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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Loop_Dreamer.
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 12:59 (5 Years ago)
Kinda sad about no kyurem ;-;
I was so hoping for it aaa

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Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 00:26 (5 Years ago)
Wooohoo possesed duck!

Happy new year everybody too! :D

EDIT: how about Shadow being some variation of PokéFarm Q's "Albinos"? (In theory)

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Posted: Mon, 31/12/2018 18:01 (5 Years ago)
I want to make a pretty simple suggestion - that the Pokéradar of a non-premium user won't reset, but you will still have to pay 50K PD/50 Nuggets/ 50 El. gems.

So if you hatched shiny, you need to buy new bateries, but if you continue hatching the same pokemon, you won't return to #0.

If user got a shiny, batteries were recharged but the pokemon is different, the pokeradar will begin from #1.

This would be super nice for non-premium users who want to shiny mega hunt.

I hope this was not suggested before, I tried to find it but I did not find anything. ;;

EDIT: Also i would like to state that this would behave like a premium membership's radar. Any kind of egg other than the hunted breed will cause the radar to reset (as otherwise it would be unfair, you could take pauses from hatching eggs of the same species)

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Posted: Mon, 31/12/2018 17:51 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 31/12/2018 17:28 (5 Years ago)

Special New Year Post (Art themed)~!

Answers to some questions you may have

Quote from Loop_dreamer=> I've been drawing since I was 12, so it is 6 long years of procrastinating from school homework :"D

=> I use Paint tool sai mostly (or nearly 99%), for blur, glitch /or any other effect/ I use photoshop.

=> I always use a graphic tablet (drawing with mouse only in school lol). My graphic tablet (Wacom bamboo pen graphic tablet) is fairly cheap but works like a charm!

Also if you own a graphic tablet but you feel like it's not working properly you should:
1. check if you have correct driver, compatible with both your Operation system and tablet
2. if the first one seems to be OK, log off and log in, no need to restart PC/laptop


Quote from Loop_dreamer=> IF you want get better at drawing:
1. Draw everyday! Maybe a fullbody image or just silly doodle, still helps~! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
2. Try to detect pattern (aka if you have been drawing the same thing over and over, you probably shoud try to draw something else, as it would be the only thing you could draw properly)
3. Use references! It does not make you a bad person to use them! Many good artists use them in each painting/drawing.
I do not recommend using google images. There can be a lot of NSFW images I assure you you do not want to see.
4. Do not compare yourself with other artists. Art is not a competition.
5. Before drawing in special styles, you should know how basic anatomy works.
6. Recommendation - watch speedpainters on youtube (my favorite are Neytirix and Borodante <3) even if I have an art-block these guys help me get through and draw ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


Quote from Loop_dreamer=> Commissions are currently closed and they will be for a long time. I rarely have time and nerves to do some commissions. ಥ_ಥ
=> But from time to time, I have enough time for adoptables or other shenanigans! >:D

More TBA! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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Posted: Mon, 31/12/2018 12:52 (5 Years ago)


Oh look, it's almost a new year! More stuff that I can screw up ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

Here, have some of my art! >:D

Special pokémon showcase

Lux Brumalis

Recieved as a prize for the Advent calendar contest. I am absolutely in love with it <3 ;A;


My fancy Alolan Ninetales <3


Shiny Alolan Meowth, found via rumble!


Favorite all-time-happy shiny bean >o<

Shiny hunting


Cute but deadly!


Sweetest of them all


Don't get him angry, he may bite your soul >:3


The bird of peace

Happy new year everybody<3!

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Posted: Mon, 31/12/2018 12:06 (5 Years ago)
I'll name it the Ultimate dinner.
Or "Food that figths back" lol

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Posted: Sun, 30/12/2018 12:06 (5 Years ago)
I'd name it Roasted fox

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Posted: Sun, 30/12/2018 10:43 (5 Years ago)
I would name it Suspicious pancake

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Posted: Sat, 29/12/2018 21:53 (5 Years ago)
-small bump-

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Posted: Thu, 27/12/2018 21:15 (5 Years ago)

This game is quite simple - 1.st user posts a pokemon sprite (any from PH - shiny, mega, you name it ;D )
Then the 2.nd user posts a funny name that you would give to the first user's pokemon!

Show hidden content

I would name it something!

I would name it Party bug!

I would name it The dinner is ready!!

So I'll start!
My pokémon:

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Posted: Tue, 25/12/2018 16:08 (5 Years ago)
Translation: How do I buy tickets in the game center?
Edit: I'll add the solution

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Posted: Mon, 24/12/2018 00:48 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 24/12/2018 00:04 (5 Years ago)
I am looking for not-newbie tips but rather from someone who knows how to do it c:

I would love to know which of the games is the most profitable in the game center - so far, from my point of view it's both coin flip and hangman (at it's later 'stages'), but I have struggles to get past 1 Milion game coins.

Thanks in advance~! (and I am super sorry if I sound confusing ovo' )

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Posted: Sun, 23/12/2018 15:16 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 19/12/2018 10:20 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 16/12/2018 11:54 (5 Years ago)
Please send missing ;3;

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Posted: Sun, 16/12/2018 11:47 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 13/12/2018 08:34 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 13/12/2018 08:14 (5 Years ago)

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