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7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Tue, 30/04/2019 22:58 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Sun, 21/04/2019 00:04 (5 Years ago) |
Would anyone be interested in starting a Marvel Rp? There would be basic rules in place but overall very open ideas RP. I would also like to help people find partners if they would like to try RPing 1 on 1, in that case, the following rules wouldn't apply and guidelines would be set between users. - Please be polite and kind to other users - Characters are open on a first come, first serve basis for Open RP! - Ships are possible but only if a) both parties consent b) both charas are in the same age group (no minors shipped with adults) and c) No ships between parents, siblings, or cousins, adopted or not - Multishipping is possible but once again only if everyone involved agrees! - The RP will be done in a Para style although doesn't have to be longer than a few sentences. - As of now no blood or gore of any sort, options will be available to train but please only minor injuries The premise of the open RP will be basic and will include most charas living within the Avengers Facility. I understand End Game is just days away so this is happening in a world before that or the snap, Civil War is also optional depending on if other members would like tensions still high or prefer everyone on relatively good terms with one another. Application: Name: Username: Open RP: yes/no Open RP Chara: Why you chose the character: Pal Pad RP: yes/no PP RP Charas: Any extra info: Open RP Charas are locked to one user, however for Pal Pad list whatever characters you are comfortable taking up So my app would be as follows Name: Katie Username: 7k2001 Open RP: yes Open RP Chara: Bucky Barnes Pal Pad RP: yes Why you chose the character: Bucky is a character I have RPed for about 4 years now, I have had him in a variety of situations and in different stages of his recovery process. PP Rp Chara: Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers Any extra info: I'm open to multi-shipping and also like AU rps! Taken Characters: - Bucky Barnes (7k2001) - Wanda Maximoff (Mew248) [Read more] |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 20:30 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 04:22 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 00:53 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Mon, 15/04/2019 00:13 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2019 17:47 (5 Years ago) |
I would say some of the best are BP, Cap Marvel, CATWS and Ragnarok. But I get it, tbh when thinking of a good number of the characters I think more on what I have built on them or things others have in personality and stuff compared to just what we have seen of them. Cap Marvel may be important to watch before End Game and I think it was overall a p good movie, I saw it twice since I went out a second time with a friend. [Read more] |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2019 17:34 (5 Years ago) |
Nat is also good but the movies don't do her justice OH BUT CAROL Carol is amazing, Captain Marvel was great and I can't wait to see more of her [Read more] |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2019 17:10 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2019 17:00 (5 Years ago) |
Bruce is also a fav who needs more love. he's really more of a dork than people give him credit for. Then in the comics oh boy, he's got some sass. Thor is also really good, I loved Ragnarok which leads to the fact that Val is my disaster wife. Ooo, nice user! Tbh I may change mine to something Marvel or otherwise. But yeah I always love finding new people to talk or even RP with :D [Read more] |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 16:54 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 00:28 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Fri, 12/04/2019 18:39 (5 Years ago) |
Username: 7k2001 Gender: F Pokemon: Turtwig User Who Breeds: TheSweetestSin Thank you so much in advance!! [Read more] |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Fri, 12/04/2019 18:32 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Fri, 12/04/2019 18:23 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Fri, 12/04/2019 17:18 (5 Years ago) |
7k2001 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 15 |
Posted: Fri, 12/04/2019 12:01 (5 Years ago) |
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