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Searching for: Posts from Khuzdul.
Posted: Mon, 31/07/2017 05:03 (6 Years ago)
If that offer is still up I can do it ^^

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Posted: Tue, 25/07/2017 04:12 (6 Years ago)
Would anyone be willing to trade a Burlap Mantle for a Twice-Dyed or Mysterious Mantle?

There's none on the AH and I don't have high enough level to brew one myself -n-

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Posted: Mon, 24/07/2017 02:18 (6 Years ago)
Added ^^

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Posted: Sun, 23/07/2017 21:05 (6 Years ago)
Hey guys! Happy Thundercrack : D

I'm selling this boy

He's on the AH for 300g, but I think I can haggle a lower price. I'm trying to get a Golem Gauntlet for my Lightning rep ono
He's a gen1, almost XYY, and hasn't been bred.

Also selling Black Frames(100g), Silver Sylvan Dress(200g), and Black Aviator Coat(200g)

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Posted: Sun, 23/07/2017 05:24 (6 Years ago)
Order up!


Hope you like it! Let me know if you want me to not have it cropped..



Hope you like them! Doing the sprite was kinda hard >> You can't really see his markings very well..
Let me know if you want anything changed!

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Posted: Sun, 23/07/2017 02:41 (6 Years ago)
Hi friends!

So, I've figured out how to make my doodles transparent. So now you can ask them to be transparent (:
Also, I can do colored doodles like this

If anyone wants colored ones ^^
(They'd probably be more filled in than this though)


I found a little program I can use to make some gif things.

Avatars should be easy.
As of right now, I can't do any special effects, rounded corners, etc. Borders, resizing, cropping, I can do though!
They have Sepia, Monochrome and Grey Scale (Black and white) that I can do.
(Monochrome looks all static-y. I'll make an example..)

Gif things will be under Graphics~

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Posted: Sat, 22/07/2017 06:17 (6 Years ago)
I didn't even see anyone posted ono my bad >>

Either way, you're added ^^

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Posted: Thu, 20/07/2017 01:02 (6 Years ago)
Got a dragon for sale~

Gen1, not bred, etc. etc.

I'm not sure on a price, in a IC thread on FR I thought 500-600 gems (or equivalent in treasure) but I don't know if he's worth that much >>
He's only two off of a XYY, so maybe? Idk.

Shoot me an offer if you want him!

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Posted: Thu, 13/07/2017 02:59 (6 Years ago)
(Still selling those dragons)

Is anyone willing to trade 60K PD for 30KT? I'm trying to get an accent and I only need about 30K more ono

Or I have two Hewn Philosopher's Veils that I'd sell for about 30-35KT. If anyone's interested in that.

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Posted: Wed, 12/07/2017 20:49 (6 Years ago)
Hiya guys!
I'm selling a few dragons. They're already on the AH, but prices can be negotiated if need be.

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Posted: Wed, 12/07/2017 20:12 (6 Years ago)
Added ^^

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Posted: Wed, 12/07/2017 19:32 (6 Years ago)
Added both!

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Posted: Thu, 06/07/2017 20:50 (6 Years ago)
Sorry guys!

List has been updated (:

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Posted: Wed, 05/07/2017 18:34 (7 Years ago)
Order up!

Here's your avatar!

Hope you like it! Let me know if you want anything changed, added, etc.

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Posted: Thu, 29/06/2017 01:34 (7 Years ago)
To late.

Make yourself at home, just whatever you do, don't go into the lounge.

Please tell you guys have seen or played Clue..

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Posted: Wed, 28/06/2017 19:19 (7 Years ago)
I haven't. I always forget that they're a thing >>

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Posted: Wed, 28/06/2017 19:14 (7 Years ago)
So, I've been trying to sell this boy for like a month. He's not selling, even for low price for a gened gen1

Maybe it's because he only have two genes. Maybe it's because of his colors. I don't know.
He's on the AH for 70KT at the moment, but I can go lower if anyone here wants him.
I think I started out at like 150KT, because y'know, gened gen1. But yeah.

Really don't want to go lower than like 45KT.

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Posted: Tue, 27/06/2017 18:26 (7 Years ago)
So, I was minding my own business, scavenging for Immaculate Tablets.
When all of a sudden..

An egg. My own, scavenged egg! I'm so excited, this is the first egg I've gotten on my own <3
And, she's not to bad!


my child

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Posted: Tue, 27/06/2017 18:07 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 27/06/2017 01:50 (7 Years ago)
I'm a flightriser!
Username: Four
FR Username: Fourr
About how often do you get online?: Like everyday. Most of the time. Every now and then I have a busy day. I'm usually on for a long time each day.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Oh I love all my dragons. But I'll go with Indominus (:

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Well, I'm in Plague, so Plague I guess. I really like the eye color, and the aesthetic of Plague.

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