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Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Thu, 29/09/2016 11:38 (8 Years ago) |
You're talking about me there, but with your 20-30 limit, you would drastically decrease the chance for me trading. Yes, selfish reason, but Gem Exchange is my main-business right now. I however would support a search-function. I feel there's a lot of improvement that can be done at the Exchange :D [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Thu, 29/09/2016 09:09 (8 Years ago) |
I know where you're coming from. Then again, I don't think it has to be changed, cause it's supposed to be random. More often than not did I not get an egg from there (hunting Hard-rarity, 4x4-grid with 20min waiting period), but that's the point. It wouldn't take THAT long (in comparison) to get every egg out of the TG. Looking for more opinions to decide for me. [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Thu, 29/09/2016 07:04 (8 Years ago) |
I'd like to pick up the following Pokemon: Beedrill x2 Poliwag (Everstone) Grimer Wingull (Everstone) Burmy (Trash) (Everstone) Lillipup (Everstone) Flabebe (Yellow) (Everstone) Floette (Yellow) x2 I'll pay you 500PD for each Everstone-mon you send me over (200 for Everstone and 300 cause you have to equip them :D) Just let me know when they are ready for pickup! :) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Thu, 29/09/2016 06:12 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 23:32 (8 Years ago) |
Item you want- Gems, all of them Pokemon you want- None Your offer on the Pokemon/item- 400PD each regular, 750PD each Fairy, 40k each Dragon. List should be up to date, just leaving this here :> 40 Gems are there currently, so it would be 16k total :> (Don't mind me listing Fairy/Dragon, that's just what I copy all the time) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 22:44 (8 Years ago) |
Yep, not using a form, cause I don't know if you have any gems available. But I'd be willing to pick them all up again. 400PD each regular 750PD each Fairy 1kPD each Normal 40k for Dragons Just let me know if you have some :> [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 22:42 (8 Years ago) |
I'd like to grab all the gems you can offer. I'm paying 400each regular Gem, 750each Fairy and 1.000each Normal. If you could get me an up to date-list of all the gems you're offering, I'm doing the math (you can do it as well, doesn't matter to me). Answer preferably via PalPad :> Have a good one :D [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 22:36 (8 Years ago) |
Item: All gems you can spare except Dragon Price(Only Fill Out If Price is Changeable or a Trade): 400each (Regulars), 1.000each (Normal) and 800each (Fairy), just tell me all you have (in case your list isn't up to date :>) Code Word: Stone Other(Ask A Question If You Need To): [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 17:19 (8 Years ago) |
Payment: 400PD each regular Gem, 750PD each Fairy Gem. Preferred Method of Contact: PalPad [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 11:52 (8 Years ago) |
Payment: 400PD each regular Gem, 750PD each Fairy Gem. Preferred Method of Contact: PalPad [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 11:47 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 11:46 (8 Years ago) |
Again, I smaller request :D ![]() Beedrill Menki (Everstone) Slowpoke (Everstone) Exeggcute (Everstone) Lickitung (Everstone) Staryu Misdreavus Delibird Skarmory Magby Miltank Grovyle (Everstone) Shroomish (Everstone) Azurill Aggron Starly (Everstone) Luxio (Everstone) Burmy (Sand) (Everstone) Buizel (Everstone) Buneary Watchog Sigilyph Yamask (Everstone) Garbodor Deerling (Winter) Bouffalant Bunnelby (Everstone) Flabebe (Orange) (Everstone) Furfrou Skrelp (Everstone) As always, 1k per Everstone-mon. Password is Haruki [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 19:43 (8 Years ago) |
256.600PD for 605 Gems coming right over your place. Will drop you a PalPad just to make sure you see it :D [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 13:05 (8 Years ago) |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 08:45 (8 Years ago) |
103 Pokemon total this time. ![]() Pidgey (Everstone) Rattata (Everstone) Sandshrew (Everstone) Nidorina Spinarak (Everstone) Girafarig Dunsparce Granbull Qwilfish Sneasel Slugma Magcargo Zigzagoon Lombre (x2) Nuzleaf Kirlia (x2, 2x Everstone) Breloom Slaking Exploud Hariyama Medicham Manectric Swalot Torkoal Grumpig Flygon Cacturne Swablu (Everstone) Altaria Crawdaunt Kecleon Shuppet (Everstone) Spheal Sealeo Walrein Staravia (Everstone) Staraptor Bidoof (Everstone) Bibarel Kricketune (Everstone) Kricketot Burmy (Sand) Wormadam (Trash) Purugly Skuntank Chatot Gible (Everstone) Hippopotas (Everstone) Hippowdon Skorupi (Everstone) Drapion Toxicroak Finneon (Everstone) Lumineon Snover (Everstone) Abomasnow Yanmega Herdier (Everstone) Drilbur (Everstone) Excadrill Timburr Gurdurr (x2, 1x Everstone) Throh Sewaddle (Everstone) Swadloon (Everstone) Whirlipede (Everstone) Scolipede Sandile (Everstone) Krokorok (Everstone) Krookodile Minccino Gothitelle Duosion (Everstone) Vanilluxe Deerling (Winter) (Everstone) Sawsbuck (Spring) Karrablast Amoonguss Frillish (x2, 1x Everstone) Alomomola Galvantula Tynamo (Everstone) Eelektrik (x2) Lampent Beartic Shelmet Stunfisk Druddigon Durant Talonflame Spewpa (Everstone) Flabebe (White) (Everstone) Floette (Blue) Gogoat Furfrou (x2) Malamar Barbaracle Aurorus [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Fri, 16/09/2016 21:43 (8 Years ago) |
I, Xangar, has read and understood the rules, and would like to buy/trade with you! I would like to buy all your gems, just give me the total number of them :D [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 21:32 (8 Years ago) |
I'd be ready to pick up another bunch of Pokemon :) Password is 10. Beedrill (4x) Arbok Golbat Rapidash Grimer (Everstone) Rhyhorn Scyther Sentret (Everstone) Furret Noctowl Pichu Cleffa (2x) Igglybuff Togepi (3x) Sudowoodo Sunkern Yanma Wooper Misdreavus Woobuffet As always, I'll drop you some gems for a rather large order (and 2 gems guaranteed for each Everstone attached) [Read more] |
Xangar OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 186 |
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 09:48 (8 Years ago) |
I would like to buy every gem of yours you currently have. Bug Gems: 550PD each Fairy Gems: 750PD each Normal Gems: 1.111PD each every other gem: 450PD each Obviously not looking for Dragon Gems. Have a nice day! :) [Read more] |