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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Altair.
Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 12:22 (10 Years ago)
August 25th :3c

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 12:17 (10 Years ago)
Man I was really crying at that part, swear. Good thing I was alone though pfft. To be honest I never reached that part ever again until the next game, Sky, came out, but I haven't gotten it again after that. *sigh* I really want to see that part again now.

Also, speaking of games, one of the saddest moments in my games was when I was doing a Nuzlocke and my Snivy died right after our first gym win ;;
Stupid Patrat and Bide //cries

I also cried in the first movie pfft. And Latios and Latias.

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 12:17 (10 Years ago)
I want to be a Gallade, but I'm a girl so I'll settle for Gardevoir.
They just look so elegant. *w*

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 12:09 (10 Years ago)
This actually looks really cool, I'll register maybe tomorrow because final exams :U
So hold on, it's been abandoned by the owner, so does it mean that no one has any admin control to it or what? Just curious...

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 08:25 (10 Years ago)
I really support the float left/right one. I remember seeing this in another forum and it just made signatures look even more pretty. *_* Background would be nice too, though I would use the float one more than background.

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