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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from The_Radio_Demoness.
Posted: Thu, 28/01/2021 14:00 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 28/01/2021 10:05 (3 Years ago)

I- No

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Posted: Thu, 28/01/2021 09:32 (3 Years ago)
I can see what I have, if not Ill start my daycare up on breeding

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Posted: Thu, 28/01/2021 08:56 (3 Years ago)

After deep thought, no

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Posted: Thu, 28/01/2021 06:45 (3 Years ago)
Why do you want to become an employee here? : To make money to fund my Shadow/Shiny hunts
Will you work hard each day? : Yes
Username: LugiaQueenX
What i will breed:
Lugia (I wont hatch it I'll give the buyer the voucher for it)
Gardevoir-line (This includes Ralts, Kirlia and Gallade as well)
Dratini line
100pd-1kpd based on the pokemon
the vouchers for 5k, the lowest sell price they are worth

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Posted: Wed, 27/01/2021 05:11 (3 Years ago)
I would prefer not, but the foundation controls my actions so I have no real so over anything,

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Posted: Tue, 26/01/2021 22:42 (3 Years ago)
*The gaurds brought all the SCP's into one room so they're all together*

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Posted: Tue, 26/01/2021 18:55 (3 Years ago)
SCP-s such as myself are allowed no interaction with humans such as "Love" So therefore I must decline.

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Posted: Tue, 26/01/2021 07:54 (3 Years ago)
Uh, no- as an SCP I have no opportunity to feel affection because I am always in containment- Sad days of Being Mal0 ver1.0.0 (Me roleplaying an SCP hence my profile pic)

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 23:44 (3 Years ago)
The plot is based from where SCP's fro multiple locations from the foundation, are taken to a new facility where they try to Neutralize us, some of us are here to help the foundation, such as I, but others, your job is to try to break containment at all costs, even your life.


*I walk in with a guard located behind me, shuffling while looking at my plastic handcuffs* "I dont understand why I must be put into such state... I am a very Neutral SCP here, and have no documented attempts at escape, or murder."

*The guard looked at my back, keeping his gun lowered* "We cant risk anything with you..."

*Two more guards walked in, one of them carrying a Tranq'd SCp-049, the other with a tranq'd 3008-2*

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 23:01 (3 Years ago)
@Megamew1 We already have SCP-049 obtained in containment.

@JesusBlyadd Accepted.

@shadybump1189 Accepted

@ShiftingStreamsyt Acccepted (I forgot Slender was an SCP XD)

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 18:28 (3 Years ago)
I am sorry to infrom you, but 682 is already taken

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 18:12 (3 Years ago)
You have no choice, you were caught- that thing isnt there for that reason.
But accepted

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 18:04 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 18:00 (3 Years ago)
Uuhhhh, you are missing he entire name secition and your security clearance.

you can be
D class, C class, B class, and A class clearance

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 17:55 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 17:50 (3 Years ago)

I k e a
i s
v e r y
m u c h
a p p r o v e d

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 17:35 (3 Years ago)
Both Accepted

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 17:25 (3 Years ago)
Welcome to SCP containment Facility [Deducted]
I, Am Malo0 ver1.0.0, also known as SCP-1471-A. If you are here you have one of two reasons, you are a staff/Personnel, or a direct SCP itself. Now first, lets lay some ground rules.

1. All pokeHeroes rules apply
2. I may reject certain applications due to an SCP's nature.
3. All of this info is classified within the SCP-Founda-[deducted]
4. All SCP's are to remain docile until containment is breached
5. No god level power SCP's

The Scarlet King, Cluthulu, the "God", and the Gate Gaurdian.

Scp foundation worker:
I have been recruited
Name(First,last and abbreviation):
Security Clarence:

SCP form:
Ive been caught-
What SCP you are choosing:

My form :p

SCP form:
Ive been caught-
Username: LugiaQueenX
What SCP you are choosing: Scp-1471-A (Mal0 ver1.0.0)

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 09:31 (3 Years ago)

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