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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from BrutalRoyalClasher.
Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 11:07 (9 Years ago)
color=red]Hello, Fugacious i wanna buy your items[/color]

Items I wanna Buy: 156 normal gems
My Offers: giresious crystal or mega ables or light rock or a little pd

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Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 03:38 (9 Years ago)
Hello, Fugacious i wanna buy your items

Items I wanna Buy: 156 normal gems.
My Offers: a shiny audino 20 k
Others: You are very handsome.

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 10:04 (9 Years ago)
Username: Coolestdialga
Amount of gems (at least 50): 89
Do you agree with all of the rules?: Affirmative

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 13:52 (9 Years ago)
want a shiny!
Username: Coolestdialga
Shiny i want: lugia
PalPad or Pm: palpad
User to breed it: any one available

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2015 13:06 (9 Years ago)
Dialga please.

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Posted: Sat, 12/09/2015 07:57 (9 Years ago)
5 is the number I will choose

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Posted: Sat, 12/09/2015 07:54 (9 Years ago)
Username: Coolestdialga
Number: 126
Password (please read the rules): Barcelona
Anything else?: Best wishes for everything

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Posted: Sat, 12/09/2015 07:01 (9 Years ago)

There should be a pen of mareep and
Crystalia for corsola in route 53.

Like this idea. Please. Vote

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 17:08 (9 Years ago)
Items I want: 1 star piece
Items I give/ Price: 50k
Password: i dont know

Items I want: 1 star piece
Items I give/ Price: 50k
Password: Xd

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 16:26 (9 Years ago)
I want to be a moderator or an artist. I do drawing very good

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 16:25 (9 Years ago)
This is so cool

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 16:24 (9 Years ago)
Yes it can be done

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Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 12:06 (9 Years ago)
Hi! I wanna request.
Username: sart1
Pokémon: weedle
Payment 116000
Who should it Hunt for you? Princess
Are you Ready to pay? [Yes]

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