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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from OMFG_HE.
Posted: Sun, 04/08/2024 00:56 (6 Months ago)
Another pseudo legendary in the house, after looong time!

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 23:45 (6 Months ago)
This is beautiful! Spent 250+ pokeballs and finally got it

Intract here:

The latest badge looks dope

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 20:44 (6 Months ago)
All 3 Sinooh starters in one day! Cool 😎
Big thanks to those who didn't grab them 🤪

Order of acquisition: Piplup > Chimchar > Turtwig

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 18:20 (6 Months ago)

Leafeon is here!!!!

Chimchar is here!!!!

First plate discovered:

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 15:49 (6 Months ago)
Welcome to the family, Piplup!

With this amazingly fortunate find, only starters missing are Treecko, Chimchar, Snivy, Tepig, Litten, Grookey and Quaxly lines!

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Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 07:00 (6 Months ago)
Via trade (since lab makes procurement of starters excessively difficult):

Gonna breed to get entire lineup, soon...


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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2024 21:19 (6 Months ago)
Haven't posted about it before, but I've finally managed to accumulate 600k PD. Long road ahead since the goal is to touch 1 mill for the... some badge. Auctions and berry bulletin missions are helping cover some distance. Hoping to touch 1 mill soon!

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2024 18:50 (6 Months ago)
Thank you, super rod!!!!!

Oof! Nice 😃

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2024 00:48 (7 Months ago)
Quite a few new additions:

Mega-abled Scyther! How cool is that!

Diggersby, via auction

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Posted: Thu, 01/08/2024 18:30 (7 Months ago)

Another good find! Welcome to the family 🙂

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Posted: Thu, 01/08/2024 16:57 (7 Months ago)
Repeat after me, berries and PD should not be part of mystery boxes. The nature of these boxes is understandable but for folks to collect one (and a key) and open it to get this... is underwhelming

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Posted: Thu, 01/08/2024 14:16 (7 Months ago)
Hello, super rod! Thank Arceus for finally gifitng the 1x Shellder that had been stalling the upgrade 🤯

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Posted: Thu, 01/08/2024 00:09 (7 Months ago)

Another starter from Lab! Welcome to the family, can't wait to gigantamax it 😄

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Posted: Wed, 31/07/2024 13:58 (7 Months ago)

Exchanged extra E for a U

Got E R U and have many others to acquire 😓

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 22:26 (7 Months ago)

Another Unown!!!


Wanna find out if the lab had generously offered 4 Taillow?

Click below to find out 🤭

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 13:13 (7 Months ago)

Lab egg:

Wonder trade:

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Posted: Mon, 29/07/2024 19:52 (7 Months ago)
When this

Led to this

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Posted: Sun, 28/07/2024 20:14 (7 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 28/07/2024 20:09 (7 Months ago)
Do you take payment in kidneys? 😅
Bad jokes aside, the collection is awesome!

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2024 21:53 (7 Months ago)

1st one from the... that quest

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