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Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 09:48 (8 Years ago) |
I, Xangar, have read and understood the rules, and would like to buy/trade with you! I would like to buy your gems (all of them except Dragon), for a lot of PD. I don't know your actual count, but so far it would be 179.200PD for every gem ;) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 14:28 (8 Years ago) |
For me personally it's just frustrating to get jacked from a small overbidding at the last second with no means to do anything against it (besides bidding even more money ofc). Thanks for your opinion! :) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 14:21 (8 Years ago) |
First of all: Yes, this will be a post where I release a bit of steam. So lets get to the point: How often has it occured to you that you were bidding on a specific Pokemon (preferably one you REALLY wanted) and someone overbid you last-second (maybe with just 1PD)? Happened to me a lot recently, tbh, so here's my idea: You can set a max-amount of PD you'd want to bid on a Pokemon. For example: User A sets up Mega-able Beedrill for 75k PD User B sets max-amount to 100k PD. The new highest bid is now 75.001PD (over the desired 75k and under the max-amount) Now this happens: User C tries to "steal" that Beedrill last second and bets 75.002PD. The highest bid will not change to 75.002PD from User C, but instead to 75.003PD from User B (cause he has set a max-amount he'd like to bet). User B gets his Pokemon and User C gets his money back. In case 2 (or more people) set a max-amount, the higher amount would win (if User C would have bid 101k, the new highest bid would have been 100.001PD). Only backdraw would be if some rich person would always max-bet 1kk PD or something like that. I think that's unlikely, but is bound to happen. In my opinion this would prevent some somewhat ragy moments. So now it's up to you. Opinion? Suggestions? Let me hear that stuff ;) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 23:19 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 19:36 (8 Years ago) |
That's 12.350PD for everything (except the Gems/Boxes/Keys and Lemonade, since I don't know how many you have of those) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 00:20 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 22:44 (8 Years ago) |
Payment: 32k PD for Aunt // 33k PD for Sara Preferred Method of Contact: Palpad Edit: Forgot to add: Couldn't find the special form for Sara, just the 3 forms for Items, Pokemon or Breeding. So yeeeah... :) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 11:28 (8 Years ago) |
New stuff added. :> [
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 08:52 (8 Years ago) |
This might look like a big list I'd like to adopt. And it is. I'll drop a few more gems for your trouble, as this helps me fill out my dex tremendously. If you can, could you put some Everstones on the Pokemon (I'll drop a few more gems for every Everstoned Pokemon)? I'll let you know, so here we go: From Free-box: Kanto (38 Pokemon): ![]() Venusaur
Metapod (Everstone) Weedle (Everstone) Kakuna (Everstone) Pidgeotto (Everstone) Pidgeot Spearow (Everstone) Fearow Ekans (Everstone) Nidorina Nidorino Zubat (Everstone) Golbat (Female if possible) Oddish (Everstone) Gloom Venomoth Dugtrio Poliwhirl Tentacruel Graveler Rapidash Gastly (Everstone) Haunter (Everstone) Gengar Krabby (Everstone) Kingler Weezing Rhyhorn Staryu Tauros Magikarp (Everstone) Eevee (7x would be perfect tbh :D) Johto (28 Pokemon): ![]() Croconaw
Furret Hoothoot (Everstone) Noctowl Togepi Sudowoodo Sunkern Yanma (Everstone) Misdreavus Woobuffet Girafarig Forretress Dunsparce Snubbull (Everstone) Granbull Quilfish Slugma (Everstone) Magcargo Corsola Remoraid (Everstone) Skarmory Houndoom Donphan Stantler Smeargle Magby Pupitar (x2, one Everstone) Hoenn (39 Pokemon): ![]() Zigzagoon (Everstone)
Lombre (x2) Nuzleaf Taillow (Everstone) Wingull (Everstone) Ralts (x3, one Everstone) Breloom Slaking Exploud Makuhita (Everstone) Hariyama Azurill (x2) Nosepass Lairon (Everstone) Aggron Meditite (Everstone) Medicham Swalot Sharpedo Wailord Camerupt Torkoal Spoink (Everstone) Flygon Cacturne Swablu (Everstone) Altaria Lunatone Crawdaunt Baltoy (Everstone) Feebas Kecleon Sealeo (Everstone) Walrein Salamence Sinnoh (32 Pokemon): ![]() Starly (Everstone)
Staravia (Everstone) Staraptor Bibarel Kricketune Luxio (Everstone) Budew Burmy (Plant) (Everstone) Wormadam (2x, not Plant) Pachirisu Shellos (West) (Everstone) Buneary Purugly Skuntank Bronzor Bonsly Chatot Spiritomb Gabite Riolu (x2) Hippopotas (Everstone) Hippowdon Skorupi (Everstone) Drapion Toxicroak Finneon Lumineon Snover Abomasnow Yanmega Unova (48 Pokemon): ![]() Lillipup (x2, one Everstone)
Liepard Panpour Zebstrika Boldore (x2, one Everstone) Woobat Excadrill Timburr (Everstone) Gurdurr (Everstone) Seismitoad Throh Sewaddle (Everstone) Swadloon (2x) Scolipede Petilil Sandile (Everstone) Krookodile Scrafty Sigilyph Trubbish (Everstone) Minccino Gothita (Everstone) Gothitelle Solosis Vanilluxe Sawsbuck (Spring) Sawsbuck (Summer) Amoonguss Frillish Alomomola Galvantula Ferrothorn Tympole (Everstone) Eelektrik (x2) Lampent (x2) Axew (Everstone) Haxorus Beartic Cryogonal Stunfisk Druddigon Rufflet (Everstone) Durant Kalos (21 Pokemon): ![]() Fletchinder (Everstone)
Talonflame Scatterbug (Everstone) Flabebe (Red) (Everstone) Floette (Blue) (x2) Floette (Red) Floette (White) Floette (Yellow) Gogoat Furfrou (x4) Swirlix Malamar Barbaracle Helioptile (Everstone) Aurorus Klefki Avalugg Since I have limited Pokemon on my own, I'd love if we could transfer Kanto first, then I'd have to refill my trade-box. And of course, if anyone wants to pick the non-Kantos up before I can grab them, they shall get them. Thanks for reading through all of that and thanks for offering this service! Oh, and of course, password is no. [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Wed, 07/09/2016 00:33 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 06/09/2016 20:28 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 06/09/2016 20:19 (8 Years ago) |
I, Xangar, has read and understood the rules, and would like to buy/trade with you! I would like to buy your Normal Gems (all of them, 106 currently listed), for 700pd each (74.200PD currently). [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 06/09/2016 16:33 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 22:18 (8 Years ago) |
Item(s)- Brown/Pink/Purple box // Dark Blue key PD amount- 29.000PD [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 19:00 (8 Years ago) |
Seriously tho, I'm interested in almost everything except the Moomoo Milk, Soda Pop and Lemonade. /subbed, but I'd prefer a message via PalPad (since I sometimes even receive notifications on mobile with that xD) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 13:58 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Thu, 01/09/2016 19:52 (8 Years ago) |
Enjoy rumbling through my stuff, I'll keep it updated as I get stuff I don't need ;) ITEMS ARE NOT UP TO DATE, I'M TOO BUSY WASTING TIME IN POKEMON MOON ~Items~ ~Pokemon~ [Free-Box] [Sale-Box] ~Payment-Options~ If you find something you're interested in, PM or PalPad me! I will check the thread daily, but PM and PalPad have higher priority! Everything is negotiable. Nuggets/PD/Gems are fine. Thanks for checking out my thread and enjoy your day! ;) ~NEW~ ~Items from other Users~ ![]() Since there are players that simply don't want to run a shop or have a lot of items to post, I'm offering to put them up in here. Feel free to message the person directly or just let me know. WolfStorm 1x ![]() 1x ![]() 1x ![]() 1x ![]() [Read more] |