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Posted: Sat, 09/07/2022 17:41 (2 Years ago)
An r rated monty python movie. I'm curious

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Posted: Sat, 09/07/2022 16:45 (2 Years ago)
Yayus 100% yes

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Posted: Sat, 09/07/2022 13:26 (2 Years ago)
It was really realistic. The lady didn't get to explain what retroll meant. But now I know

I don't want to hear retroll and organs in the same sentence again

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Posted: Sat, 09/07/2022 13:23 (2 Years ago)
No more late night zombies on youtube for me

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 16:48 (2 Years ago)
Hello,Gardevoir I would like to sell some pokemon
Pokémon: Houndour, Sharpedo
Shiny: Yes
Mega-able: No
Anything else : We can negotiate in palpad if you like. I'll even throw in something good for free
Mode of payment: Pd or nuggets
Price u want: Price check thread puts them at 460k for both but I'll take 360k

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 05:52 (2 Years ago)
Melody sounds familiar. I think we've talked a tiny bit on ph a little over a year ago

I definitely remember that signature

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 05:49 (2 Years ago)
Haylo there!

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 03:02 (2 Years ago)
Why do that. That's what a signature is for

New record is 28 seconds for 100 clicks

I'm positive it can't go lower than that

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 02:02 (2 Years ago)
Thank you! It's all those speed click saturdays

New record is 32 seconds for 100 clicks

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 01:41 (2 Years ago)
I think I'm the only one here for now. I don't have a breeding pair but I have a few charizard. I can't breed yet as I'm on a shiny breeding job. The charizard are all male. I have one female charmeleon but no extras. I could do that one if you like

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 01:00 (2 Years ago)
To do 100 I've counted about 45 seconds. Sometimes I can do about 30 seconds

This time was 36 seconds for 100

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 00:58 (2 Years ago)
I've counted about maybe 150 in 1 minute. In about 10 minutes it's around 1k

A lot of speed click saturday training

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 00:55 (2 Years ago)
Same time zone

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 00:51 (2 Years ago)
I'm in america but I have a world clock I use because I know someone in australia

Because every second with them counts

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 00:47 (2 Years ago)
Yayus. Their yesterday is our today

It's 10:50 am in melbourne australia

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 00:43 (2 Years ago)
Big pog. It's 15 hours ahead in australia. Tomorrow is their today

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 00:33 (2 Years ago)
I'll take that chance. If it breaks it breaks

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 00:22 (2 Years ago)

This event won't break my chain will it. I checked pokeradar and see nothing on it. I think it's considered as other

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Posted: Fri, 08/07/2022 00:13 (2 Years ago)
𝔅𝔦𝔤 𝔭𝔬𝔤

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Posted: Thu, 07/07/2022 23:14 (2 Years ago)

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