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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 19/01/2017 18:10 (8 Years ago)
Annabell watched from her vantage point as the fight commenced to defeat the large creature. Annabell however wasn't sure how to proceed watching out for falling debris Annabell made her way to the others just as Asuna shouted a warning and lunged for the creature. Annabell watched her fight as she walked up pausing to stand next to Daphnes. "I know this most be like the greatest time to mention this but... I really hope all this fighting and chaos isn't just another day in school for you. Alice is sensitive and it can't be like this all the time if we're going to stay it wouldn't be good for her health."

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Posted: Tue, 10/01/2017 00:55 (8 Years ago)
Cupid looked up and sighed, "Calm down darlings panic never helps anyone get out of a bad situation." Cupid hated using her powers in such a way and didn't want to make a bad impression but the collective emotions of those around her was frying her nerves. Sending out calming emotions to others she encouraged those who needed it to accept her feelings.

Drew who had become increasingly panicky at the level of noise felt the calming touch of cupids emotions and accepted them gratefully allowing her to calm him, "That feels better. Thank you... Wait I don't know your names yet."

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Posted: Tue, 10/01/2017 00:42 (8 Years ago)
(I don't understand are we all trapped?)

Cupid hated the tight quarters she was placed in and hung back in a corner shutting out the emotions of everyone else trying not to force them all to calm down and give her some peace. Instead she tried focusing entirely on attempting to sleep away the situation.

Wishing he could escape from this hellish situation he looked around for something, anything with technology but it seems there captives were good enough to know there powers already and had conveniently forgotten to place any technology around.

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2017 20:31 (8 Years ago)
Name: "Minuet Valentina Haper"
Nickname: "Cupid I prefer this name as well so please call me by it."
Age: "17"
Gender: "Female"

Personality: Confident and sure of herself, Cheerful and Sassy.
Crush: [Open Pal-pad!]
History: "Nothing unusual Two parents happy household accepting of my powers."
Power: "I'm an empath I can both feel and influence emotions at will."
Family: "Both my parents live happily in a small town in the middle of nowhere."
Friends: "You'll find out..."
Other: Hates being alone.

Name: "Andrew Blakely"
Nickname: "You can just call me Drew."
Age: "16"
Gender: "Male"

Personality: Total nerd. TBRPed
Crush: [Open! Pal-pad me~]
History: "Was an orphan now I'm not. I have two happy moms who love me greatly."
Power: "I don't know the proper name for my power but I have the power to control and create technology?"
Family: "Two happy moms living in the big city."
Friends: "Do you want to be friends?"
Other: Has a total sweet tooth.

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2017 07:47 (8 Years ago)
Annabell reappeared without Alice after dropping her off at the stables. Gazing up she gasped to see the large figure towering over the school, "I don't understand..." Annabell rubbed her eyes but when she looked again the figure was still there.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2017 09:15 (8 Years ago)
Annabell watched as the scene unfolded unable to do anything to help. Healing magic couldn't save those already marked for death. Looking at her sister she realized Alice was weeping silently next to her. "What wrong sister?" Alice sniffed gazing at daphnes, "You can't fool the empath stupid." Annabell nodded in understanding and offered Alice her handkerchief. Alice gratefully accepted and blew her nose not even her barriers could withstand the grief in the room over Alephs death. Annabell wrapped and arm around her sister helping her stand so they could exit the room. As they passed Daphnes though Alice flinched and gave Asuna a meaningful look as hey left. Annabell helped her sister towards the dorms but her sister shook her head, "No. Take me to the stables. I need to see icing." Annabell would normally protest but not today she turned and lead her sister out of the school and towards the stables.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2017 04:56 (8 Years ago)
Annabell shrugged, "I know if he doesn't get one I won't be continuing a relationship with him. Concerned about being friend after this and that how he would treat them?" Alice looked sad shacking her head. "Come back soon Daphnes I won't stay in this school if your gone."

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2017 06:53 (8 Years ago)
Annabell stared at Tashiro with disbelief, "You would honestly beat the crap out of another person even while you knew it would hurt the other person inside? What kind of a person are you? Aleph isn't the monster you think. He's just being control'd by another." Alice looked at Tashiro sadly, "Your to trigger happy for your own good you know?" Turning back to her sister she placed a hand on her sisters arm, "How are you power-wise?" Annabell smiled, "Still going strong. Just don't let tashiro pull another stunt like that dephnes is fighting for his brothers life and he doesn't need any distractions that could cost him his life."

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2017 05:33 (8 Years ago)
Alice gasped and pushed tashiro to the side, "You idiot! Daphnes is inside there! Anything you do to aleph is done to him! have you been listening to nothing?" Alice turned to Annabell kneeling down next to her, "Is he okay?" Annabell shrugged, "I felt the pain but I healed him almost as soon as he took the blow. He should be fine." Alice at least looked relieved to here that news, "Stupid boy! Doesn't even realize the gravity of the situation." Alice chuckled at her sister, "I can remember a certain young girl who did the same thing once upon a time." Annabell huffed and rolled her eyes, "Yeah but he's just lucky I'm around to he doesn't have to face the consequences of his actions." Alice nodded at her sisters comment and stared at Alephs body wishing so badly that she knew what was going on inside.

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2017 00:45 (8 Years ago)
Alice smiled and looked at Asuna, "Calm down our let me do it for you. We got this. The others are safe I can feel their emotions I'd know if any are in danger. Also they'l be fine once the arena shuts off and ends the... simulation?" Annabell looked at asuna then, "What are you waiting for teach? Get your but in this brain and help him. I'm strong enough to manage the double healing." Alice smiled and placed a hand on asuna's shoulder in return, "Would you like me to give you some courage?" Alice chuckled at her own inside joke seeing as how she could influence emotions.

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 23:43 (8 Years ago)
((I can't do anything! The other cats in the patrols aren't here. What am I supposed to do? Brambleberry and Ravenpaw are waiting for the third cat in their patrol and it's the same problem with rosepelt and frostpaw.))

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 23:37 (8 Years ago)
(Alice is the empath. Annabell is the healer.)

Alice sighed then, "Look we get it you should know we do. We were born as triplets. our mother died in birth and 6 year later Ashton our bother dies in combat training. Not that this is really the time to be arguing with a killer cyborg in the ring but whatever. Also we believe you about owning this school we read the letter we know who your are. Also we can do something. We'll Annabell can at least." Annabell looked confused, "I can?" Alice rolled her eyes, "Yes sister you can. Keep daphnes body alive long enough for him to return to it." Annabell looked shocked, "But sister he's not injured his bodily functions are fine his soul is just somewhere else." Alice looked at her sister intently. Annabell groaned and walked over to daphnes body placing her hand on his heart, "Should anything happen to him inside this should heal his soul but if he sustains life threatening injuries and is marked for death I won't be able to do anything."

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 22:23 (8 Years ago)
Annabell frowned, "I just said I barely had to do anything... Does that make me weaker somehow?" Annabell looks at Alice confused with how that happened. Alice shrugged, "She not really thinking clearly based on her current emotions. If she was she might think about power in numbers or the fact that we're both professionally trained in combat. Or that there is a ninja somewhere in this room." Alice also felt a little annoyed that Asuna had underestimated their abilities.
Watching instead they witnessed Daphnes fall to the ground Annabell looked confused, "Alice? What just happened?" Alice didn't look concerned. "Daphnes has joined minds with Aleph's... I think for a split moment I felt Daphnes emotions move to Aleph's body I can't feel him anymore though.

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 20:39 (8 Years ago)
Annabell was a little preoccupied dealing with Aleph's first opponent. Annabell smiled at the roman who huffed and charged at her. Annabell giggled and dodged out of the way causing the roman to stumble as she brought her blade down stabbing the roman in the back effectively killing him. "Well someone needs to come up with a better enemy then this I barely had to use any brain power for this." Alice came up next to her sister, "What should we do daphnes? This is your fight but how can we help?"

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 05:08 (8 Years ago)
Alice smiled, "I think we should focus our efforts more on the enemies in front of us and not concern ourselves with what happens after?" Annabel lunged forward again slashing at the final inch of bindings on the horses releasing them from their binding and sending the chariot crashing into the side. Annabell let out a cheer of victory and approached the crashed chariot where the roman was recovering from the crash. Alice grabbed the horses and lead them back out into the cage safely out of harms way.

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 04:18 (8 Years ago)
Alice looked annoyed as their companions were to busy worrying over someone else and taunting aleph. Annabell kept a safe distance between her and the chariot lunging forward every time it passed her cutting at the ropes binding the horses to the chariot. Alice copied her sisters actions and worked together with her sister to free the horses and take on the roman alone.
Just then both daphnes and alephs joined them causing the twins to groan, "Great timing. More enemies." Annabell complained.

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 03:39 (8 Years ago)
Rosepelt smiled, "Well We nee more yarrow, catmint, and horsetail today so those are the three herd well be looking for today. It would be nice to also find some juniper berries but I'm not sure if there in bloom just yet."

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 03:24 (8 Years ago)
Rosepelt smiled, "Exactly right. Now some others you'll find yourself using often are borage leaves which are used for infection and help increase the supply of milk for queens, Comfrey when chewed into a poultice helps with broken bones and soothes wounds, Juniper berries help with belly ache and breathing when needed, And last one for today is yarrow which is applied to wounds that have been poisoned."

Brambleberry shook her head, "I have already eaten but why don't you go and see if dusktail would like the rest? Hurry along now and we can go on patrol."


Iceclaw smiled putting his tail on silvermoons shoulders comfortingly, "Have confidence our clan is strong and we'll be fine no matter what."

Jaggedheart smiled, "Of course."

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 02:51 (8 Years ago)
Jaggedheart nodded and came over placing her tail on Icestars shoulder. "I know how terrible it must be for you to have to make such a decision but just know as clan medicine cat I'll always be here for you if you need me." Crispberry smiled at his daughter. Her compassion towards others made him swell with pride and remind him so much of his mate Amberpelt. "I am here as well. Whenever you need my guidance.

Iceclaw nodded as they reached the first tree on their route. Marking the tree quickly he rejoined silvermoon as they continued. "You right but there's no use worrying I'm sure my sister will be able to help guide her to the right decision. She's not alone."


Brambleberry chuckled as she saw the state ravenpaw came out in. Using her tail to flatten Ravenpaws ruffled fur she smiled, "Go eat first or you'll not be coming with. I don't want your hungry belly scaring off all the pray in the forest."

Rosepelt lead frostpaw into the den, "right so we'll start with the basics. Poopyseed's look like this and are used for helping a cat sleep better or calming nerves we should always have a constant supply." Rosepelp pointed out each herb as she listed them, "Cobwebs used for covering bleeding wounds, Dock for scratch's, Mouse bile for ticks, Honey for infection and helping sooth the throat, Feverfew for chills or fever, Catmint for green cough, Burdock root when chewed into a pulp cures infection." Rosepelt paused after each one to let frostpaw take in and remember each new plants appearance and name.

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2017 02:16 (8 Years ago)
Alice looked at the newcomer with confusion looking around, "What in the world? How did he even get in here?" Annabell looked at the gate as the ground suddenly shook beneath them, "what in the-?" Annabell didn't get to finish that sentence as what looked to be a roman chariot pulled by 6 black horses ran out of the open gate. Alice raised her brow as she looked up at large Aleph head who was still observing them by the way, "Really? A roman chariot is what you come up with? Points for originality." Alice rolled her eyes and watched as the roman guided the horses around the outside of the ring surrounding them.

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