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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from KimiDaYoKimiNandaUo.
Posted: Thu, 07/06/2018 23:57 (6 Years ago)
Awakening, you find yourself in a strange place. It feels as if it is both nowhere and everywhere. Probably a mistake to click the link... or not? You see a shiny Dragonair, but instead of golden pearls, there were light blue ones instead. "Welcome to the Ask Realm. Yes, that's the best name I could come up with. I'm Clair the Dragonair, one of M̴̫̂̀͜i̷̥̦͆̽m̷̢̱̞̚i̴̢̡̮̅̒̆Ķ̶̬́y̶̹̤̺̓u̷͉̎s̵̞̩̊h̷̢̟̒̎ǖ̴̪'s OC's. Yes, I know. I am sentient here, but I lose all memories of this once I leave. For good, that is. I do have some house rules to play with..."

RULE 1: "Don't ask about my love life please... It makes me pretty uncomfortable."
RULE 2: "Er... That's it??"

"Hope to have a nice chat with all of you!"

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Posted: Tue, 05/06/2018 10:11 (6 Years ago)
Warning: This is my first time doing something like this, so it's probably not going to be very good. Feel free to Pal Pad me if you have any suggestions or criticism!


The Alola Region. A place of wonder and mystery, each of the four islands, Melemele, Akala, Ula'ula, and Poni, every one with unique Pokemon and people.

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Posted: Wed, 16/05/2018 16:52 (6 Years ago)
@~Nagito-Komaeda~ I'm going to beat you to it-

This club is more than dead my great-great-great-grandparents probably

We ain't getting a revival, but you are more than welcome to create a new club?

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Posted: Thu, 10/05/2018 20:16 (6 Years ago)
"Yes, please!" Lily smiled and walking over, Kai staggering along with her, having taken damage in the fight. Evidently much more than Lily.

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Posted: Thu, 10/05/2018 20:09 (6 Years ago)
(aren't they temporary members for now?)

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Posted: Thu, 10/05/2018 20:05 (6 Years ago)
"Huh?" Lily blinked in confusion, they had previously been lost on Floor 18 when they stumbled upon a Monster House. Kai, previously having bought an Ice Fang TM, was urged by Lily to use it so they could have an easier time against the many Flying Types. After a few minutes of fighting, they were suddenly out of the dungeon. "Did we get the Orb?"

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Posted: Mon, 07/05/2018 20:04 (6 Years ago)
Laser Pointer

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Posted: Sun, 06/05/2018 05:41 (6 Years ago)
OIIIIII wam ncfol;

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Posted: Thu, 03/05/2018 16:01 (6 Years ago)
"Oh, you're the strategist! Okay, let's go!" Lily raced towards to the entrance, causing Kai to panic and chase her into it. She heard a "Wait up, please!", but ignored it, spotting the stairs and rushing toward them.

@Purpleeda Together We Ride?

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Posted: Wed, 02/05/2018 21:36 (6 Years ago)
"Are you okay?" Kai stopped walking to face the Mareep. "Oh, to answer your question, my name is Kai, and Miss Adventure over there is Lily. What's your name?" Kai asked, since he wanted to know who he would be climbing an extremely tall tower with.

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Posted: Wed, 02/05/2018 19:13 (6 Years ago)
(good night)

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Posted: Wed, 02/05/2018 19:10 (6 Years ago)
"Let's hurry!" Lily said, running towards the large tower already.

Kai took a deep breath and started heading after her. "You need to collect the Green Orb, right? If you don't hurry, those other adventurers will take it for themselves as treasure," he said to Tyler and Aish (although he hadn't gotten their names, he would have to ask them during the ascent).

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Posted: Wed, 02/05/2018 15:33 (6 Years ago)
"Tower? You mean the Sky Pillar? Guarded by Rayquaza? Sounds like fun!" Lily smiled, thinking that if she befriended the legendary Pokemon, she would surely be the best adventurer ever! "Come on, Kai!" she called to her new companion, who sighed.

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 14:31 (6 Years ago)
"Uh... 4 times. I guess 4." Lily nodded, confident in her guesswork. She really hoped that Lady Luck was on her side for this; she had always wanted to go on adventures as a kid, but her father always told her a firm "No." This time was different. She left her home(With parental consent, of course) ready to go on an adventure. But she definitely needed friends to go along with her.

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 02:18 (6 Years ago)
Creating this forum game?

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 01:56 (6 Years ago)
Lily was ecstatic. She hadn't been immediately turned down for once! And she wasn't lying about being strong, she'd honed her Fire-Type attacks to the maximum level, but having no one to fight often, she always ended up getting defeated in combat. Her defenses were just not as strong as she'd like, but that could change! She could become a legendary adventurer alongside her newfound friends!

Meanwhile, Kai was being thoroughly attacked by the Kecleon in the nicest sense of the word. The shopkeeper was constantly pushing other items towards the poor, defenseless Totodile, telling him their advantages and how they are worth more than their price. It eventually got to the point where he almost bought out the entire shop and depleted two-thirds of Lily's money. Wait. From what he could tell, Lily didn't go out on adventures frequently. How did she accumulate this much money? He'd ask her later; he had to carry around many astonishingly heavy items and the rest of the bagged money. His new body's limits were surely going to be reached soon.

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 01:38 (6 Years ago)
"Oh! Okay, thank you!" Lily thought that the Eevee's response was pretty weird. She had heard other Pokemon swearing before, that wasn't a shock (though she'd really prefer not to hear it), but a Pokemon not knowing who Kecleon was? And they were a frequent to other shops, so... Wait. The Eevee hadn't answered her other question. She felt that she absolutely needed to know where they were going and how she could help. "Are you going to need any help on your adventure? I'm not too bad in a battle. Kai, why don't you take this," she paused, taking out a large amount of Poké in a bag and handing it to her new companion, "Here, why don't you go down there and buy some Oran Berries, Reviver Seeds, Apples, and Wands, please and thank you!"

Kai reluctantly took the money(It was a LOT heavier than he thought) and staggered over to the shop. planting the money on the ground, causing the Kecleon at the store's eyes to perk up. "Ah, welcome~ Would you like to purchase anything? We have a lot of items that arrived recently, so feel free to buy as much as you'd like!" Kai was stumped. He had never had the chance to manage resources a lot, and he certainly felt overwhelmed by the Kecleon's charisma and the amount of money, so he figured to buy some of everything.

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 01:19 (6 Years ago)
"Oh, you're busy? What are you guys doing? Going on a quest? If you are, can I come? We, actually, I have a friend here!" Kai heard Lily say this and immediately wished he were invisible. The Fennekin already seemed like a pest, although she helped him out, so she couldn't be all that bad. Still, he should try to stop the situation for intensifying.

"Er, I'm so sorry for disturbing you. We'll just be on our way now... Sorry."

"But... I don't know where the shop is! I was told that the shop that Kecleon runs was famous in the area! And if they're going on an adventure too, then we should tag along! Everyone can use help!"

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 23:34 (6 Years ago)
Lily, tapping the Froakie(Tyler)'s shoulder a little harder, and repeating, a little louder this time, "Is the famous Kecleon shop around here?"

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 01:47 (6 Years ago)
Kai took a minute to calm down. When he began breathing normally, he asked the first question on my mind. "Where... am I?" The Fennekin told him probably the most useless answer ever:

"You're in a town," Lily replied. She gave a little shrug to the Totodile. "I was planning on heading here to gather supplies to go on an adventure, and now that you're here, we can go together! What's your name, by the way?"

Kai was extremely confused. This stranger who he had known for maybe 2 minutes was now inviting him to go on some adventure. And also dragging him to what he presumes is the shop place. Wonderful. "My n-name is Kai!"

Lily smiled. Kai. That had a ring to it, but she couldn't remember where she heard it from. Maybe it was just her imagination. "My name's Lily." She rushed over to a Froakie she saw and tapped its shoulder. "Excuse me. Is the famous Kecleon Shop nearby?"

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