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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Chazz.
Posted: Sun, 07/07/2013 16:37 (11 Years ago)
Name: Chazz
Starter: Murkrow
Legendary to capture later in RP: Latios
Team later in RP: Murkrow, Latios, Aerodactyl, Eelektross,
Personality: Strong-willed, smart, relentless
Gender: Male
Apperance: Brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5''6
Good or Bad: Good
History: Brought as the son of a shadow group. Given his starter (murkrow) he was destined to take control of the group. However, a Latios came to him, showing him the truth behind what he was being brought into. Since then, it has been his quest to find this Latios, and discover the truth about himself.

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