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Searching for: Posts from dirtdude.
Posted: Sun, 29/08/2021 03:00 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 25/08/2021 06:56 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 25/08/2021 06:44 (3 Years ago)
5500 pd

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Posted: Tue, 24/08/2021 19:58 (3 Years ago)

Welcome to the Pokemart!

Our selection and quality clearly outmatches many stores in all of Emera especially Emera item shop and our cheap prices make you want to come back. Please check through the store to find some AMAZING deals

accepting normal gems, nuggets, or pd

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1.PH rules apply
2.Three strikes and you will be put a restraining order against you
3.Password is: ~amazing deals~ (you can make the password as cool as you want, just add that part in)
4.Don’t ask for something I don’t have
5.Please either send a Private trade or I’ll send you a private trade. Please wait if your trade hasn’t been added or if I hadn’t offered, since I am busy sometimes
6.Tips and feedback is not necessary


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Ordering items

~Tip jar~
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11x Electric Gem
19x Fighting Gem
1,879x PokéDollar
25x Rock Gem
19x Tasty Bait

People that donated:

~Mystery items~
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Standard color = 12 000 pd or 20 normal gems
Gold = 16 000 pd or 25 normal gems
Black key = 100 000 pd or 100 normal gems
Black box = 50 000 pd or 60 normal gems

for sale
Mystery Key (Brown) x1
Mystery Box (Dark Blue) x5
Mystery Box (Green) x5
Mystery Key (Green) x2
Mystery Box (Light Blue) x3
Mystery Key (Light Blue) x1
Mystery Box (Pink) x3
Mystery Key (Pink) x2
Mystery Box (Purple) x3
Mystery Key (Purple) x3
Mystery Box (Red) x4
Mystery Key (Red) x2
Mystery Key (Gold) x2

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Bug Gem: 625 - 800
Ground, Fighting, Grass, Steel, Rock gems = 600 pd or 1 normal gems
Poison, Psychic = 800 pd or 1 normal gem
Fire, Flying, Electric, Water, Ice, Ghost, and Dark gems = 1 000 or 1 normal gem

you may buy multiple for nuggets, please tell me and i’ll send the price(too lazy to put it here)

for sale
Bug Gem 42x
Electric Gem 86x
Fighting Gems 19x
Flying Gem 101x
Grass Gem 273x
Ground Gem 103x
Poison Gem 96x
Rock Gem 111x
Water Gem 11x
Dark Gem 25x
Fire Gem 30x
Ghost Gem 4x
Steel Gem 1x

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Submarine Volcano Map = 260,000 pd or 174 nuggets or 180 normal gems

Vortex of Time Map = 180,000 pd or 121 nuggets or 130 normal gems

Volcano Cave Map = 180,000 pd or 121 nuggets or 130 normal gems

for sale
Submarine Volcano Map 1x
Vortex of Time Map 1x
Volcano Cave Map 1x

~Do you want to work here~
Send me a private message or palpad me!

Thank you for visiting The Pokemart!!!!

Thank you to Drgrimm for donations

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Posted: Tue, 24/08/2021 14:00 (3 Years ago)
(sorry,what do we do now??)

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Posted: Tue, 24/08/2021 13:01 (3 Years ago)
“uh…” Gar looks at the zubat, very confused why it doesn’t have any eyes and how it appered out of nowhere

“This is my daughter, zuzzy, she looks up to you and I hope you will take care of her” the crobat says “you may go through the cave”

Afterwards, Gar and Zuzzy went inside the cave

“No need to worry” Zuzzy said “ I know this cave like the back of my wing”

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Posted: Tue, 24/08/2021 12:07 (3 Years ago)
The Crobat looks at Gar and uses super fang against Gar. Gar had to flee in order to stay safe

“What do I do now…” Gar wonders

When suddenly…

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 18:49 (3 Years ago)
He went to the Zubat caves to search the mega stone, but there was a big crobat guarding the cave. Gar needed a tm to get a move in order to defeat the crobat, but how?

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 18:40 (3 Years ago)
I’ll check over here at this section ok!

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 18:25 (3 Years ago)
“hmpf, fine. I’ll start our new mission…to find the mega stone!!!!!! Anyone else want to make a suggestion?”

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 17:29 (3 Years ago)
“Hey, I’m the leader of this island! I’m Gar, and this Pawniard’s name is… what’s your name again??”

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 17:23 (3 Years ago)
“Hey, someone’s here…” Gar comes closer to the bush where Serenity is

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 17:09 (3 Years ago)
“OK I’m sorry, I’ll give you a reward…I guess I’m going alone…”
Gar’s greatest goal is to get enough exp to evolve and to get a mega stone to mega evolve, but without help, it would take to long. He was still searching after 139 years

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 17:02 (3 Years ago)
“WHAT DO YOU- what do you mean annoying gastlys? You know what, nevermind. Maybe I’ll let you off the hook if you help me on something, then you can be my slav- i mean servant”

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 15:51 (3 Years ago)
Gar talks to himself
“how am I not scaring him, its impossible!!”

“Hey you pawniard, whats your name?” Gar yells

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 15:48 (3 Years ago)

Gar glows red and wooshes towards the pawniard.


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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 15:30 (3 Years ago)
Gasty, which had hidden power fighting, used it agaisnt pawniard, which was weak against it


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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 15:03 (3 Years ago)
Gar floated near the pawniard, looking to try and intimidate the newbie. He knew that if he became the strongest in the island, he wouldn’t get hurt by the others. It was still extremely hard to do so though, because he didn’t know how to evolve

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 14:52 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 14:33 (3 Years ago)
Name: Gar (optional)
Gender: male
Age: 167 years old
Anything special: shiny, can mega and giga

also, pls make a new post when accepting others pls

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