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Posted: Mon, 09/08/2021 18:10 (3 Years ago)
electric rat winking

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Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 17:06 (3 Years ago)
Retro Bulbasaur doesn’t evolve.

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Posted: Sun, 11/07/2021 13:52 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 24/06/2021 16:07 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 13/06/2021 22:10 (3 Years ago)
I would like to join! :D

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Posted: Sat, 12/06/2021 16:54 (3 Years ago)
could also be priced around 1 million PD or higher

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Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 21:41 (3 Years ago)
fly boy

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Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 00:43 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 22:38 (3 Years ago)
demon child

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Posted: Tue, 01/06/2021 17:13 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 13:32 (3 Years ago)
angy sky birb

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 02:56 (3 Years ago)
mask person

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Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 14:26 (3 Years ago)
find Plusle's rarity on it's profile, then click the drop down menu on the Price Check that says Pokemon. Find the rarity's price.

Plusle rarity is Rar, and Price Check says 900 - 1000 PD

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Posted: Sat, 22/05/2021 00:19 (3 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 1

7 years later…

Mistia rushed through the market, searching for the berries that Master Zor had asked for.

“Come on, come on, come on, come on- Bingo!” she exclaimed, her eyes laying on a berry stall. As calmly as she could, she walked over to the Mabu running the stall. “Why hello, Mistia!” she smiled. “It’s a pleasure to see you. What brings you here this morning?” Mistia flashed her a smile in return, “Morning, Florr! Just looking for some berries. Master Zor was very specific about what he needed.”

“Let’s see. He said he needs five Pinap Berries, three Watmel berries, seven Sitrus berries, and one Mago berry.”
“That will be fifty two gold.”
“Sounds good!”

She handed Florr the payment in exchange for the basket of berries. Thanking her, she proceeded to make her way back to the innermost part of the city. There was no way that she would get lost, as her destination was the large, formidable tree that grew in the center of the city. Master Zor had been kind enough to take her in, both as a pupil and as a daughter. While they hadn’t figured out how to get her memories back, she enjoyed his teachings. Especially when her ‘uncle’ was around. Her uncle wasn’t actually related to her, she just liked to call him her uncle, and he allowed it.

She quickened her pace until she got to the entrance of the Great Tree. Being respectful, she grabbed the door’s large knocker and did her best to give it a quiet knock. The bang echoed the hallway within, and a familiar voice called out to her, “You may enter.”

Pushing the door open, she nodded to the guard, who was in his Bisharp form. She always found the amount of blades on their body a bit much, but she always kept her mouth shut, since she didn’t want to be disrespectful. She made her way to the kitchen, which was on the second floor. If anyone were to ask about where the kitchen was, she’d just tell them to follow the smell of food.

She entered, placing the berries on the table to her right. “So whatcha making with these?” she asked the head chef. He chuckled, “You’ll find out later.” Leaving the kitchen, she headed in the direction of the meeting room. From there, she waited outside, trying her best not to eavesdrop.

“So, they’re coming here?”
“Yes, they are. I hear her teacher is quite the fighter, too. Our students could learn a thing or two from them.”
“Well, if they’re going to stay here, they’ll need a room.”
“How about Mistia’s room for his pupil, and Zor’s room for her master? I’m pretty sure she’s more than happy enough to share. And Master Zor-”

Mistia tuned out. A roommate? A skilled roommate? She almost squealed in delight, but footsteps were approaching the door, and she did her best to calm herself. She launched herself at the first person to leave.

“Uncle Firma!” she practically yelled, hugging him. His yellow eyes gazed down at her, “There’s the little tyke! How ya been?” Mistia, still clinging to him, replied, “I’m doing awesome!”

Abyss appeared next, followed by Azure and Zor. “How did you know Firma would be the first one out?” Azure asked. Mistia paused for a moment to think. Somehow she knew. It was like she sensed him. “Lucky guess,” she replied with a shrug as she detached herself from her fun uncle.

She hid the fact that she partially knew about who was coming over to stay for a few days from her elders, while at the same time, not prying any further. She didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

Later that day…

Mistia leaned on the balcony outside her room on the tenth floor, watching the sun as it slowly made its way down. The orange light it casted danced on the wall behind her.

“Mistia! The guests are here!” Zor called. Mistia practically ran out of her room and glided down the stairs, excited to meet the newcomers. She took a moment to calm herself, not wanting to look like she lacked discipline. She wanted to give a good first impression.

Once she was calmed, she walked by Master Zor’s side to the main entrance. She could sense two auras outside. Both were strong, but unique in their own way. However, the second, somewhat smaller aura was what caught her attention. It was seemingly darker than every other aura she’d seen. It was also almost unreadable, so she couldn’t pick up any emotions from it. It was almost as if all emotions were purged-

She pulled herself away from the thought. As the guard opened the door, she straightened herself to look more professional.

I hope I don’t mess this up.

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Posted: Mon, 17/05/2021 01:54 (3 Years ago)

yeet. but that's it.

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Posted: Sun, 16/05/2021 22:36 (3 Years ago)

Title: Prologue

Half of the silver moon was visible that night. A sage with black and red hair was strolling through the woods, the light from the moon dancing between the various leaves.

“Tomorrow’s another day of training the youth,” he murmured to himself aloud.

And waiting for the trio’s answer.

He sighed as he kept his pace. When he reached a clearing of flowers, he stopped dead in his tracks.

A young girl no more than five years old was sitting alone. She had light brown hair, with the tips colored a vibrant pink. The sage decided to walk closer. He called out, “What is a child as young as you doing so far from Fortree?”

She turned to look at him with light blue eyes. She appeared to study him for a few seconds before answering, “Who are you?”

The sage stopped next to her and knelt down, “My name is Zor. I am a sage from Fortree. You do not seem to be from this place, child. Where do you come from, and where are your parents?” She stared at him, “I don’t know… I just woke up here.”

“That’s odd. Do you have any memories of anything?”
“Just my name.”

He straightened himself, “What would your name be?”

“My name is Mistia.”
“Well, Mistia, how does staying with me sound?”

The sage, Zor, then picked her up, carrying her through the trees in the direction of the treetop city.

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Posted: Sun, 16/05/2021 22:35 (3 Years ago)
About this fanfic

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Millenia ago, the Pokemon world, and the galaxy it rested in, mysteriously shattered. However, thanks to Arceus and the deities of the other existing planets, managed to save the pieces, creating a world just below the surface of our universe, thus creating Skylands.

However, during the Shattering, some lost their lives. Their souls have remained intact, and the deities thought to reincarnate them back in the future, where they would see what their efforts brought.

Somewhere, in the Isles of Arc, two humans are about to meet, each one not knowing of their past. Together, the two will start something that changes everything.

Setting of the fanfic

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So you guys know what Skylanders is, right? In this universe, Skylands is the Pokemon world, but in the future. Something happened in the past that caused the world, and the rest of it’s galaxy, to split, and millions of years and evolution later, Skylands was founded. The original regions were preserved by Arceus, with some legendaries and mythicals being chosen to become reincarnated in the future (which is now). In this universe, Skylands exists just below the surface of our dimension, on a different plane of existence. Only those with enough power can enter and exit Skylands.

The universes tied into this fanfic

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*sigh* A lot. Yeah, my mind sort of went into an overdrive and several universes are being included in this fanfic. That includes;

Star Wars The Clone Wars/Rebels
G1 Transformers/Prime
BOTW for some reason
And several others (will add later if I think of any)

Character Descriptions
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Mistia (Reincarnation of Mew. Wears anything pink. Hair is medium length. Light brown hair, with the bottom half being a vibrant pink.)

Master Zor (Zoroark in the form of a human. Was born in the original Pokemon world and was present when it split. Is a sage/mentor from the Un’ova region that lives in the Ho’enn region. He is currently training the reincarnation of Mew.)

Abyss (Kyogre. Wears a blue, kimono-style dress. Like the other two, she has white hair, but at a medium length; a reflection of how old she is. Despite this, she has no problems moving about.)

Firma Terra (Groudon. Wears red, karate-themed clothing. Like the other two, he has white hair, but short and ends in four short, iconic spikes; a reminder of how long he’s been around. Despite this, he has no problems with his strength.)

Azure (Rayquaza. Wears a green robe. Like the other two, he has white hair, but it is long, and almost reaches the floor; an indication of how ancient he is. Despite this, he has no problems soaring the skies.”)

Giri (Reincarnation of Giratina. Wears red, gold, black, and grey, usually long clothing to keep her from getting cold.)

Cat (light-skinned human female with brown hair and dark blue eyes. Her cybernetics consist of a second pair of ears on top of her head that are shaped like a cat’s, which can convey the emotions she’s feeling, and are used to detect sound from 50 miles away. The tail can create a blade at the tip, curved to appear as a scythe. From just above her elbows to her fingertips are replaced by cybernetic arms/hands, which have claws that can hold energy in them. Her hands can rotate 360 degrees in any given direction. They can also turn into arm cannons, or swords. They can produce a shield similar to those wielded by Mandalorians. Cybernetics are powered by a kyber crystal. Despite looking like a teenager, she is actually 21 years old, since the cybernetics slowed down her aging. She has some PTSD from the Clone Wars and being experimented on by General Grievous.)

I will add more information when needed.

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Posted: Sun, 25/04/2021 15:09 (3 Years ago)
we will be closing temporarily once all current orders are complete

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Posted: Wed, 07/04/2021 12:52 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 07/04/2021 00:29 (3 Years ago)
Would get me back into the swing of battling.

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