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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 07/04/2018 01:58 (6 Years ago)
@venn - pm'd
@dark - 1 nugget = 1ZC and 1ZC =5kCR ^^

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Posted: Fri, 30/03/2018 23:39 (6 Years ago)
so since i'm very rarely on here and i've been spending a lot of time on PFQ lately, i'll probably be selling or trading around half of my stuff on here for PFQ stuff.

i'm interested in GP/CR, ZC, and PFQ items.

i have 230 nuggets and 316k PD so i guess 115 nuggets and 158k PD uft for now.

not sure how valuable normal pokemon are here but i have too many dunsparce and i guess some other doubles lol idk.

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Posted: Sun, 15/12/2013 03:37 (11 Years ago)
Camo was off eating a cupcake in Wonderland. Yes, I just said that.

Lavenda snuck up slowly behind the group, clapping in an eerie pattern. Her deep purple optics where as chilling and ominous as ever. "Stop; think," she sighed out, like a creepy, whistling wind.

You have no idea how much I laughed writing this xD it cut my muse short //shrugs

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 07:09 (11 Years ago)
"Oooh sounds dangerous! Sounds fun! But... Howwww?" she chuckled, cheery in spite the grim situation.

The purple feline slowly emerged from the shadows, staring dead at the crowd. "Lettt meee helllp," Lavenda breathed eerily, expressions flat as ever.


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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 06:06 (11 Years ago)
{ feeling lazy, could be much longer xD }Ahh, life. Even in a world of literral fighting and chaos, it was oh so beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. The Litleo's tail tip flickered, crackling as Camo simply ignore the fact the his fears of fire wheren't handicapping him from living here. The young male padded lazily near the group, not giving a care — not even noticing, to be correct — the impending doom the group was trying to avoid. All he wanted was some friends, and he was lost. "HEEYYYYY-LOOOOO~!" he bursted out randomly smiling at Iris. "Whatcha doin'? Oh and hey bro, you look naaaasty, wazzup with our red crown on your faaace? Are ou a darkrai? Coooool~"

Watching. She kept her respectablye distance, dull purple optics fixated on the scene. Lavenda's chilling gaze scanned over the grou a few times more, before she slowly pulled back from peeking out. The psy-feline merely waited though, watching for the time she should to over; and that time was not now. Her round, wide eyes could give the feeling of ice beams boring through your soul at times; even when you wheren't looking, if you wanted to, you could just tell. It was just how she was.

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 05:47 (11 Years ago)
Great, do I start now? (: thanks.

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 05:43 (11 Years ago)
Name in rp: Lavenda
Gender: female
Age: 13
Pokemon you are: Espurr
Nature: serious(or is it? Dun dun dun~)
Ability: Own Tempo
Personality: incredibley quiet, always observing everthing; has a very stalker-ish aura. While her motives are hidden, she is usually very cold or blunt; very serious most times. But once you can get to know her(and survive) she is very friendly; very loyal, aswell, and even if it's a life threatening situation, would do anything to avoid friends getting hurt. But; trying to befriend her can be a bit of a gamble most of the time, and considering how she acts, some might not want to try to befriends her at first.
Pass: persian

Name in rp: Camo
Gender: male
Age: 14
Pokemon you are: litleo
Nature: jolly
Ability: moxie
Personality: happy go lucky
Pass: persian

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 05:33 (11 Years ago)

Well, there are a few, for different reasons.

Shaymin and a gracidea bouquet cause well yeah

YVELTAAAAL<3 because I wanna fly on a giant red and black bird that I find cute //shrugs

Articuno would acctually be pretty fun

If shiny, I'd love an umbreon<3

Buuut I'd have to pick espurr of either gender; I'd keep it as an espurr for awhile and creep the world out and stuff. And we'd rule the world. We'd be your ruler {and baby I'll rule I'll rule I'll ruuuuule!}. okay bringing Lorde/Royals into this was a bad idea. Too late now. If I could evolve it, that would be awesome too :0

Or litleo so I could raise a Pyroar.

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Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 05:56 (11 Years ago)
I fully support this~ I don't mind as all what people call me. I acctually prefer "xe, zi, or zhe", gender neutral pronouns like that. For all I care, I could be an "it" xD but otherwise? I don't mind if I'm called he, she, they. If I gotta choose between he or she? I do prefer she. But idealy? Nothing at all/neutral. Annnnd exactly, Swanfirefly. It's the reason I prefer gender neutral pronouns, thanks for bringing that up~ but some are even more specific and like the aforementioned "xe," "zi," or "zhe" better xP *cough*

I also don't feel it matters, because this would be an option~

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