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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ChocoCat.
Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 03:23 (10 Years ago)
{{All schedules are up, so everyone can see what classes they share with others :3 Everyone has at least one class with everyone else, everyone shares lunch and D&O, and we can skip roleplaying certain periods, just notify everyone else.}}

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 02:13 (10 Years ago)
I want to participate in the Item, Legendary, and Money Raffle!
Username: TheTardis
Number: 9 on all, please
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all!

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 01:05 (10 Years ago)
I Want To Vote!
Username: TheTardis
Event: Banner Making
Who/what are you voting for: I love both, but I vote for SandeviRae's, 'cause there are lickies on it :3
Did you read the rules?: Yep!
Password: blub blub fishy fishy o3o

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 18:24 (10 Years ago)
Sending ^.^

Sending ^.^

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 17:24 (10 Years ago)
Interacting with ikkeme ^.^

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 16:42 (10 Years ago)
Please have your Defense and Offense classes at the same time, 4th period}}
Rae smiled when she saw the bird circling Aurora's head. "Nice to meet you. Is that your bird?" she asked, pointing. She gathered up her stuff and pulled out her schedule.{{You can just make up your schedule}}
Controlling your hunger: Vampire 101
Defense and Offense
Okay, I'm ready,
she thought, heading to Vampire 101.
Blaze eyed the guy coming in, and the bell rang. He quickly gathered his stuff together, took off his jacket, and stretched out his black wings. They had been getting cramped being quite large - good thing his new room was big enough for them. Folding them slightly in, he left the room, taking out his schedule.
You can be good too: Demons 101
Defense and Offense

He hurried to English and slipped into a seat at the back of the class and waited for class to start, pulling his wings all the way in.
Izzy got out her schedule:
Defense and Offense
Animals: Shape-shifters 101

and went to English choosing a seat by the window.

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 16:22 (10 Years ago)
The old lady nearly jumped in surprise from the poke. She noticed the boy and held out a silver key engraved with '1b' in the front. "Here you are, dear. Your room is right down the hall, and I believe your roommate is there as well!" she said, before returning to her office and busying herself with paperwork.
{{I have to go in twenty minutes guys!}}
Rae looked up to see her roommate enter (aurora) and waved, a smile on her face. "Hi, I'm Rae! What's your name?" she greeted, almost cut off by a warning bell that classes would start soon. "Oh, we'll have to leave pretty soon, we should probably get ready!" Beginning to gather her supplies, she angrily fought off an urge to kill someone and suck their blood.

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 16:08 (10 Years ago)
The older lady began to approach the young boy who she could tell was an elf (she IS a mind reader :3) when he ran off. "Wait you forgot your key! Come back!" she called. Sighing she began to turn around when a girl came in. Aurora, shapeshifter. "Hello, welcome to Rosette! Here is your dorm key for room 2a, please get settled in, classes won't be starting yet."
She held out the key to her, and looked to see if the boy had come back yet.

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 16:00 (10 Years ago)
Izzy got up and got dressed like she did everyday. Whatever, she was going to a new school or whatever. It's not like she actually needed help with what she was. Yeah, she had shape-shifted at random times on accident before, but whatever! Still, if Rosette academy had to happen, then she'd go. Not bothering to eat breakfast she drove to the school, brushing her slightly tangled her and putting on a beanie. Shifting it into park, the blonde teenager left the car and entered the school. As a middle aged woman approached her, she held out a hand. Palm up, waiting for her dorm key. The lady slightly frowned and tossed it to her. Izzy smiled a bit sarcastically and left to go find her dorm room. 1a, the key read. She sat down a bed, stuffing her duffel bag underneath it and looking out the window.

{{**I'll put the dorm rooms in the first post, check there for your dorm assignment!**}}

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 15:43 (10 Years ago)
{{Okay :3}}
Rae shot out of bed, tingling with excitement. It wasn't unusual for her to be enthusiastic, but this was different. Today was her first day at Rosette! Walking ove to her closet, she couldn't wait to learn how to control her.... abilities, you could call it. Being Rae was hard, especially when she was bit by a rabid dog, and the next day she wanted to sink her teeth into everyone around her. It had begun to drove her insane! Pulling out a short dress and jean shorts, she quickly changed, running out of her room and to her brother's. The girl put her ear to his door, listening to see if he was up. But when only snoring was received, Rae lifted a hand to the door and pounded on it as loud as possible. Becoming a blood-sucker had its advantages, such as extra strength. She hurried back and forth through the house - brushing her teeth, eating breakfast, hugging their mom goodbye. And then, she hopped into the car and waited for Blaze to get up.
~[Time skip]~
Rae slammed on the brakes, narrowly avoiding the car right in front of them. She got out, accompanied a second later by a horrified Blaze. His sister constantly drove like this, reckless and almost with consequences, but he constantly refused to take the wheel. They left the parking lot, and there they were.
They weren't sure if they should go inside yet, because the few cars out there most likely belonged to teachers and no one was milling around outside. Looking at each other, they each tentatively took the steps leading them inside. The brother looked around, unsure what to do, when a lady approached them.
"Hello, welcome to Rosette Academy! And you are...?"
He opened his mouth to reply, when Rae beat him to it. "Hi! I'm Rae Amerilla, and this is my brother, Blaze! We're new here, where do we go?"
The lady smiled at her bubbly response, motioning them to follow her. They reached her office, where she went through a drawer full of keys. "Ah! Here we are! Blaze, you'll be in the Boys' dorm 1b, and Rae, you'll be in 2a. Here are your keys, your dorms are right down that hallway! Go get settled in, classes won't be starting for a while now." She shooed them away.
They parted ways, Rae waving goodbye, Blaze examining his key. He went into his dorm room, chose a bed, and tossed his stuff on top of it.
{{Sorry, that was reaaaaaally long, I sort of rambled on. I PROMISE my other posts won't be this long :P}}

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 15:08 (10 Years ago)
{{We can start now, if you want ^.^ Should I start?}}

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 01:22 (10 Years ago)
Accepted, and yes that's okay :3

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 01:19 (10 Years ago)
Um, I didn't mean the banner thing in my last post, I meant the meeting. I FAIL at banners :(I mean, If I tried, I'd fail... Sorry.

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 01:11 (10 Years ago)
Accepted :3

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 01:10 (10 Years ago)
I'll be on then :3

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 01:03 (10 Years ago)
Well, I'm good whenever, but we should set a time.

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Posted: Thu, 07/08/2014 01:02 (10 Years ago)
Aaah, not a meeting, anything but that! :O

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Posted: Wed, 06/08/2014 18:51 (10 Years ago)
January 17

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Posted: Wed, 06/08/2014 18:00 (10 Years ago)
Everyone's schedules:
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1:Vampires 101
4:Defense and Offense

3:Demons 101
4:Defense and Offense

4:Defense and Offense
6:Shape-shifters 101

3:Elves 101
4:Defense and Offense
6: Mathematics

4:Defense and Offense
5: Chemistry
6:Shape-shifters 101

1: History
2: English
3: Demons 101
4: Defense and Offense
5: Chemistry
6: Mathematics

[i]1: English
2: Chemistry
3: History
4: Deffense and Offense
5: Mathematics
6: Shapeshifters 101

My Characters!
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Username: TheTardis
Name: Rae Amerilla Sentel
Gender: F
Age: 16
Abilities/Race: Vampire
Personality + Appearance: Rae is an ivory-skinned 17 year old girl with freckles dotting her face. Her long hair, a fiery, bright ginger is often pulled back into a tight bun, only on occasion let down to frame her piercing silver eyes. She is bubbly and confident, not caring what people think about her mostly but can still be self conscious at times. She mostly wears t-shirts and skirts but sometimes wears skinny jeans instead. Her frame is lithe and agile yet still slightly muscular. Often wears a leather jacket and a beanie over her clothes.
Other: o3o

Username: TheTardis
Name: Blaze Sentel
Gender: M
Age: 17
Abilities/Race: Demon
Appearance: Although his pale skin and bright silver eyes match his sister’s features exactly, the rest of this tall, dark, and handsome teenager is a contrast. His raven black hair covers his ears, falling into his cold, bright eyes. Blaze, a constant blase look on his face as if he doesn’t care about anything is actually a sensitive, touchy-feely guy, though he might try to hide it. Many think he’s goth, but the truth is, he just shuts everyone out and thinks the color black is sensible. With a taller than average, well-muscled frame, he is often mistaken for 18, which he doesn’t mind all that much. His typical outfit consists of dark jeans and button-down shirts. He has large black wings.
Other: o3o

Username: TheTardis
Name: Isabelle ‘Izzy’ Callista
Gender: F
Age: 17
Abilities/Race: Shape-shifter
Personality + Appearance: Though she is naturally quite attractive, Izzy usually only wears the typical eyeliner and mascara; not caring to flaunt her appearance any further. Izzy has sort of a hard demeanor and is not easily brought to tears. If someone tries to mess with her, you can be sure that she'll send it back to them ten fold. She enjoys being 'one of the guys' and typically doesn't get along with other girls her own age, seeing that she thinks most of them are two-faced and conceited. Izzy never listens to what other people say about her and normally lives by her own rules. Often not one for sappy romance and such, she usually tries to avoid relationships.

Other: o3o Cat, ferret, ocelot, dragonfly, wolf, osprey, mockingbird

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Posted: Wed, 06/08/2014 17:59 (10 Years ago)
Welcome To Rosette Academy!


§You must be new here! This is Rosette Academy, a school where the unusually gifted are taught both standard subjects and a little stranger subjects mixed together. A while ago, your parents received this letter
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'Dear _____'s Guardians,

We have become aware of your child's/children's abilities and would like to offer enrollment in Rosette Academy. Here we could help him/her/them hone their abilities, control their 'skills'. Enclosed with this letter, we have left a brochure for you and your son/daughter/sons/daughters to browse. Please consider our academy, we can help you.

Rosette Academy For The Unusual'
that brought you to us. Let me give you a tour!§

Let’s start with the rules:
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§Follow all PH rules
§Go ahead, fight. IN THE ROLEPLAY!
§You must be able to spell and use grammar correctly to join. If you aren’t literate, you’re out. Sorry.
§If you read the rules, put ‘o3o’ in the other section
§Don’t godmod!
§Romance is encouraged! But… don’t take it too far...
§Talk with (( )) / {{ }} / [[ ]] when OOC

Next, all of the clubs you can join:
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~Book Club

~Choir Club

I’ll explain the types of people here: ((If I missed any, please tell me))
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-Mermaid or Sirens (Sirens - evil, mermaids - not)
-Shape-shifter (Can only shift into a limit of 7 different forms)
-Nymph (Water, Air, Tree, Earth, Fire, Mountain)

Here are all of the dorm rooms and who's in them:
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And finally, tell me about yourself:
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Appearance: (Pictures work)
Other: (If you're a shape-shifter, list the animals you can shift into)

Have a wonderful time here at Rosette academy!

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