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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Masked_Shadow.
Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 23:04 (3 Years ago)
Angle looked at the young dragons and smiled.He drew up some magic and created a cool mystic aura on the ceiling.He was happy he got to show the dragons nice things.He was happy to help out to as he summoned some berries for the dragons.

Meanwhile in Nico's head

Demon was mad.How dare angle take his spotlight.Then,he saw Nico watching with a smile he grabbed Nico and started to beat him up."Hey why am I stuck here"He growled at Nico.Then,Nico sent him a thought that rushed at him.He saw the experiments and a voice said "This is the reason you are here I didn't make you,they did".

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Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 14:02 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 14:02 (3 Years ago)

Wait to head pat me I think you just have to pet the crying mask

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 17:56 (3 Years ago)
nice shadowing

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 17:36 (3 Years ago)
Nico's demon was surprised.He never thought he would be able to have friends.Then,angle took over.Nico's wings turned white and a halo appeared above his head."Aw your soooooooooo cute"Angle said like a child.

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 02:20 (3 Years ago)
Mafia member

bruh it is a wolf mask I failed at doing ok

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 02:09 (3 Years ago)
masked stranger

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 02:02 (3 Years ago)
kinda plain

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 02:02 (3 Years ago)
banned cause I finally changed my avatar

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 01:59 (3 Years ago)
evil I think

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 01:14 (3 Years ago)
can I donate or sell you some gems
or work here

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 01:12 (3 Years ago)
Nico felt his demon side grow in power.His body had flames linger around it.He roared.His soul was forced out and out came his demon side in control of his body.His wings grew darker and the ice orbs faded replaced by black fire.

I mean we needed an antagonist so what better way to do it

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 00:45 (3 Years ago)
Leah watched in the shadows and cast a shadow ball at the team rocket grunts knocking them over.Leah smiled after years of pain she finally got her revenge.

super rushed

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 00:36 (3 Years ago)
Banned cause IDC

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 00:33 (3 Years ago)
Nico kept his calm and made a shield of light,but then,The light corrupted.He relised his demon side was kicking in and froze in fear the corrupted light still protected the other dragons from the beast.The corrupted light laughed as it fed off of Nico's fear"stay back this is my demon side I didn't mean for it to happen"Nico said crying

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 00:19 (3 Years ago)
Nico woke up his wings illuminated the cave."Huh,wait is that a dragon"Nico asked.He never saw a dragon in his life.He walked toward dragon and started to illuminate the room with frosted ice bubbles that glowed.He nelt beside the dragon and saw behind the dragon a site he had never seen before.A whole group of dragon eggs and baby dragons behind the girl baby dragon."What is our name?"the dark angle asked the baby dragon."Mine is Nico"he added.

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 00:11 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 31/05/2021 00:09 (3 Years ago)
i can help a good idea would be to start rumbling on one map only unless you have multiple explorer bags that you can use and get a max input from that one map.you can palpad me for help @Gamer_Bandit

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Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 23:55 (3 Years ago)
"Let's start the extraction"A man said as the machine turned on.Nico felt his body pull in many angles.He felt his resolve for life fade.He felt,empty.Then,a blinding light came.He rose to his feet with shaky wings beside him."You okay?"asked the angle that revived him"Why are your wings broken?"."I don't know"Nico said crying.Then,Nico's magic flared sending fire and ice at the same time to the angle.The angle smiled at him"I think I will train you.You are very special Nico."."Wait,How did you know my name?"Nico asked."When I revived your life force I say everything about you pop up,"the angle replied."By the way my name is Sidney"the angle I mean Sidney added.

Nico walked through the ruins of the lab.He cried.Did he do all this?He walked through the ruins and found a note book in it were detailed notes about his new body.He was happy that he had a mentor,but then,Nico heard shouts coming from where the angle was.His blood chilled.He rushed over there and found that the angle was dead.He cried over his mentor and a mirage appeared.It showed the angle."Don't cry your magic allows me to live on with you.I can stay by your side.I will help you.I will keep you from the demon that killed me."the angle said."Thank you."Nico replied

3 years later

Nico rushed out of his little cottage he made.He was sad cause the demons came.They took away Sidney(the angle that saved him).Sidney had told him to run as they sucked her soul dry.He ran and found a cave.He settled into a space near the back and grew a patch of moss to settle him down.He never did saw the baby dragons or relise that the rocks were actually eggs.He remembered all his lessons and had dreams of his mentor Sidney and all she taught him about all the elements except fire.The corrupted one she called it.He also brought his journal he found in the wreckage of the lab.

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Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 20:00 (3 Years ago)

How am I alive?
Name:Celestia Ludenberg
From One of the Five Civilized Planets?:no
If no, Universe? (if applicable):Danganronpa
she wears black and has red eyes.She wears this weird ring on one of her fingers.
Personality:Likes to gamble and keeps calm in most situations
Backstory (how they died is mandatory, anything else is optional):execution
New Power:pulling cards out of no where that paper cut her enemies to death.
Old Power(s): (opt)none

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