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Searching for: Posts from -anonzellia-.
Posted: Mon, 11/07/2022 02:12 (1 Year ago)

Username: Zellia
Promo code (if don’t have leave blank):
Pokemon wanted: Audino
Shiny or mega able?: MA
Mode of payment and how much: gems(15 flying gems)
Tips :3:um... 1 more flying gem?

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Posted: Wed, 06/07/2022 03:24 (2 Years ago)
Hey Clover! Let me buy your Pokemon!
Pokemon: poipole, golett
How many everstones? no
What will you pay with?: gems
Password: sylveon(cause it is so cute!!!)
Will you promise that you will not resell it for higher prices?:
I promise or I'm a dog :(

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Posted: Wed, 06/07/2022 03:04 (2 Years ago)
Hello, I would like to buy a pokemon!
Username: Zellia
Which Breeder? Chidizzy
Which Pokemon: Ponyta
Shiny/Mega: 1 MA and 1 Shiny
How Many:2 total
How are you paying? pd
Anything else to add? nope

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Posted: Tue, 05/07/2022 01:14 (2 Years ago)
Hello, I would like to buy a pokemon!
Which Breeder? Braixie
Which Pokemon: charizard
Shiny/Mega: 1 male shiny, 1 male MA
How Many: 2 total
How are you paying? gems
Anything else to add? nope :)

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2022 05:20 (2 Years ago)
Hello, I would like to buy a pokemon!
Username: Zellia
Which Breeder? Wolfsdrache
Shiny/Mega: non shiny
How Many: 1
How are you paying? pd
Anything else to add? nope

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Posted: Tue, 28/06/2022 02:23 (2 Years ago)

Title: free eevees

can I get 1 free Eevee pls! TYSM

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2022 03:40 (2 Years ago)
Username: Zellia
Shiny you want: Super shroom
Breeder: heha192
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yes

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2022 03:01 (2 Years ago)
Hello, I would like to buy a pokemon!
Username: Zellia
Which Breeder? KingCobalion
Shiny/Mega: MA
How Many: 1
How are you paying? gems
Anything else to add?nope

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Posted: Thu, 23/06/2022 14:31 (2 Years ago)
I want 10 pokeballs, 1 furfrow,5 soothe bells, 50 moomoo milks, 1 fire stone, 60 everstones,and 1 bubasaur, please
sry for taking too much :(

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Posted: Thu, 23/06/2022 12:43 (2 Years ago)
ok, pls set up the trade :)

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Posted: Thu, 23/06/2022 02:56 (2 Years ago)
can i buy a larvestar, a retro Togepi, and a shadow Pichu. is that the shadows were for sale? if yes, how much for it?

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2022 03:55 (2 Years ago)
Promo Code:NewShop
Request: a female goomy

Tips:2 poison gem :)
Mode of payment:pd

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Posted: Thu, 05/05/2022 14:13 (2 Years ago)
Berry Selling! Here is the prize:
Spelon Berry:1k pd(2)
Name Description Stock
Aguav Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a bitter flavour. 3 Give item
Aspear Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a sour flavour. 42 Give item
Cheri Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a spicy flavour. 7 Give item
Chesto Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a dry flavour. 1 Give item
Figy Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a spicy flavour. 1 Give item
Grepa Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a dry, sweet and sour flavour. 1 Give item
Hondew Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a spicy, dry and bitter flavour. 4 Give item
Iapapa Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a sour flavour. 2 Give item
Kelpsy Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a dry, bitter and sour flavour. 1 Give item
Leppa Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a spicy, sweet, bitter and sour flavour. 1 Give item
Mago Berry:2
Oran Berry:3
Pecha Berry:2
Pomeg Berry:3
Qualot Berry:1
Rawst Berry:1
Razz Berry:24
Sitrus Berry:3
Wepear Berry: 1500pd(1)
Wiki Berry:1k pd(2)
I will change it later

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2022 08:56 (2 Years ago)
so how to find unknown?

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2022 01:44 (2 Years ago)
can I buy a goreblys and a breeloom pls?

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Posted: Sat, 30/04/2022 03:39 (2 Years ago)
ok. i will change.no more zoroak

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2022 15:09 (2 Years ago)
can I have a zoroak, ferrothorn and a gurdurr for 1.5k pls

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2022 12:41 (2 Years ago)
ooh, thanks very much! I will set up a trade now!

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2022 10:56 (2 Years ago)

Title: close date!

sorry! we will close from 29th April to 5 May so today we will have a sale for every Thursday. on Thursday, all the prizes will behalves so buy anything you can! today is the first sale so who is the first one who orders will have a plushie! you can still order but you had to wait until I open again! Happy First Sale!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted: Wed, 27/04/2022 13:14 (2 Years ago)
done. thanks for buying!

I got some items. Here is the prize:
Biscuit: 300 pd(1)
Honey: 90 pd(45)
Lemonade: 300 pd(4)
Flour: 80 pd(1)
Soda Pop: 400 pd(6)
Everstone: 300 pd(1)
Regular Bait: 400 pd or 2 water gems and 2 normal gems(1)
Splash Plate: 20k pd(1)
Relic Copper: 10k pd(1)
Mystery Box Purple: 15k pd (1)
Pokeballs: 300 pd(5)
Great Ball: 600 pd(1)
Thanks for reading!

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