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Posted: Sat, 24/08/2013 21:37 (11 Years ago)
Hey, I'm not entirely sure if this has to do with the lag, but all the sudden there are no random clicklist buttons... I can generate a click back list, but now the union room and the interaction pages don't have the button. I don't think this is a bug, but I'm really confused about what's going on...

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Posted: Sat, 24/08/2013 18:37 (11 Years ago)
*chucks in a support grenade* *runs away*

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Posted: Wed, 21/08/2013 05:04 (11 Years ago)
Dante smiled at the two boys. "Yo, I'm Dante," he introduced himself. "Man quite a few people were sick yesterday, it seems. Well, I don't think you missed much. We just got our Ores. As long as you have one of those, I think you're good." At that, he lifted up his hand palm out, letting them see the glowing blue, cut like line on his palm. "If it's not to much to ask, what are your guy's Ores? Mine's got to do with steel, and I think that's about all I really understand~" Well, it was a small lie, but hey, he couldn't be giving his secrets away to any new kid that walked up to him, right?

Zoey was quite surprised when her roommate invited her to tag along to the next class. She was sure that Murkrow had pecked away any chance of them getting along, but it was a little reassuring to know that she wouldn't have her own roommate out for her neck. At the thought, her little mark tingled a bit, and as she quickly stood up to follow the other girl, her shadow stretched lazily behind her, like it didn't want to move for a second, before it snapped back to it's normal length. Something so small would easily go unnoticed to someone not looking for it, as Murkrow was as it sat on her shoulder. The pokemon fluffed up a bit as the duo followed lace out of the current classroom.

Miss Opulem only glanced out of the corner of her eye as students walked in. She was trying to concentrate on the system as the wires twirling themselves around her fingers and up her sleeves. When the pup began chasing some of the moving wires, the teacher grew quickly annoyed. "Please control your pet," was the only thing she sternly told the girl who owned it. Some of the wires squeezed her tighter, and there was a little warning spark from the wire the pup was barking at.

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Posted: Tue, 20/08/2013 23:13 (11 Years ago)
I'm not premium, but this might give more incentive to upgrade. Support~

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Posted: Tue, 20/08/2013 14:06 (11 Years ago)
Well, I was thinking about making some fancy posts, then realize some of the coding I would need didn't exist. :O

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Align right- obviously, aligns text/images to the right side.
2. Image wrap- Sometimes when you post a picture, it's really long, right? Even with putting eggs or pokemon in your signature, you could clearly put a few lines of text next to the picture if you wrapped it. Wrapping is having a picture that is larger than one text line, and having multiple lines of text next to it, instead of just the line that it's on. Like here. (Don't ask me what that says, I just found a random sample image.) While this not only would be cool to use in roleplay posts, it would also help some people conserve space in their signatures.

How to:
Well, I've seen these codes differ depending on the forum. I've known some places will have [align=right], but here it might just work as [right] since we don't type out [align=center]. With the image wrap, it's actually been a while since I've done that, but I believe it was [imgleft] based on which side you want the picture aligned to. That example would put the picture on the left of the post, and text would continue on the right side of it, much like the example back when I was describing text wrapping.

I'm not going to say what the coding should or shouldn't be, but these are just some suggestions.

Please post if you have support or another coding idea! I'll add it to this post if it's popular~

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Posted: Mon, 19/08/2013 16:52 (11 Years ago)
Cali thought about the issue a moment. "Well, I see a lot of people come through my work. The city is always in a rush, so most people go to various restaurants for lunch. I know that there's still plenty of those, but instead of finding a needle in one big haystack, you just break the haystack down into pieces!" That was the only suggestion she had. Imagination was hard to detect unless she got close. Working at a restaurant, she saw many different people in any given day, and since she served them, usually she was close enough to feel their strength.

"Same here as the rest of ya, a strong enough imagination I can feel from a good distance," Jacob nodded to the other girls talking. "The strongest ones, like little kids, I can sense from across a street, but only ones that would rate a nine or a ten." In theory, he could be recruiting those kids. He'd always heard about plenty of Mirror Walkers that had been brought into the business young, but something didn't feel right to him. Maybe because he was recruited as a teen, he thought it would be unfair. "But I think Cali has a good idea in general. Maybe not restaurants specifically, but maybe we could break down the search areas, and look during times when there's a lot of people out of their houses."

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 16:50 (11 Years ago)

Figures, my favorite starter type is grass, and it's the one starter that's usually a girl. ^-^

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 04:54 (11 Years ago)
Is there any way to align to the right? I want to get really fancy, so I'm curious~

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 03:41 (11 Years ago)
Lein smiled at the Rei when she returned. "Heh, well you learn something new everyday," he shrugged. Without warning, though, he went from his relaxed float to standing, sending a sudden splash at the girl. "WATER FIGHT!" he declared, quickly ducking under and swimming fully immersed to avoid any counter splashing. Finding the human legs, he came up from behind and splashed even before he could see, his long hair hanging in his face. When he shook his head, water flew and his hair clumped together, no longer in his eyes but still sticking to the sides of his face, forehead, and nose now.

Smiling like a goof, he nearly forgot he was there strictly on secret guard duty over the human. Of course, he kept one eye on the kid still, and made sure the human wasn't doing anything stupid. But c'mon, he could still have fun.

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 03:21 (11 Years ago)
Miss Opulem entered her classroom early. Unlike many of her colleges, she didn't believe in setting a bad example by being late, or even just on time. The students would learn to late if she was, and that was not acceptable. Pulling out the pointer from her bag, she made sure her high boots were pulled up all the way. Already, the computer in the room had a wire snaking toward her. It wrapped around her little finger, and she accessed the attendance records. "Well, it seems not everyone has been in class. A few sick?" she commented out loud.

((Wasn't sure if they stay in the classroom and the teacher comes to them, or if they go to the teacher. I just made it generic, so it works however you want it too~))

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 03:11 (11 Years ago)
Jacob walked up behind the girl who had just fallen out of the tree, bending over and picking up the book that had fallen next to her. "Dropped this!" he smiled, holding it out to hand it back to her. "I'm Jacob. Resident of Affiel. Sorry if I'm a bit late. Looks like a bunch of us are here already~" he rubbed the back of his red hair with a small laugh.

"I'm Cali!" the brunette introduced cheerfully to all those gathering. "I like to spend my time in Carthan, too. I've found myself in Rowateg a few times too, though. Minus the fighting, it reminds me a lot of New York. This is my real home." Looking at the time on her cheapo little watch, she shrugged her shoulders in and crossed her arms, blushing a bit. "Sorry I'm bit late, too... I got stuck in work. My manager always has extra things for me to do before I leave."

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 03:00 (11 Years ago)
Gliz saw Crystal look up at her. Smiling and resisting a purr of amusement, she carefully moved her tail to her mouth, signaling the Zorua to keep quiet about her presence. Looking down again with a smile, she looked at the Treeko who now seemed to have a hint of recognition in his eyes for the "Pichu". However, her ears were trained on the winged Poochyena.

The Chrystanigh? She knew of them. It was a story that had once flown around her own camp. It was quite the phase, many telling stories of the warriors who controlled many elements. Maybe this is what the Poochyena was? No Poochyena she'd ever seen had wings, so this one must be able to control the Flying element. Interesting.

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 02:52 (11 Years ago)
:O Totally making another character. It seems like it could use another guy.

Username: Mituna
Name: Jacob
Age: 20
Gender: male
Orientation: Straight
Rank: Mirror Walker
Strength of Imagination: 10
Personality: Jacob by all appearance is a bright, happy person. To look at him, you would see someone carefree, and generally happy with his life. However, if you were to pry about him any more in depth, you would find him actually quite mysterious. He won't usually share his innermost thoughts, and will never let you in on his past. His front is his stronghold, and anyone that can get through it would probably leave him stunned and feeling completely exposed.
Other Side World: Affiel
History: Not likely you'll ever hear about this, but he grew up abused by his father. His mother always had hope that her drunkard husband would come around, and related that to Jacob, so he believed her. Not to mention, his father threatened he would leave forever if Jacob ever told anyone about the abuse. So little Jacob always learned to make people happy by hiding what happened. It became habit, to the point letting anyone any further than the mask he had was actually frightening. He once let a girl he had a crush on know what happened at home when he was 11, so the girl freaked out and ran away from him, dodging him after that. The next day the police came to take his father away. So traumatized by this, he now irrationally fears what could happen if anyone ever knew what he really felt. When he was 15, he was recruited to be a Mirror Walker, and has been doing his best to train since then.
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: None currently, but he'll take a bit of working to find someone.
Other: He wants to be strong, and is trying to up his rank.

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 02:28 (11 Years ago)
Cali looked at the clock behind the bar in the restaurant she worked out. Great! She'd been loaded with cleaning extra tables right at the end of her shift, and now she was going to be late!

Frantically running to the back room and hanging up her apron, she let her short hair out of it's pony tail and made a dash for the door, checking herself out. Her manager suddenly called for something behind her.

"Hey, Cali! I know you're done, but could you handle a few dishes first? We're understaffed right now and-"

"No." Cali suddenly cut him off, colder than the usual bubbly girl that the manager was use to. Seeing the dead serious look on her face as she looked over her shoulder at him, he almost saw a different person. "Sorry, but I'm really late for something very important. I'm off the clock, you'll just have to find someone else." With that, she made out the door.

A few steps later, Cali blinked a few times and looked back. "Wasn't the manager... When did I leave? Oh well, I'm late!" Taking off at a sprint she took a back route that dodged the crowds, on her way to central. By now, she knew which ways she couldn't take and what was safe. Plenty of times she'd landed in bad situations. Oddly enough, she couldn't ever recall how they ended. The psychologist she had told her she had memory issues, possibly triggered by traumatic situations.

Finally, she made it to the park. Finding the meet up spot, she saw another guy standing there. Running over, she smiled brightly. "Hi! Are you maybe one of the people I'm suppose to be meeting?" she asked cheerfully.

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Posted: Sat, 17/08/2013 13:38 (11 Years ago)
K, and edited :3

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2013 15:30 (11 Years ago)
I'd like to join~

Username: Mituna
Name: Cali
Age: 18
Gender: female
Orientation: Straight
Rank: Mirror-Walker
Strength of Imagination: 8
Personality: Well, this gets just a little complex. Cali has two personalities, but only one of them knows they both exist. What you might call the "original" Cali is unaware of her other half. She's very sweet, but with a strong sense of morals. However, her fatal flaw is her naivety, because she trusts just about anyone, within reason, and tries to see the good in all. The other version of Cali is much less so. She sees everything that the original Cali does, though the original Cali doesn't remember anything that she does. This alternate version is much less trusting and a lot quieter. While she still has the strong support for her morals, she's more of a pessimist and won't ever fully trust anyone. It is believed this Cali came about to protect the original one. She won't let anyone tell the original Cali about her though, believing it would be to much for the kinder one to handle.
Other Side World: The original Cali would prefer Carthan, though the other version prefers Rowateg.
History: Cali didn't exactly have the best childhood. Her parents got a divorce when she was 9, but before that often got into loud fights. She was picked on in school, but never fought back. When her mother took her to a psychologist to diagnose her MPD, it was said that she probably just snapped under the pressure, thus the arrival of the other Cali. Dropped out of high school at 16 to go to work and help her mother pay the bills, even though she was top of her class. Was chosen at 17 to be a mirror walker by a stranger who seemed to notice how hard she worked, and knew her situation somehow. She accepted reluctantly, worried it would get in the way with her work.
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Open~
Other: DON'T MESS WITH THE OTHER CALI! She's much more of a fighter and doesn't think twice about attacking if it protects the original. D<

Tell me if I'm too over the top. ^^U

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2013 15:11 (11 Years ago)
Gliz watched as the Zorua left, admittedly at least a little curious about the pokemon. She didn't see a lot of them, and they were probably among the least annoying dog pokemon (ugh, she HATED Lillipups...) Not wanting to be a total weirdo, she decided it best not to follow. Besides, her fur had fluffed up a bit from the fall, so it needed a good lick.

As she was starting to pick up and move again, she heard voices in the distance. As per usual, her curiosity got the better of her. So while she was still far away, she scampered high up a tree. Stepping lightly, she walked as silently as only a cat could, finally finding herself hidden among leaves, looking down at a clearing. There was a Treeko, probably the poor thing that the Zorua had tricked earlier, and a Pichu... wait, no. By the look on it's face, she should be seeing sparks. That must be the Zorua. And... a Poochyena with wings? Maybe a Zoruark? No, a Zoruark was too big to disguise itself as such a small pokemon. Besides, she'd never heard of any illusion pokemon being able to do a trick like that.

Laying down on the branch, she crossed her front paws and cocked her head to the side, watching the Poochyena fluff up at some Gallade. Dogs, really. Putting her head down, she kept perfectly still and silent in her little hiding spot.

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2013 00:49 (11 Years ago)
Dante had walked to class with Inari after breakfast, and was leaning in a chair in the middle of the room. When the teacher walked in and started talking, he listened to the small shpeal. Funny, he hadn't had any problems with his ore. In fact, since it came to him, he hadn't even heard from it. All he had to know that it still existed was the glowing blue scar on his hand. As he stared at it for a moment, the skin around started to turn metallic at his will. Quickly clenching it and figuring this wasn't the time to be experimenting, he opened it again and made sure it had gone away. Really, how bad could it be?

At the mention of emotions, he smiled. Well, at least he had those in check. Men don't cry, right? He was a hardened petty thief, no way would his emotions get the better of him.

Zoey listed quietly, glancing at the floor. Her shadow had grown longer than it should have with the lighting, but maybe it was just her worrying. It seemed normal otherwise.

It is because I am with you. Your shadow will always be a bit larger. The hissing voice of her Ore whispered to her. Well, that was out of her control, then. As long as she wasn't doing anything wrong... Right?

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2013 00:39 (11 Years ago)
Gliz licked her paw of the sticky berry, not even caring to look over at the pokemon she was conversing with. "Yes, I'm fine. You know, us Glameow always land on our feet. Not to mention, I've fallen from higher. I was just... caught off guard. The branch was a bit more slippery than I anticipated," she explained. "I'm Gliz, by the way. Do you Zorua enjoy tricking every new comer to the forest? Not a very kind way to greet new neighbors, I would think." Finished cleaning her paw, she looked lazily at the other pokemon, licking her chops to get rid of some of the sticky juice.

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Posted: Tue, 13/08/2013 19:55 (11 Years ago)
Alex heard something from above, and looked up to see the girl and her Lugia, but seconds later it zoomed off. "Hey, did you see that?" he nudged his brother. Zack looked up where Alex had been looking.

"No, but it looks like sunrise will be here real soon," the darker haired twin shrugged.

"I mean there was a Lugia up there, with a rider. She looked ready to watch the ceremony, then left suddenly. Think something's up?" he asked.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't involve us. The ceremony going to start, and if I miss it one more year I'm never going to get a guide," Zack retorted, a bit annoyed.

"...Fine," Alex looked back at the sky, to see if it would return. A minute later, his neck was stiff, so he looked back at the entry way. Most people were here by now. One girl ran in, looking like she'd just ran the whole way from her home to here, which was probably likely.

Zack was tapping his foot, looking at where the legendaries would grant guides. "C'mon, it's starting to get bright already! Let's get going!" He muttered. The air around the place contained building excitement, so think you could nearly cut it. He wasn't the only impatient one, but nobody dared to speak such words very loudly.

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