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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 02:29 (4 Years ago)
Myst chuckles at Chara and Asriel's exchange. "Sounds about right I guess. I don't know, I was just looking for a place without blue string and stuff around, I'll be seeing yellow lines because of sensory deprivation for weeks..." They wipe their eyes as if just waking up. "So, you guys are thinking about saving the multiverse, huh?"

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 02:20 (4 Years ago)
"Nice to meet y'all." Myst collects their composure, standing up to reveal their tremendous height(of 6'7"). "So, what are we all huddled up for? Y'all have tragic backstories?"

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 02:06 (4 Years ago)
The human raises their hand, still out of breath. "I, questioning person I can see right now because of damn strings in my eyes, am Myst! Nice to meetcha stranger!" The raised hand moves a bit, it seems they meant for it to be a handshake. "And you haven't seen me because I haven't seen you, who are you?"

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 01:54 (4 Years ago)

Title: Grand Entrance

A myst-serious wormhole comes out of nowhere, the other end showing an AU that was in shambles, though not completely destroyed. Could this be a CrossTale AU?
Then again, an unfamiliar face comes stumbling through, ending up on the ground with a graceful roll and thump. The wormhole closes shut immediately as the unknown figure laughs out of breath.
"Hhh... Hhh... Hecking... Ugh, do you know how long it took to find a place without seeing blue strings everywhere? Damn Ink, you sure did it this time, whatever you did."
The human just stays on the ground in an uncomfortable position.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 01:47 (4 Years ago)
- w - I could try to, yeah! I hope I could get it up and running again.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 01:43 (4 Years ago)
Name- Myst
AU Name- Mancertale (original AU)
Soul Type- Determination
Magic- Xenomancy, they have random abilities at random times. The only consistency is that they're two people (chara and frisk, they're normally frisk with flavor text chara but they can change into the chara we all know and love) and that they are completely unpredictable
Human or Monster?- Mage..? They're the 'humans' in this AU but they still use magic for small conveniences.
Anything Important?: They're the Chara of their AU, though this Chara is nearly completely flavor text and shenanigans. They're also non binary, but they couldn't care less what pronouns you use. Also, their AU died long ago, they and the other characters of their AU have been AU hopping since the last reset (Myst destroyed their AU entirely, nothing really happened besides that) and the only reason that Myst is with the characters here is because Error is being an inconvenience to them and they would much rather crash with some buddies than deal with the crabby man child.
Appearance- A long, very loose ponytail, white hair with grey streaks, 6'7" and 210 lb, really lean but not big and buff, white skinned with burns and necrosis all over their left arm and leg, and wears lazy or crazy clothes, sometimes even both.
Other- The rest of their AU is kind of dead? The other characters are either unharmed or gone, though it's not known until they cross paths.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 01:23 (4 Years ago)
Better? Sorry, I didn't understand the rules before.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2019 01:06 (4 Years ago)
Name- Myst
Age- 22
Gender- Male
Power- Similar to metronome, they have a chance between many different skills, the only constant one being their unpredictablility and somewhat immortality with a twist.
Rank- A student who was probably held back for being unsuccessful at the magic/s they have.
Crush- Adorable animals that squeak, they want all squeaky meows and woofs. They adore rats and mice. What I'm saying is no love.
Relationship- "Taken by surprise" (Myst).
Look- They have a very, v e r y loose pony tail, white hair with grey streaks (they ruined their roots when they were young), grayish brown eyes, white with burns and necrosis all over their right leg and arm, 6'7" and 210 lbs, relatively lean and wears lazy clothes or clothes that most definitely shouldn't exist, no in between.
Other- Their behavior and reactions are as unpredictable as their powers, though they know how to keep their powers under lock and key, making sure not to use them unless they're in a safe area to see what their power. They were experimented on in a different country as this xenomancy wasn't exactly a practice that people could wrap their heads around. Nothing traumatic though, just a reason why they hate hearing their name being conversed without their knowing.

Name- Levi
Age- 15
Gender- Male
Power- The ability to sense what can happen. Not know exactly, but know how to prepare for whatever may happen. Example being that he may not know he's going to be attacked, but something in his head tells him to jump to the side with no knowledge of what's to come.
Rank- Student, somewhat excelled
Crush- He's generally antisocial, but he likes people that have a sense of humor at times and know when to be serious.
Relationship- Tired of people
Look- He's got messy black hair, dark, (almost black) blue eyes, graphic hoodie and t-shirts galore, demin jeans, real short and small looking but abnormally heavy, nothing to unordinary.
Other- He walks away from problems. If he walks away without a word, take it as an insult from him and his powers.

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