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Posted: Wed, 25/08/2021 20:46 (2 Years ago)
Tbh I´m scared for beidou because I think the shogun wont be happy that she as a person from liyue...an outlander. joined the resistance against her. And for kazuha! Simply because of the scene from that live stream
It looked epic! but.. tbh I want to keep maple boi

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Posted: Wed, 25/08/2021 19:37 (2 Years ago)
Imma try pulling baal with my 2nd account, close to pity and hopeful to get the electro goddess.
If I loose the 50/50 to diluc again like it happened at the xiao banner I´ll cry so much ngl.
Like.. its not funny anymore diluc please.

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Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 13:23 (2 Years ago)
Watching the genshin debut stream for 2.1 and holy these characters are looking great!
And the trailer too! :'D got me so hyped

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 18:49 (2 Years ago)
Klee locates Specialties In Mondtstadt and Yanfei Locates Liyue specialties :D

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Posted: Fri, 13/08/2021 18:33 (2 Years ago)
tried getting sayu or diona on my second account
sadly it didnt go as planned
got xinyan and sucrose instead

guess Imma just keep Chongyun on as my cryo pal
also .. Imma just say that, now that I´m kinda relying on him to carry my 2 fire units while anemo traveller does her own thing, I appreciate him a lot more

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Posted: Sun, 08/08/2021 21:03 (2 Years ago)
@comrade Congratulations!!! :D

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Posted: Mon, 02/08/2021 15:26 (2 Years ago)
What should we call you?:Bloss, Zhongli

PH Username:Zhongli

Pronouns: She/her

About You: I love drawing, pokemon and reading, mostly manga! (JJK, My Hero Academia etc are my faves atm)

Why'd You Join?:I think it´ll be fun to be a member :D

Extra:Trying to improve writing quality is harder than I thought it would be

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Posted: Sun, 01/08/2021 15:49 (2 Years ago)
Just pulled Ayaka

I won my first 50/50 (Shocking, no diluc or mona) and got her on pull 76, completely random too, skipped the wish thinking it was a 3 star and there she was. Then she instantly got zapped by a lightning.

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Posted: Sun, 01/08/2021 12:10 (2 Years ago)
Kanae blinked slightly, looking at the people in front of him, he hadnt really finished the smoothie due to the awful taste but felt.. woken enough by the foul taste alone to analyze his opponents and realize that, they.. really shouldnt be doing this. He reached down to the coat pocket, feeling the box inside it, he hadnt touched it since returning home the day prior, yet the futures he saw during training werent really that good to make him sleep well.

He got the box out and looked at it before trying to think of something they could do. Clearly these people were way more experienced than any of the group, but he figured that if Tilly thought they should do this then she´d have a plan to get them out if it got too fierce

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Posted: Wed, 28/07/2021 21:12 (2 Years ago)

I cant really recomend anything for Hu Tao because I dont have her T°T *sad noise*

But for childe, rust is A pretty good weapon! I got it on mine too, and r4 is really impressive good job!
Artifact wise a 4 piece heart of depth with a hydro dmg goblet would be very good for him, but rn I´m playing him at 2 piece heart of depth, 2 piece noblesse. Works pretty well for his burst. I also suggest leveling the burst first when it comes to talents, and perhaps normal attacks due to rusts passive of increasing normal atk dmg.

Rosaria is a pretty good unit too!
Dragonspine spear is great on her if you build her physical, which I´d definetely do! 2 pale flame, 2 bloodstained and a physical goblet and youre good to go!
Otherwise for cryo support the favonius lance would be better, because it has energy recharge (I think? correct me if I´m wrong) and a 2 piece cryo set with cryo goblet.

Sadly cant say anything good for chongyun cause I dont use him too, like you I join the lvl 20 waster greatsword group

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Posted: Wed, 28/07/2021 14:04 (2 Years ago)
To his surprise, the book was a bit lighter than the actual thing, some of the pages were almost blank, the old pages had withered a little and the writing had faded slightly, yet he found enough words to piece together sentences. Descriptions of the different visions there could be seen, although nothing was really deep diving into anything more informative, were written in there. Some merely scribbled into it, some had clearly taken a lot of time too.

He tried to find out some tips, mostly trying to figure out how he could focus on certain routes that the box would show instead of the mass that would infiltrate his mind when he´d open the box. Perhaps if he could learn to decide which path he´d want to see, the twisting of his own mind would be hindered or delayed. That way he could be of bigger help than if he were to go insane.

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Posted: Tue, 27/07/2021 17:51 (2 Years ago)
Kanae seemed a little bit bothered still, thinking about the things he had seen when opening the box, yet he grabbed himself a plate of food, again only taking what he knew, and sat down in his seat. He looked at the book in front of him, its covered showed that same box he just tried to train with, the one that showed him these cursed images, yet he decided to give it a try, flipping the old looking pages open to see whats inside, while munching on some toast.

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Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 18:17 (2 Years ago)
Ah your ningguang looks amazing!
I made a second account today to play the story again, cause .. I mean why not its great!
After some pulls on noelle and standart my current party looks like this:
Fem.Traveller (Anemo), Yanfei, Benny and Kaeya for cryo support :D

[center]One ten pull on standart and 2 on Noelle :D

I have zhongli in my party too, mainly for shield and burst dmg.
If you want to utilize his burst and not care too much about the shield I suggest dropping the hp built for Noblesse oblige (2 piece)

Mine does around 80k without party buffs (so no bennet field and similar things, While I do use Kazhua, I prefer to use his burst first and then go in with kazuha, so not much of a buff there)(except for his own shield + if he crits) at a crit rate of 45% with 149% crit dmg and he´s at around 25k hp, so I think the noblesse piece does do quite a lot to improve the burst damage, + ofc the geo dmg gauntlet. I also run him with geo traveller for the geo resonance so thats like another 15% geo dmg +, which also benefits his ult damage.

For burst spam I suggest a lot of energy recharge, like 150% sounds good, so if thats there then there are a lot of meteors to be thrown.

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Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 23:59 (2 Years ago)
Personal weapon prefrence

1. Sword
2. Bow
3. Polearm
4. Claymore
5. Catalyst

(Exception for Catalyst would be Ningguang and for Claymore would be Diluc, but otherwise I find that the claymore and catalyst users dont work for my style of playing)
I like every character, theyre so pretty and the dev´s put so much time in them, but kit wise I´d have to regretfully say Chongyun. I just cant really work with having my attacks converted to cryo, sorry Icy boy :( (otherwise he´s 100% amazing!)

If I were to improve one or two I´d probably give some more influence in the Story to Xinyan and perhaps Chongyun, because... rock n roll sounds so nice.
Except for the hangout event with Chongyun we didnt have much with him either so he could´ve perhaps been a bit more present in the Liyue story or Hu tao´s story quest perhaps
(After all we had A world quest for Xinqui and Xiangling, so why not our boi Chongyun too)

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Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 20:45 (2 Years ago)
Kanae sat in his room for some time, wondering how he should train with this box. Would he train his mind to withstand the influence, should he open it to find out what effects it had.? He decided to go on and risk a look, after all, one wouldnt be able to know their limits if one were never to rist anything. His hands went to the box again, it had been resting on his legs as he sat, but now he wanted to open it.

Opening it wasnt easy to say the least, he had to fumble with it for a second, being inexperienced. The Ankrah opened after some tries and some fiddling with the lock on it, then he magaged to click it open and.. hesitated for a short while, eyeing the now open box, which layed closed on his leg. //alright, calm yourself. One glance wont harm your mind too much.// he figured, eyeing the box again after glancing at the wall.

Kanae opened the Box, and looked inside, then closed his eyes when a sudden flash seemed to appear out of it. To anyone watching, there was none and he´d only be staring at the box, yet to him, inside his mind and in front of his eyes, few hundret or thousand choices and futures flashed by. He saw gruesome things, nice things and just merely acceptable ones as well. With a shake of his head, a slight groan and a hand clasping the box shut forcefully, he managed to snap out of it.
He glanced the Tanji on his lap again, that was a lot to take in. He blinked slightly, getting his troubled mind back to a calm(er) state, trying to figure out what had just happened.

He knew what went down, it was explained after all. But.. how would he be able to get such a wave of information and futures under control enough to be useful? He sighed a little frustrated.

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Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 21:42 (2 Years ago)
Kanae sat down in one of the farther corners, he hadnt really talked much to the others yet. He was thinking about what that weakness would do with his mind after some time, all while eyeing the box in his hand. //How would I be able to use this thing, especially in a fight,... would it put me at a disadvantage?// He thought, his eyes glued to the box that weighed barely anything, resting there peacefully in his hand.

It sounded silly, thinking that the box could lead him to loose his mind the more he´d utilize it, yet after hearing what Tilly had to say, he doubted the things he had assumed up until falling deeper into his thoughts and doubts. //If it chose me does it see me as one to not loose my cool easily? Or one to be used? I guess training with it will help, though I dont know how I´d train with this drawback// He kept thinking, then grabbed himself some bread from the table, as well as some other things that didnt seem too unfamiliar to him.

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Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 20:42 (2 Years ago)
Looking amazing !

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Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 20:24 (2 Years ago)
"Pecha berries for me please, thanks" Valentine happily smiled. Then she wanted to follow the Ponyta quickly

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Posted: Sun, 18/07/2021 19:00 (2 Years ago)
Valentine looked around, eyeing everything with great interest while walking around slightly, she waved as a greeting to Kiri and smiles slightly "The area is beautiful" she humms while fixing her scarf again. "Is our restplace here..?" She looks at shade as well

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Posted: Sat, 17/07/2021 19:06 (2 Years ago)
She gladly took the orbs and placed them into the little pouch she carried around. "I´m sure we´ll be able to use these later" She smiles slightly, ready to continue

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