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ChingKittyCat OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Mon, 08/05/2017 17:12 (7 Years ago) |
I'm not agendered myself, but I just thought it strange because the sprite already exists. If it's just an issue with what NPCs refer to you by, that'd be simple enough to change to something less gendered. Either remove the gendered reference entirely.. Or change it to something void of gender. This would be more inclusive for agendered players and to players who aren't comfortable sharing their gender to people on the internet. Of course, it's a bit hard to see on the forum page (and would probably be the same with the userpage), but that's nothing a bit of value invert can't fix. Edit: It seems like this was suggested years ago too. Whoops. Well, I guess it's nice to have a reminder. [Read more] |
ChingKittyCat OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sun, 17/07/2016 20:19 (8 Years ago) |
ChingKittyCat OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Wed, 22/06/2016 01:10 (8 Years ago) |
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