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Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 01:46 (5 Months ago)
Btw, what happens if u get 2nd place and u don't have kanto dex completed? Would there be a consolation prize or smth like that of equal value?

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Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 01:12 (5 Months ago)
First, you must buy a pokeradar. Then, u must by the batteries for a pokeradar. After buying the batteries, turn the radar on and keep hatching the same pokemon. After some time, and it can take a long time, a shiny will hatch.

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Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 02:42 (5 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me: Items
Username: TuxedoMon
Form of gift: (pokemon, item, plush, etc)
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.): Any mystery boxes u don't need. Please send in gift form. Thank you!

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Posted: Tue, 05/12/2023 23:45 (5 Months ago)
Sorry, didn't read this

Thank you!

Sure, maybe like an option to flee thats located away from the pull rod button so that nobody accidently clicks flee.

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Posted: Mon, 04/12/2023 03:45 (5 Months ago)
Agree with this, would like to add on that maybe something like an option to see?

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Posted: Mon, 04/12/2023 01:28 (5 Months ago)

(◕ᱛ ◕✿) Breeder: Mammon
(◕‸ ◕✿) How many shines: 2
(///∇///✿) Paid or Unpaid: Paying before hand
(◕▽◕✿) When to deliver them, all at once or one at a time: One at a time please!
( •̯́ ^ •̯̀) Evolve, Yes? No?: No
Other: This is for combee right? Would prefer if all male!

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Posted: Sat, 02/12/2023 18:55 (5 Months ago)
Some legendaries can't be hunted, like the regis, ho-oh, lugia, and the magearna raffle mons. However, other legends have summon items, which can either be summoned at the tall grass or the ancient cave. If you chain them with pokeradar, you get the shiny legend (eventually, it took me 6 months to get my shiny legend.)

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Posted: Sat, 02/12/2023 03:10 (5 Months ago)
How do you unlock the egg radar chip for galar? I've bought all the other ones (Egg radar easy, hard, legend, medium, rare, and starter) and even the special ones (egg radar+ and the egg radar notificator and the egg radar tracker) but i can't see the egg radar galar on my screen in the item shop.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 19:29 (5 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 19:52 (5 Months ago)
Volo? I played legends arcues, so no.

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Posted: Tue, 21/11/2023 19:40 (5 Months ago)
Ok. I am doing Maskyzeno's hunt for litten, to compensate him for overpaying (we both didn't know littens actual price) I have decided to pay him back 100k.


I can do the chandelure hunt, but you would need to provide the breeding pair (perfect preferred) AND the daycare funds. The battery price is 50k, so in total that would be 230k pd plus the daycare funds, unless you would prefer to pay 130 nuggets and daycare funds.

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 22:10 (6 Months ago)
U said bulbasaur better? Man, get out of here. NO

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 22:09 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 22:08 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 22:02 (6 Months ago)
This suggestion is a needed addition. Currently, most OT hunters no longer have the option to use tallgrass past chain 40, since any shiny mega then would have someone else's name.

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Posted: Thu, 16/11/2023 21:44 (6 Months ago)
116 fighting gems for 35k pd?

Please set up the private trade if accepted.

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Posted: Wed, 15/11/2023 05:15 (6 Months ago)
How many Ice + flying gems for this pokemon?

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Posted: Wed, 15/11/2023 04:16 (6 Months ago)
Most of the ways to obtain mons:

1. Lab

2. Auction

3. GTS

4. Gem collector

5. Tall grass

6. Daycare

7. Summon items (Fossils, which are found at beach or in mystery boxes, and legendary summon items which are mostly found in rumble, mystery boxes, or while fishing)

8. Royal Tunnel (It gives the 6 regi's (regirock, registeel, regice, regigigas, regieleki, regidrago))

9. Ancient cave quests.

I think that is all.

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Posted: Tue, 14/11/2023 23:06 (6 Months ago)
Ok. To sum up my idea, at level 20, you can buy an item in the item shop. Then, you are able to see the silhouette of the pokemon you are GOING to catch. You can then time it out and let the mon run away, or catch the fish pokemon. Once you get a chain of 10 or more, you begin to have a "fishing chain". This would work like the safari chain, where catching a new pokemon resets the chain. The pokemon you are chaining appears more frequently, and has a higher chance to be shiny. You can stack the shiny rod and shiny bait ontop of this boost, giving you a higher chance. Then, at chain 100, the chance of finding a shiny maxes out at 1.5% (2.5% for premium users). I will add this to the main post. Keep in mind that the item would not work during the Necrozma quest, and it would say something like "Oh no, you seemed to have dropped your (insert the item name here, thinking about a name like "fishing lantern" or something) in the ancient cave. Maybe once this is all over, Keshi will help you find it."

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Posted: Tue, 14/11/2023 22:50 (6 Months ago)
Sorry, I didn't see that. Thank you!

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