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Posted: Thu, 04/04/2019 20:54 (5 Years ago)
I tried using the last version of SlimJet that still can be used on XP and still have the same issue so for now I have to use FireFox again to visit PokeHeroes.

Oh..was nice to visit using Maxthon (chrome-like) while it lasted.

I would upload a screenshot but I do not see anything that allows me to do so..

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Posted: Sat, 02/03/2019 20:48 (5 Years ago)
Ok..here is an update..I downloaded a version of SlimJet which is basically based on Chrome and this site won't display properly on that one either..just FireFox types.
I really would like to see this issue resolved because I really do not wish to have to keep switching back and forth between browsers just to come here.

Mind you that this issue just cropped up within a couple hour span. I hardly think I am the only one with this issue either.

I have a similar issue which I mailed support about only for me this sort of thing happened yesterday and was fine one hour then when I went back a couple of hours later the website display was all wonky...it is ok in FireFox but in Maxthon it looks much like what you posted..

P.S: Maxthon is based on the Chrome engine..

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Posted: Sun, 29/01/2017 01:02 (7 Years ago)
Man..I miss the Digimon cartoons. I just loved them though the second season was a bit depressing because the original kids were now adults and thus kind of removed from the digital world.

Anywhoo....I used to have a couple of the digimon games for the playstation and really enjoyed them. Man how I miss those games and shows.

I agree that at least Digimon has plots that develop, get resolved then goes onto other plots whereas the Pokemon shows, as much as I love them, don't seem to go anywhere in particular.

I have to admit that I haven't been able to watch the Digimon shows because none of the cable stations I have show any of them; guess I'll have to rely on YouTube or something.

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