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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from AlastorLeBeau.
Posted: Thu, 01/12/2016 19:02 (8 Years ago)
Polestar! I want to make a wish!
Username: SlyFox
I wish for...
a surprise

Polestar! I want to tell you about my best friend here!
Your username: SlyFox
Your friend's username: Daeris
Why are they special to you?:
She is the love of my life. She will do anything to cheer me up and help me smile. She helped me believe in love again.

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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2016 05:49 (8 Years ago)
1.) The Shiny I'd like is Vulpix x1, megable Abra x1, Spiritomb x1, megable Banette x1, Dusclops x1, Lampent x1, and Gorgeist x1
2.) The Breeder I'd like is anyone since I'm asking for multiple
3.) I will be paying with nuggets and pd if that's okay.

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 04:38 (8 Years ago)

Title: ophelia

I am gifting Poliwhirl to Ophelia

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 14:39 (8 Years ago)
who do I like? well *nervously runs back my head with my hook hand* well I do like..Mangle..kinda hope she feels the same.

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 21:18 (8 Years ago)
Name: FoxyThe Pirate
items: water gems x73
flying gems x73
poison gems x41
total: 140,250 pd
payment: pd

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Posted: Wed, 08/06/2016 18:42 (8 Years ago)
what's up

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