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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2024 12:50 (2 Months ago)
"Your professor was a goldfish???" Lilya gasped loudly. "That's bizarre! How does his voice even reach the students? Is he, like, does he have a fishbowl head or is he fully goldfish?? Oh my gods." She waved her hands a bit, the same way Eunice did. "Sorry if I'm being rude! I'm just so curious! How did a goldfish get a teaching liscence?"

Eunice's face scrunched up as the mountain air hit her. She stared straight down at the ground far bellow and then laughed. "We're so high up!" She said breathlessly, moving her legs a bit then stopping as she nearly rocked her body off the broom.

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2024 02:17 (2 Months ago)
"Hear hear." Cloudy lifted his milkshake glass a bit before taking a sip. He crossed his legs. "You guys have any pets? Any dogs? Birds, cats?" "You guys seem like a bird person." Lilya commented, leaning on her hand. "Y'know. The vibes." She waved her hand with a grin as if trying to pinpoint her reasonings.

Eunice exhaled loudly, staring down at the buildings before. She held on tightly but not in an anxious way. She simply seemed eager to travel. She thought the streets sorta looked like doodles from up there.

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2024 02:13 (2 Months ago)
"Awww!" Lilya coos at the picture. "She looks like a darling!" "Well, not with an oversized shirt, but." Cloudy pulls out his phone too and scrolls through his pictures until he finds the one he wants. It's Eunice, maybe four or five years old, wearing a business suit that's way too big for her that it makes her look like a Dr. Seuss villain. On her head is an orange baseball cap that shadows her eyes but her grin is as wide as ever. "She snuck into our closet." Cloudy laughs slightly. "Did a little fashion show. Eunice got a bit embarrassed about it but now she thinks it's funny."

Eunice regarded the broom for a few moments before getting on. She tipped backwards and spun her hands around for balance. "I'm alright!!" She grabbed the broom and exhaled in relief. "Whoo! That was harder to get on then a horse."

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 13:47 (2 Months ago)
"Head chef and proud owner of the Solendor." Lilya winks. "And, I co-partner the Morningdom cruise with my beautiful husband." She pinched Cloudy's cheek and he pulled her hand away with an affectionate eye roll. "Hobbies? I like watching baseball. BIG fan of the Toronto Blue Jays. I've got like, maybe eight t-shirts."

Cloudy raised an eyebrow at Ambrose before nodding. "Of course. I trust that you'll bring her back unscathed. And if not," he points to Delano and Iteral. "I'll keep your grandparents hostage." He said, teasingly.

Eunice sprang up from her seat and eagerly took Ambrose's hand. "Where are we going?" She asked.

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 13:17 (2 Months ago)
"Model designer! That sounds neat." Lilya clasped her hands together, leaning into Cloudy. "I hope she's in good health and having a happy life right now." Cloudy put his arm around her shoulder as she continued speaking. "Okay, now you have to ask another question. That's how an icebreaker goes, else it'd be like an interview!"

"I guess... else everything would be too easy, right?" Eunice moved her feet back and forth again. "Politics, emotions, art." She sits up straight and smiles. "I'm glad that you like the stars too!!"

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 09:37 (2 Months ago)
Cloudy squeezed her hand with his, a grateful look in his eyes. Lilya laughed, tipping backwards as she does so. "Feels like being married to a ball of energy, that's what! Always bursting out alllll over the place and needing to be contained by a hug. He wakes up at like, what , 5?? If I'd known you were so enthusiastic to see the sun, I would at least have slept in a different room!"
"Waking up early has nothing to do with godhood. I just- I just like to see the sun!" Cloudy complained with an undertone of fondness to his voice.
Lilya put her hands under her chin and did a pose. She grinned sweetly. "I'm your sun! You could just stare at me!" "I love you, Li, but you have horrendous breath in the morning."
Lilya sighed and put her hand over her head. "You wound me, babe." She gestured, facing Delano. "See! This is what it's like! Come on, don't pout at me like that." She puts a finger on each side of Cloudy's mouth and pushes his lips up so that a wonky looking smile forms. "Okay, okay. I'll stop. My turn with the icebreaker!! Hmmm. Iteral! Tell us about your daughter! Luciana, right?"

"People thing astronomy is boring?" Eunice's brows furrow, in a very similar way to her father's. "Maybe they're mistaking it for astrology?"

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 08:13 (2 Months ago)
Cloudy snorted and then cleared his throat. "I apologize for ruining the moment. We shouldn't bore this get together with discussions of hate." Much more formal than before. "...How about an icebreaker of some sorts? Delano," he looks up, "what's your favorite color?"

Eunice nodded again before following Ambrose's gaze. Lilya gave her daughter a thumbs up. "Adulting sounds a bit... tiring." Boring. Boring was the word she wanted to say. "But their math is fun! I think." Eunice put her hands under her chin. "People say math is hard, but it's not too bad."

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 03:11 (2 Months ago)
Cloudy gently tugged Lilya's fingers off his eyes, mouth pressing into a thin line. "You know." He rolled his shoulders slightly. "Gods. Call me biased, but they all suck. They do. Even the good ones." Yes, he knew he was singling out a lot of people. His parents, Mercy, blah blah blah, anyone from the resistance. But truthfully he hadn't had the time to forgive them all yet.

"Oh!" Eunice nods briskly. "Yeah! I'd like to try some magic!" When she thinks of magic, only witches come to mind. Daddy used to be a witch. Aunt Iteral was a witch! She didn't think her dad's lightning powers were magic. They were just... there! Like the norm! It'd be weird if they weren't.

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Posted: Wed, 24/04/2024 13:54 (2 Months ago)
"Any god or whatever that likes a human has good taste." Cloudy remarked snarkily, hand releasing Lilya's and curling around his milkshake as he sipped more agressively than he'd like to show. All this talk about Gods spiked his blood pressure. He coughed into his fist and straightened his back. Lilya squeezed his shoulder. She grinned at Iteral and Delano's antics before covering Cloudy's eyes like a parent to their child. He gave a short burst of protest and laughed.

Eunice brushed her hand through one of the large feathers, tracing her fingers over the constellations. "Magic! So that's how you did it! You didn't grow a tail all of a sudden." Her face spread into a broad smile again. "I don't have magic. That's what daddy says! He says I'm just like mom. But mom has a magical glowy baseball bat she locked in the closet. Sometimes it glows green. And it says my name!"

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Posted: Wed, 24/04/2024 08:50 (2 Months ago)
"I have no idea. I can count all happy God relationships on one hand." He put a finger up. "The sun and the moon." Another finger and a nod towards his parents. "The sea and the storms." He put his hand down and then wraps his fingers around Lilya's. "Me and you." She laughed, blush tinting her cheeks.

"Hehehe, yeah!! You fit them perfectly!" Lilya claps slightly at Ambrose's magic. She stretched out her hand, then stopped, looking up at Ambrose. "Can I touch them?" She asked.

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2024 13:05 (2 Months ago)
"Oh, aww! They kinda sound like prizes!" Lilya smiled when Iteral noticed. Cloudy leaned on her shoulder as she continued. "A reward for living and staying together long enough." "Never heard of them." Cloudy said. "In Godsworld, it's always 'kiss that person to start some drama, kiss that person to hurt feelings, kiss that person for fun'." He waved his hand and enunciated loudly.

"Are you calling other boys stinky?" Eunice giggled. She observed Ambrose's nails and nodded with approval. "I think you'd look good with green!" She said. "But not the uhm the bright green. The more ocean-y green type. You know? Like peacocks. Peacocks are cool."

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2024 02:15 (2 Months ago)
Lilya snorted at the picture, patting Iteral on the shoulder. "My respect for you has now doubled, Iteral. It would've been fun! A true getting-to-know each other trip!" Cloudy took a bite of his pie. "Sometimes I wonder why I married you." "It's because you love me." Lilya said with a sing songy voice and Cloudy kissed her on the cheek softly. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"You're handsome! I can see why girls like you!" Eunice smiled brightly. "Thanks! I did it myself. Pink's really pretty." She took a sip of her milkshake and continued moving her legs back and forth.

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 13:20 (2 Months ago)
"On the house, of course." Cloudy swirled his own. Watermelon, his favorite. "What's wrong with the French? It's the British we should be ruling against." Lilya said with a mock huff and took a bite of a scone. She swallowed before talking again. "They've stolen so many things. There was this one idea I was saying. Cloudy, you've got lightning powers. I've got a ghost in my baseball bat. Iteral, Delano, you can probably join too! Your powers with time will be exceptional to this heist! We go in after nightfall-" "We're not stealing from the British Musuem." Cloudy said, slightly exasperated. It seems they've had this talk more than once.

Eunice giggled and covered her mouth with her hands. Her nails were painted! Striped and pink. "Well, he's not my boyfriend. If he was, daddy would throw him into the sea. He's more of a very nice friend! He has blue hair and he can make things." She blinked at the well off comment, not quite understanding but continued. "Do you have a girlfriend, Ambrose?"

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 09:55 (2 Months ago)
"Oh, that's so cute!" Lilya said with her hands clasped, tucked under her chin. She'd leaned forward while Delano and Iteral were talking. "You sort of rescued him, then?" "It must've been a lovely wedding. Preferably one that wasn't interrupted by arch nemesis." Cloudy said with a smile. The waiter came back carrying a tray. They bowed their head to Iteral and Delano politely before placing down a plate of star shaped scones, a small apple-cinnamon pie topped with ice cream and a few milkshakes of different fruits.

"Yeah! Dad told me about them. He told me about all sorts of trouble the aging thing would get them in." Eunice shrugged, moving her foot back and forth. "We're always moving so it's hard for them to keep up. And my dad's rich and my mom's famous so they get a little uhhh," she thought for a second. "Intimidated! Yeah, that's the word." She went silent for a little bit. "My first friend actually fell from the sky." Eunice said suddenly.

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 01:38 (2 Months ago)
Cloudy looked up at Delano. "Ex? Why the break up?" He glanced between him and Itty. "Oh! Pardon my lack of manners. It's wonderful to meet you, Delano." He smiled and held out his hand. Lilya leaned forward with a grin. "So, how did you guys meet?"

"Is that your grandfather? He doesn't have any white hair." Eunice combed through her hair for emphasis. "I thought um the elderly had lack of color in their hair." She thought a bit at Ambrose's question. "Well... I guess! I meet a lot of kids on the cruise, but I don't really keep them for long, you know?"

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 14:38 (2 Months ago)
"Oh, I do. I love him and his angriness all the same." She gives Iteral's hand a little squeeze before cupping Cloudy's face in her hands and peppering him with kisses. Cloudy kissed her back and grinned. He seemed to be doing that much more often. Back at the cottage, all you would get out of him was a growling scowl (unless he was bothering Scara). "I'm sure I'm boring you with our history lesson." Lilya said to Iteral. "I'd like to hear about your family! How did you meet your husband?"

Eunice laughed and wrapped her arms around Ambrose, only quite reaching to his waist. She pulled away from the hug with bright eyes and a large grin. "That's cool! You know, I think you're the coolest friend I have!"

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 12:53 (2 Months ago)
Cloudy laughed again. "How could I forget? We were so... well, young, I guess. Ooh, and my nail painting phase." He cringed. "I've never touched a single polish bottle since."
"Ah, yes. Those multiversal wars that you disappeared to for years without bothering to even tell me what happened. You know, the girl who saved your life. Multiple times." Lilya gave him a look and he grinned at her. "I'm still salty about it." She said to Iteral. "He came back from the other world and didn't say a thing to me! Nothing! I didn't even know he was alive!" Lilya rolled her eyes and sighed, fanning herself with her hand. "Honestly, if I hadn't dragged his feelings out, he might've been angsty his whole life." Cloudy called the waiter to order and they wrote it down on a notepad, giving a brisk nod before dashing away.

Eunice looked curiously at her hand, then back up to Ambrose. "Pardon me, but what's that supposed to mean?" She asked. She'd never seen anyone who did that before.

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 09:03 (2 Months ago)
Cloudy rolled his eyes affectionately and took the menu back. "Oh, you know, at school." Lilya smiled, dimples showing up on her cheeks. "First day of the summer. Cloudy and I were seated with each other. I thought he was weird and broody, just staring out the window with a deep, deep frown." She waved her hands. "And then the funniest thing happened! Our teacher made us do a group project with our seatmate. And guess who was my seatmate?" Lilya tilted her head towards her husband. "That just gave me an excuse to stick with him for the rest of the year. He hated my guts the whole time."
"I was so stupid back then." Cloudy laughed with a shake of his head, not looking up from the menu.
"I didn't know Cloudy was half a god at that time. I just thought he was a regular angsty, teenage boy! He sure acted like one." She pulled her hair down her eyes and spoke in a comically sharper voice. "You don't know me. You're just a normal girl from school. Nobody will ever understand me."

"Oh! Uh, I have friends!" She held up two of her fingers. "But they've got their own problems with their dads and moms so they aren't around much all the time." Eunice nodded shyly. "Yeahhh, I would like to be your friend! You like stars, too!"

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 01:37 (2 Months ago)
"I think we'd do a better job at it. After all, which ones of us had to deal with humanity, not to mention customer service?" Cloudy waved his finger slightly with a grin. "Not the Gods, no. They'd crumble to dust if they met rush hour." He picked a menu from the stand, holding it up to Iteral. "Do you want to order anything? It's bad to start a conversation on an empty stomach."

Eunice exhaled deeply in relief, waving her hands in front of her chest. "Cool! That's not good, but that's still cool." She clapped twice and then looked up at Ambrose again. "Do you have any friends?" Strange question to ask from an eight year old.

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Posted: Sat, 20/04/2024 14:55 (2 Months ago)
"Still lightning, no longer murder or misfortune." Cloudy waved his hand a bit. "To be honest, I'm not really sure. This whole god thing is... strange. I'm mostly human now. 'Cept for the horns, and the hair, and the lightning." He looked to Eunice and Ambrose, a smile growing on his face. "Eunice got a little more sunshine than lightning. By that I mean, nothing at all. Completely human."

"What!?" She shouted and then lowered her voice to a hused tone. "What do you mean? My granpappy tells me it's still there, in the sky. Stars don't... die immediately like that, right? I mean they die, yes, but not so suddenly!"

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