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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 16/12/2021 13:10 (3 Years ago)
And that hope for a bright future, a true knight with trusted allies to fight alongside, made Sigil smile again.
They looked back to him, and nodded firmly at his acceptance.
“Then… Shall we?”
They used their thumb to point in the direction of the farms they were planning on briefly visiting in the first place, feeling a lot more at ease.
They let moments pass before choosing the speak again, “Despite seeming to have a bit of friction in your life, you seem to hold your head up high and smile through it all regardless. That’s… That’s inspiring. Being able to brush off your troubles and focus on what’s really important.”

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Posted: Thu, 16/12/2021 09:51 (3 Years ago)
Sigil nods, “Deciding to stick with what you want to do above what others want you to do… That’s an admirable trait.”

Their mind mulls over his words, and they feel a small pull, as if the heart beating in their chest has found the reason why working with others felt so much better than working alone.
It’s noticeable in the way their breath came to a halt and caught in their throat, they look up to him. “Then… Allow me to be the first person you’ve found that you can rely on… and who can rely on you.”

The words escaping their lips very likely held a larger amount of significance and gravity to them than it did to Kynik. What was just someone offering to be his friend - was someone finally opening themselves up to someone else outside of their family circle for the first time in forever. It just so happened that Kynik’s friendly and easygoing nature was just what Sigil needed to take those first steps.

An awkward silence hung after their words, and they glanced away bashfully, fidgeting with the straps of their gloves.

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Posted: Wed, 15/12/2021 21:28 (3 Years ago)
Rayquaza! :D

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Posted: Wed, 15/12/2021 15:40 (3 Years ago)
Sigil listened to him intently and nodded, “Two different experiences with growing up. I was always a fighter in my family, it fell upon the youth to hunt. And luckily, using a Lance is not too different to using a hunting spear. Although, I’m still getting used to the change in materials.”

They follow beside him, changing their direction only a millisecond after he did. They attempt to try and maintain eye contact whenever they spoke, but their gaze would end up shifting to their surroundings, trying to silently map where they’re going.
“Hunting is an exciting experience… But it can be very dangerous depending on the subject of the hunt.” They absentmindedly ran a hand through their choppy maroon locks of hair. They slick it back, but it folds back over their hand quickly, stubborn to hold its original shape.
They let a moment pass before sighing, “My parents were apprehensive about me studying to become a knight.” They look down at their open palm, a swirl of emotions in their eyes. “I suppose… I grew up on outliving others, and they thought I couldn’t handle being an official knight… But I have the will to protect others.” They close their hand into a fist, looking to Kynik. “Don’t you?”

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Posted: Wed, 15/12/2021 09:38 (3 Years ago)
“Is that so?” They tilt their head curiously at the information, absentmindedly folding their arms across their chest. They let out a small chuckle, “Now I’m curious, too.”
As they grew up in a family that only lived off of the land, Sigil was no stranger to the world of agriculture and farming. Hunters and gatherers had to earn their keep when it came to acquiring forgeable goods and animal meat, but the growing of crops was just as vital for survival.
Admittedly, Sigil was thankful that there was an opportunity for them to keep the natural survivalist inside of them active, even surrounded by the luxuries of the academy.

They couldn’t stop a smile from resurfacing on their features at their request to join him being accepted, a quirk to their lips and a nod. “Thank you.”
They maintain their strides, walking alongside Kynik with their arms still politely folded. “Agriculture is hearty work, I can say that for certain. It feels quite humbling to do so, like you’re working together with the world to keep yourself alive.” Their eyes flutter shut for a moment as they talk, too lost in their own sentiment of farming to realise that Kynik so easily brought out a more talkative side to them.
“I grew up learning to hunt, gather and farm for goods at a young age by my family. So I can already tell I’ll enjoy it quite a bit.”

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Posted: Tue, 14/12/2021 23:00 (3 Years ago)
They look rather bashful at Kynik’s easy-going demeanour, a hand flying up to the base of their neck just for a second.
Their eyes scan the horizon, silent, meticulous, marking every path and trail and tree in their mind. A picture perfect visualisation of their surroundings, a talent picked up by hunters from a very young age. They seem to be lost in thought for those fleeting moments, their hand shifting to cup their chin, Kynik’s words floating on the scenery. Sigil nods, their eyes shifting to look up to him, “I see… That does make sense. I assume a key sense of navigation would be helpful for those aspiring to be knights. I’m glad to know that the skills I grew up with will be of use to me and my allies.”
A rare smile tugs at their lips as they say so, before feeling their expression drop again to a more muted intrigue. “Farms…? I hadn’t a clue that there were farms in the general vicinity nearby the academy.”
They feel a lump in their throat, taking small strides closer to Kynik. They swallow their breath and take a deep exhale, “Perhaps… You may let me accompany you?”

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Posted: Tue, 14/12/2021 11:52 (3 Years ago)
Sigil looked to their feet for a moment realising that they hadn’t exactly been paying attention to anyone else except for themselves for past few hours. They hummed a response and looked back up to him with an intrigued gaze.
“I see….” They muse with a soft spoken voice, “I suppose people have priorities of their own, even if I don’t understand them.”
They blink a few times, eyes shifting to the open palm offered to them. They hesitantly shook his hand, a firm grip.
“Sigil Acosta.” They respond rather bluntly, but not without its own hint of interest. “I haven’t yet introduced myself to many others yet… I have been more focussed on my training, to be frank.”
They look away just for a second in guilt of their own lack of aptitude with working with unfamiliar people, but seemingly brightened up with the realisation that they are - in fact - keeping a conversation with someone for more than 5 seconds.
“A… Pleasure to meet you.”
“I admittedly followed you as I was unfamiliar with the terrain, and didn’t want anyone to potentially get hurt.” They pull their hand back and bow briefly, “My apologies for assuming you couldn’t handle anything out here by yourself.”

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Posted: Tue, 14/12/2021 11:42 (3 Years ago)
The beginning of Pokémon sword is so looong, I just gotta push on with it ;;;

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Posted: Tue, 14/12/2021 08:36 (3 Years ago)
And in the courtyard nearby, a tall maroon haired figure named Sigil Acosta can be seen. They weave around their wooden training dummy, keeping light on their toes before striking swiftly with the tip of their Lance. Their eyebrows are tightly knit, amber eyes focussed on making keen and precise strikes to the dummy. After a short moment, they stand back to wipe the sweat off their forehead with the back of their gloves hand, observing the deep indents made into the dummy.

They mumble to themselves, slowly moving to change their strike and comparing it to the indents already made. It was clear this knight took careful consideration into their training. “Perhaps if I change my swing like this… No.. No… Like this - then it would make a quick clean cut… Mmm… Yes.”
They keep their spear held as their eyes dart across the horizon, spotting a student absentmindedly heading towards the lake.
Their eyes narrowed, mulling over the information they already know about the lake and seeing if there is potential danger in what he is doing.

They shake their head, taking a small breath before choosing to follow behind Kynik, at least to ensure his safety. They take strong long strides to keep up with the taller man and they ponder every moment to find a point to make themselves known. Starting conversations had never been their strong suit.
“I assume you had gotten bored of the training facilities…?” Their voice, a deep smooth whisper on the breeze.

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Posted: Fri, 10/12/2021 15:22 (3 Years ago)
Looks like a stark and a pepper to me! :P

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Posted: Fri, 10/12/2021 11:51 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 09/12/2021 16:16 (3 Years ago)
Name: Sigil Acosta
Age: 20
Status (Nobility/Royalty/Commoner/Serf etc.): Commoner
Gender/Pronouns: They/Them
Personality: Sigil is a rather stoic individual, they're rather level-headed but they're naturally more quieter than most. While they are most in their element on the battlefield, they are like a fish out of water when it comes to diplomatic or social situations that call for communication skills.
Appearance: Sigil is a 5'8 individual with a masculine build, they have short choppy maroon locks and have a tanned complexion. Their eyes are a deep amber shade and they are rather muscular with broad shoulders. Typically, they prefer to wear dark greens and browns, but will dress up where it is deemed appropriate.
Back Story: Sigil is born to a family of hunters, and so grew up to fend for themselves above all else. Even so, they were never truly alone, as they have a group of older and younger sisters to work alongside. As their sisters were more talkative and confident, Sigil never had a reason to talk as much. Truly realizing their true urge to protect others above surviving, Sigil themselves deemed it best to at least try and attend an academy suited towards those with that particular noble heart and urge. Their parents seemed apprehensive of the idea at first, but eventually accepted their choice in time.
Mage or Knight: Knight
Primary Weapon: Lance, Sigil grew up being adept at using a spear so picking up a lance came second nature to them.
Secondary Weapon: Bow and Arrow, it is more of an 'if needed' circumstance, and while they aren't perfect at it, they try to make it work when it counts.
Extra: Sigil is pronounced si-jill, but siggle does sound funny! (Also this is my first attempt at a forum roleplay, so I apologise if I get anything wrong!)

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Posted: Thu, 09/12/2021 15:24 (3 Years ago)
Pleasure to meet you! I just found out something like this existed whilst I was super bored. Guess we're all newbies here!

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