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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Bluefairy.
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 23:14 (2 Years ago)
I would like to join :3

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Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 01:38 (7 Years ago)
are you still selling?

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 17:11 (7 Years ago)

Rosie's isnt zombie

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Posted: Mon, 31/07/2017 17:54 (7 Years ago)
A whole bunch of dragons to sell, pm for prices,can negotiate
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Posted: Tue, 25/07/2017 01:09 (7 Years ago)
@-Naoto- Might be interested in that wildclaw or the reddish imperial

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Posted: Sun, 02/07/2017 06:13 (7 Years ago)
I'm a flightriser!
FR Username:Bluefairy
About how often do you get online?:About once or twice a day
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:LadyCarribean She is one of my favorites and i love wildclaws.
Which Flight do you like most and why?:I really love ice flight because i could relate to it and it reminds me of winter.

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Posted: Wed, 17/05/2017 03:36 (7 Years ago)
Quote from Amileehi
id like to buy:
Fighting Gem=160
would 201nuggets be ok?

Yes That will be alright! Will pm you!
Quote from Maxxie33Name: Maxxie33
Items I want: 4 xGhost Gems and 1 pink box
Amount: 12k PD

I forgot to update the amount of Ghost gems,will pm you more details.

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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2017 15:11 (7 Years ago)
Quote from ShinichiName: Shinichi
Items I want: Bug Gems X 18, Ground Gems X 167, Rock Gems X 87, Ghost Gems X 11, Ice Gems X 36, Psychic Gems X 86, Root Fossil X 1, Keys: Dark Blue X 6, Green X 2, Red X 4
Amount: 330k PD

Alright if you give me a moment to send you a pm.

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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2017 05:50 (7 Years ago)

Welcome to the Fairy Store!

Hello, and Welcome to the store!

At the Fairy Store, all sorts of items, and even pokemon can be found here!
Amounts will be paid in PD or Nuggets, 1 nugget for every 1,500pd the item/pokemon is priced at!
Amount would be send first with the item following up within a few moments.
To place an order, please post your name, the items you want, the amount you want, and the currency you would pay for it.

Item's for Sale

Bug gem=Out of Stock
Fighting Gem=Out of Stock
Grass-gem=Out of Stock
Ground-gem=Out of Stock
Poison-gem=Out of Stock
Rock-gem=Out of Stock
Dark-gem=Out of Stock
Ghost-gem=Out of Stock
Ice-gem=Out of Stock
Psychic-gem=Out of Stock
Steel-gem=Out of Stock
Mystery Brown Box=5
Mystery Blue Box light=5
Mystery Pink Box=2
Mystery Box Purple=3
Myster Blue keys Dark=Out of Stock
Mystery Green Key=Out of Stock
Myster Red Key=1

Prices for items


Bug gems=600pd

Common gems=500pd


Boxes(besides light/dark)= 10,000pd

Light/dark blue=6,000pd


Dawn Stone=4500pd

Dusk Stone=3500pd

Remember to have a good day! And please wait for a response before sending any payment!

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Posted: Wed, 12/04/2017 03:57 (7 Years ago)
Only need 1 more!

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Posted: Mon, 10/04/2017 22:45 (7 Years ago)
Whelp, i figured i should write down some of thoughts and such for the day.
Hello me, your a college student oh boy yay!
Been trying to find these easter eggs for the event all day, only need 1 more,gosh darnnit where are you at?
Starting another shiny hunt with eevee, hopefully i get one before my premium runs out.

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Posted: Mon, 10/04/2017 22:39 (7 Years ago)
I'm the baddest kid around

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Posted: Mon, 14/11/2016 06:16 (8 Years ago)
I give up on trying to make my hair perfect. So I'm just going to stand here and smile.

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 04:52 (8 Years ago)
Hi...i'm Blue

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