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Searching for: Posts from pokemonblack.
Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 16:53 (8 Years ago)

Title: buying

Item or pokemon u are looking for:mega stone
u will pay payment in:4 gold keys and 50k pd
will u cooperate or bargain:cooperate.

plz help my mega able tyranitar is waiting to mega evolve

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 14:57 (8 Years ago)

Title: hint

Nemichakrawarty777 plz use the form and state how much do u want.

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Posted: Mon, 26/10/2015 11:36 (8 Years ago)
ok i will send the form again

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Posted: Mon, 26/10/2015 11:29 (8 Years ago)
Username :pokemonblack
Pokemon :shiny pidgey
Breeder :OfficerJenny
Payment :110k

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Posted: Sun, 13/09/2015 15:34 (8 Years ago)

Title: Want a messenger

I want a male and female messenger fetchling. Anything will work it's better if I get both of them cause my friend would also wanting it. I will pay 10000 for it

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