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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 15:41 (20 Days ago)
*wakes up and screams in excitement*

Yess!! Leafeon! My second favorite Eeveelution!
Noooo! Why you gotta be a meanie and make us wait for Sylveon?!

*sees spoilers and goes even crazier* OMG! OMG! Leafeon's Shiny is RED AND GOLD!

Reminder. Don't send your Solveelutions to Exclusive Rumble areas. They don't require Rumbles to evolve. And the bug that deletes them from existence *still* exists for some ignorant reason.

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 00:35 (21 Days ago)
I miss the days when Nuggets were 1300-1700 per piece.

I swear. Prices only started to increase when the one-year Sale option for 8k Nuggets disappeared. For the people who Shiny/SM Hunted to earn Nuggets, that made Premium more expensive for them. They didn't make as much profit, and as a result, prices went up to make up for it. Basically, it was inflation.

Now, dad taught me the value of "buy cheap, sell higher." It's an excellent strategy for making money, whether in real life or in a game, which is why he loves games with Marketplaces where he can use that talent.

People who put Nuggets up at 2800+ aren't the problem. They're not taking advantage of/scamming others; they're just selling slightly higher than *current* market value.

So long as people are willing to pay 2800-3200 per, depending on desperation, prices won't go down, and people will continue to profit.

The best solution would be to create more consistent and viable ways of earning Nuggets.

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 18:26 (21 Days ago)
So...I finally decided to give something a watch. It's interesting—not my usual thing—but I've been laughing so much at it, and I'm only like halfway through the first episode.

"There'll be no more fire and no more screams
Just puppy dog kisses and cotton candy dreams
And puffy-wuffy clouds, you're gonna be like, "Wow!"
Once you check in with me"

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 06:27 (22 Days ago)
Returned to the last chapter I wrote for Forevermore and went over it. Added a couple hundred words. Will sleep on it and dream if anything else needs added.

I've been working on this project based on which chapter I want to write next rather than in chronological order, and it's been my most effective method.

So if I can't think of anything else to add, I'll pick the next chapter, and then finally work on Chapter One of my Baldur's Gate 3 fanfic! *squeals*

That said. Good night! May the Force serve you well! <3

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 00:44 (22 Days ago)
Ahh! New pillow and sleep mask thingies! The pillow is soooo soft and fuzzy. Don't deny it. I know you're jealous XD ❤

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 22:14 (23 Days ago)
Yay! As of Tuesday, I'll be back on Zoloft again! It was desperately needed since both the Anxiety and Depression questionnaires I was given to fill had were 17s (severe). Here's hoping it helps with the numbness, emptiness, and worthlessness I've been feeling lately.

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 18:34 (23 Days ago)
[Final Fantasy XIV]

As if I wanted to end my first session of the day on that note. :'(

Went into the Temple of Qarn for the first time. I kept losing my teammate. Now. I don't read the chat on the left-hand side because I can't focus on it and the battle. I'm a Level 36 Scholar who doesn't quite grasp the mechanics.

Barely into the second room, I get a notice saying a teammate left. They'd been dying (that's why they kept disappearing). Look at the chat; they're yelling at me about how they're not going through an entire instance without a Healer. I didn't even know I could heal others. And even if I could, I have difficulty enough targeting enemies.

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 04:41 (24 Days ago)
[Final Fantasy XIV]

Went from Levels 33 to 35 today. Also did my Class Quest or whatever it's called, and became a Summoner. Did the little side quest for it, and can now change my Eos' appearance to Selene!

NTS: /petglamour "eos" "selene" then Summon Eos

Ahh! Right now, it's really looking like I'm going to be able to get to level 50 in time!

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2024 01:10 (25 Days ago)
Decided on a spur of the moment to go to Bingo. Dad didn't want to, but mom did.

After listening to her go on and on about how much her work hates her, I make a random noise which causes someone to looks at me strangely. I told her it was okay because anyone would know I'm off after a few minutes with me.

This set her off on Autism stuff. She asked me if I knew that people with ADHD have a high chance of being Autistic. Yeah. I've told you that three times already.

Talks about how Autism can't be genetic because if I'd been born with it, I would have been non verbal for years. Not listening to me or understanding about degrees of the spectrum. She's done ZERO research, and just believes the first person she talks to about it. Anything I say about it gets "Oh well this person or doctor told me otherwise." Like she knows more about what I live with every day.

That's it. I'm done telling her about any of my medical issues. Minor or serious.

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Posted: Wed, 17/04/2024 03:32 (26 Days ago)
[Final Fantasy XIV]

Played about six hours in the last two days. I got from Level 29 to 4k into Level 31. I just defeated the dungeon to save the Elder Sylph (which gave me about 65k exp from the dungeon boss alone :O )

I think if I keep pushing through the main quests and try to do at least three hours a day, I might be able to reach Level 50 and the Ultimate Weapon quest, and complete the FFXVI Crossover event before it ends. I really want the Torgal Mount and Minion!

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Posted: Mon, 15/04/2024 04:01 (28 Days ago)
Me: Why do I feel like this?
Dad: What do you feel? Dread?
Me: Numb and empty. And I don't feel like doing anything. A bit of dread, too.
Dad: That's the depression.
Me: But I had an okay day!
Dad: That's depression. Bad days can get you depressed, but depression doesn't care what kind of day you've had.
Me: Well, that makes me think more about something. I've been wondering if I should get on Depression Meds and then have the AuDHD meds work into it or the other way around.
Dad: If you've been feeling this, you should probably get back on Depression meds now, or else you're going to be suffering for four months. Besides, a lot of ADHD or Autism meds also treat Depression.

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Posted: Sun, 14/04/2024 06:19 (29 Days ago)

I finally finished Chapter Five of my Diablo 3 Fanfiction, Guardians of Sanctuary! ^.^ In this chapter, Wildfyre trains all the Artisans to the Max Level. She gets overwhelmed by things said and done, and then Lyndon surprises her with some really sweet gestures. <3

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Posted: Sun, 14/04/2024 00:54 (29 Days ago)
*screams and squeals*
List of Completed Games

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy Crisis Core, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Diablo 4, and Baldur's Gate 3!

I stick with games as I stick with writing projects, so I'm so very happy to have finished another game. My first run-through took 145 hours.

And I did it without Multi-classing anyone. AND managed to save all the Tieflings. Tav, Astarion, Karlach, and Lae'zel ftw!

Got everyone's good endings, except I didn't manage to persuade Gale to give up Godhood :( But still super happy! ^.^

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Posted: Fri, 12/04/2024 16:56 (1 Month ago)
[PokeFarm Q]

Y'know. I take advantage of the situation and sell items at slightly higher prices than usual during events. Open Market means item values are up to the individual. However, when we consider things like Uber Charms, which are at a set price of 250ZC, their range should be 1.25-1.5M Credits. Granted, desperate would pay more, but I'd rather spend the much harder-to-come-by 250ZC than pay 1.9M.

Other things people sell to take advantage of others include Mulch from Berry Garden, Bait and Pokeballs from Fishing Hut, and Incense from Daycare. All are obtainable in their locations for much less than Market.

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Posted: Thu, 11/04/2024 21:35 (1 Month ago)
Apparently the events of last night plus everything today has broken me and sent me into of those phases where I'm trying to fight off thoughts of unexistifying, but my brain simply isn't cooperating with giving me reasons to stay. :'(

Think I'll take a nap and then write for a bit. Also been thinking, and decided to bring back my Dreamweavers project from eight or so years ago. Going to revamp it though because of how much has changed between me and others over the years. Been wanting to write Maui and Alexandria for a while now.

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Posted: Thu, 11/04/2024 17:37 (1 Month ago)
I went to bed angry last night from two people on Facebook and slept horribly because of it. I just got up and shouldn't be speaking, but...

There are still all these problems to be fixed. Why don't you work on that instead of making visual/aesthetic changes nobody asked for? Granted, it's nice. But I'd really rather the actual bugs and issues be fixed before doing more of this. New event-obtaining methods are on that list of things that need fixing, but when you're ONLY doing it to keep people interested in a broken game, that is not right.

I'm also angry that my bug report of my Ducklett eggs changing over two days before they should have wasn't looked at, so I lost out on at least 300 coins for the event. You should have LISTENED to people about the BUGS during the event and FIXED them. If you take care of the issues when they first come up, you won't have a mess years down the road from more issues piling onto the original.

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Posted: Tue, 09/04/2024 22:18 (1 Month ago)
So, a few months back, I talked about getting into an argument with my mom about ADHD/Autism and how it was possible to have both. Both dad and I had told her dozens of times that doctors nowadays say ADHD can NOT be diagnosed in a child as young as three. And how mom argued with us, saying she had several doctors (of back then) tell her I had it, and then went, "Oh, well, I guess I'm a liar then".

Well. Yesterday, I spoke to her about my appointment on August 9th regarding intake for Autism and discussion of meds. She told me I wasn't, and I explained that I would likely be low-mid spectrum. Mom told me to remember that being Autistic didn't make me r-word--which I never said it did. I tried to explain to her the difference between low/high functioning. Either she didn't understand, or her comment about the r-word was her way of calling me broken.

One of the things she popped off with was: Well. I guess you were too young to have been diagnosed with ADHD.

-_- ... SERIOUSLY?!

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Posted: Tue, 09/04/2024 05:45 (1 Month ago)
[Writing Update]

Just finished outlining all of Act 3 in Baldur's Gate 3 that I've done so far. That was tedious because I jumped around a lot during this Act.

Act 1 has 60 Chapters (likely 5-10 fluff/filler)
Act 2 has 39 Chapters (likely 5-10 fluff/filler)
Act 3 has 65 Chapters (likely 10-20 fluff/filler)

And I still have about ten quests (three main) to do. :O I did not expect it to, but this fanfic might wind up over 200 Chapters!

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Posted: Tue, 09/04/2024 00:57 (1 Month ago)

The Navajo and various other tribes/religions are in prayer rituals because they believe the sun has died and is being reborn. They are not allowed to see the Eclipse in any way, including through the glasses or pictures others take. They are also not allowed to do anything other than sit in solitude and prayer, reflecting on the occasion's solemnity.

At first, I found this hilarious because of all the crazy conspiracy theories going around right now about mass offerings, government takeover, etc. And I'd never heard of it before. But I'd also never heard of how using that one term was disrespectful to the Romani people until a few years back. Just because you haven't heard of it before doesn't mean it's not real.

As such, the Navajo and other tribes/religions taking part in this are requesting that pictures not be shared for several days. Or that they are spoilered or have warnings.

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2024 19:11 (1 Month ago)
Appointment for Behavioral Therapy to discuss meds for Autism scheduled for

August 9th

Dad saw the date on the white board and asked if I wrote it down wrong.

Told him no and explained that according to people I've seen discuss their appointments, scheduling this far out is quite common. And I mean, it's even common with Specialists in the medical field, so why are you so surprised?

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