometime later. What got Stein's attention was when his mentor said he was training Russo and then sending him off to another Ranger.
He mumbled to himself as he watched the Luxio scamper off, I wish I could have you, wel see I guess. If not I'll find my own

He committed the comment about Hope and food to memory.

Stein was also watching his classmate Keira , he seemed very calm for the first time hearing all this information. Though he guessed he was too, more so glad to hear it. He wasn't sure if anyone noticed him thinking about his past.

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Posted: Mon, 27/04/2015 06:47 (9 Years ago)
Yeah I know the feeling. Working full time and I've got pictures to draw for people on here. Not enough time in the day.

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Posted: Mon, 27/04/2015 02:56 (9 Years ago)
Wish Khimiran would post haha

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Posted: Sun, 26/04/2015 19:28 (9 Years ago)
Just letting you know Your form won't be accepted most likely, I'd read the first post again and four out what needs to be changed.

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Posted: Fri, 24/04/2015 21:24 (9 Years ago)
Stein paused and watched the two Eveelutions run along. They were extremely graceful.
At the time Zeke decided to nip his ear. He'd patiently been waiting for Stein to drop his guard a little.
"Ah, ow, you need to quit doing that" Stein glared at his Impidh little Pidgey, he seemed to enjoy doing naughty things. He raised his hand to brush him off and right before he could Zeke flew up and perched on the relaxed Croix.
Stein flung his backpack in front of him and started flying throughhis items.
Right, the items we brought. Well here is what I got when I picked up my Houndour:
6 Pokeballs
4 Potions
2 Burn Heals
1 Revive
A Town Map
I brought with me:
Some spare cash (2000 to be exact)
A jar of Honey
2 Antidotes
2 jars of MooMoo Milk
And my art pad, figured I'd be stuck inSafari Zone, so yeah."

He pause after stating what he had brought, wishing he'd been smart enough to grab a couple TMs, or anything else.
He waited to see if his classmate was more prepared than him.

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Posted: Fri, 24/04/2015 20:45 (9 Years ago)
Ok just wanted to check before making a post.

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Posted: Fri, 24/04/2015 12:16 (9 Years ago)
Safe to assume we have same stuff from academy or no? I was thinking they'd give different stuff based on who you chose. Makes it bit more fun.

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Posted: Fri, 24/04/2015 00:29 (9 Years ago)
He listened to his mentor, pondering why he and this other graduate were chosen to train under him. When the his Pokemon, Hope, hoped on his shoulders Steing Pidgey was not to be out done and flew up on top of Stein's head.
Stein tried to bat him away and listen at the same time. Eventually Zeke settled on his shoulder eyeing up Stein's ear.

Stein was almost glad to be one chosen to do more good than being stuck in the Safari Zone, it would have been too boring. He huffed a little when Dimitrious mentioned having to get over his type preference. It made sense to him, but he still didn't really care for cats, though catching the Luxio out of the corner of his eye time to time made him intrigued. I wouldn't mind having one of them he thought to himself.

The Tauros appears before him, closer than he would have liked. But he knew of something were to happen Dimitrious' Pokemon were well trained and would listen.

[b]Well, I personally have never had a good run in with them. A few years ago, before joining the Academy, I almost got hurt bad by a group of rampaging Tauros. I see that yours of calm, not the norm, or from what I'm gathering of this lesson he might just be. I've only ever seen them in groups and they are easily riled up.[b]

He wasn't sure if that was the right answer, but he had answered anyway. Croix paced and laid down at his teeth

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Posted: Thu, 23/04/2015 23:08 (9 Years ago)
Since they don't age, right, ummm I'll say 300 years.

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