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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Blazingbeat.
Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 04:19 (8 Years ago)
Name: Bud
Personality: seen in rp
Crush:none yet

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 04:11 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon/perso:Pokemon, turtwig
Shiny: no
Other none
Looks:normal turtwig

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 05:36 (8 Years ago)
"I love all my siblings, but my sister is most important to me. She was born early and had to stay in the hospital for a long time. She is luck to be here today."

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 05:31 (8 Years ago)
*goes to table*
Spark happily says "I just love salad so much ever since my first brother was born"
*looks up* "I remember that day so clearly" *laughs*

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 05:21 (8 Years ago)
Spark says happily "oh I love salad"
*looks in hoodie pocket* "oh I found my phone"

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 05:13 (8 Years ago)
Spark sighs sadly. "OK thanks anyway".
*Walks downstairs*

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 05:08 (8 Years ago)
Has anyone seen my phone I promised my siblings I would call them before work today

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 05:04 (8 Years ago)
*Puts on yellow hoodie and gets ready for work*

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 04:55 (8 Years ago)
*wakes up*
What time is it?

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 04:52 (8 Years ago)

The form: normal umbreon
Name: shadow
Eevee/eeveelution: umbreon
looks: normal
Personality: is kind but very shy

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 04:02 (8 Years ago)
Name: Spark
Gender: Male
Do they said anything?:wears a yellow hoodie
A little bit about them: He will help anyone in need and is very kind. Has 2 younger brothers and a younger sister. Is very happy all the time

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